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Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

tmpD,Hvl@tcGifhta&;aumfr&Sif/ tmpD,HtrsKd;orD;ESifh uav;tcGifhta&;aumfr&Siftay: wkdifyif!dSE_dif;r_ tpnf;ta0;. tpD&ifcHpm

1? tpnf;ta0;.jzpfay:yHk - Ttpnf;ta0;onf Forum Asia ulnDaxmufyHhjyD; OD;aqmifusif;ycJhjcif; jzpfonf?


2? &nf&G,fcsufrsm; - tmpD,Hyd^m%fpmwrf;ukd avhvm&ef/ aqG;aEG;&ef? - tmpD,Hyd^m%fpmwrf;ESifhtnD ay:aygufvmaom tmpD,Hvl@tcGifhta&;aumfr&Sif/ a&G@ajymif; tvkyform;aumfESifh uav;ESifh trsKd;orD;tcGifhta&;aumfr&Sifta=umif;ukd avhvm&ef/ aqG; aEG;&ef/ tqkdjyK&ef? - tmpD,Hvl@tcGifhta&;aumfr&SiftwGuf Task Force on ASEAN Human Rights tzGJ@rS tqkd jyKxm;wJh vkyfxHk;vkyfenf;rsm; ESifh pnf;urf;rsm; rl=urf;ukd avhvm&ef/ aqG;aEG;&efESifh jrefrm EkdifiHtwGuf v_yf&Sm;aewJh vlxktajcjyKtoif;tzGJ@rsm;taejzifh vkdtyfaom t=uH^m %frsm;ukd t=uHjyKwifjyay;&ef? - tmpD,H jynfol@pHk&yftzGJ@ ASEAN Peoples Forum ta=ummif;avhvm&efESifh vkyfaqmifcsuf xJrSm vlxktajcjyKtoif;tzGJ@rsm;taejzifh xJxJ0if0if yl;aygif;r_rsm; wkd;yGm;rsm;jym;vmatmif wkdifyifaqG;aEG;&ef/ 3? yg0ifwufa&mufaomtzGJ@tpnf;rsm; trnf ESifh ta&twGuf - Ttpnf;ta0;wGif rJaqmufjrdK@tajcjyKwJhtzGJ@tpnf;rsm;ukd atmufygtwkdif;azmfjyxm;onf? 1? jrefrmEkdifiHa&S@aersm;aumifpD (eef;&Srf;&Smazmif/ Andrea/ Edkifv0Datmif) 2? Burma Partnership 3? Forum Asia

Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

4? AASYC 5? KHRG 6? Asian Burma 7? BWU 8? Irrawaddy 9? a&mifjcnfOD; 10? Mockha 11? uav;arG;pm&if;tzGJ@ 12? CPPCR 13? KNGY 14? ------ Ttpnf;ta0;rSm tm;vHk; (25)OD;cef@ wufa&mufcJhonf? 4? tpnf;ta0;. tcsdefumvESifh usif;rnfhae&m - Ttpnf;ta0;ukd 2010 ckESpf ZGefv (28)rS (29)&ufae@txd usif;ycJhonf? - Ttpnf;ta0;usif;ycJhrnfhae&mwGif Wattana Hotel rSm usif;yjyKcJhonf? 5? tpnf;ta0;. aqG;aEG;csufrsm; tusOf; ta&S@awmiftm&SEkdifiHrsm;toif;-tmpD,H (Association of the South Asia Nations ASEAN) ay: aygufvmyHk/ aemufcHta=umif;/ yg0ifaomtzGJ@0ifrsm;/ toif;=uD;. &nf&G,frsm;ESifh tajccHrlrsm;/ Ttoif; =uD;.tzGJ@0ifEkdifiHrsm;. taxGaxGtajctaersm;/ tmpD,HzGH@jzdK;wkd;wufvmr_tqifhqifh/ tmpD,Htpdk;&. jzwfoef;cJhaomtcsdefumvESifh tajccHrl0g'rsm;ta=umif;/ tmpD,H. 1997 rS 2020 ckESpftxd tajrmf tjrifta=umif;/ AD,uferfEkdifiH. [EGrf;jrdK@rSm aqG;aEG;csrSwfcJhwJh EkdifiHwumvl@tcGifhta&;a=unmpmwrf;/ uav;oabmwlpmcsKyfESifh trsKd;orD;pmcsKyfrsm;ukd tmpD,Htoif;=uD;.tzGJ@0iftcsif;csif;t=um; owif; tcsuftvufrsm;ukd r#a0&efESifh taumiftxnf azmf&efta=umif;/ tmpD,H. uav;a=unmpmwrf; ta=umif;/ 2003 ckESpf tmpD,HcsrSwfcJhwJha'gufwkdif=uD; (3)ckjzpfwJh EkdifiHa&;ESifh vHkjcHKa&;qkdif&m a'gufwkdif/ vlr_-,Ofaus;r_qkdif&m a'gufwkdifESifh pD;yGm;a&;qkdif&m a'gufwkdifta=umif;/ tmpD,Ha'otwGif;Y trsKd; orD;rsm;tay: csKd; azmufr_rsm;ukd z,fxkwf&ef xkwfjyefvkdufaoma=unmpmwrf;ta=umif;/ uav;ESifh

Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

trsKd;orD;awGtay: ukeful;r_rsm; qef@usif&ef a=unmpmwrf;ta=umif;/ 2004 ckESpf csrSwfcJhwJh (2004 ckESpf rS 2010 ckESpftx) AD,uferf;v_yf&Sm;pDrHudef;ESifh tmpD,Ha'otwGif;Y jzpfyGm;aewJh a&G@ajymif;tvkyform; rsm;. tcGifhta&;ukd umuG,fjcif;ESifh jrSifhwifjcif;tay: 2007 ckESpfrSm xkwfjyefcJhwJha=unm. &nfrSef;csuf/ OD;wnfcsufrsm;/ zGJ@pnf;yHk/ ,EW,m;rsm;/ vkyfaqmifyHkrsm;ta=umif;/ tmpD,Hvl@tcGifhta&;ESifh pyfv#Of;I jyXmef;xm;wJhvl@tcGifhta&;pmcsKyfrsm; - 2001 ckESpf uav;tcGifhta&;rsm;tay: a=unmpmwrf;/ 2004 ckESpf trsKd;orD;awGtay: csKd;azmufr_rsm;ukd z,fxkwf&ef a=unmpmwrf;/ 2004 ckESpf uav;ESifh trsKd;orD; rsm;tay: vlukeful;r_rsm;ukd wkdufzsuf&ef a=unmpmwrf;/ 2007 ckESpf a&G@ajymif;tvkyform;rsm; tcGifh ta&;umuG,fay;jcif;ESifh jrSifhwifay;jcif; a=unmpmwrf;ESifh 2008 ckESpf tmpD,H yd^m%fpmwrf; (tmpD,H csmwm)ta=umif;/ tmpD,H. &nf&G,fcsufrsm;ukd avhvmcJha=umif;/ tmpD,Hvl@tzGJ@tpnf;ESifh tmpD,H. wnf&dSaewJha'gufwkdif=uD; (3)ckukd csdwfpyfavhvma=umif;/ tmpD,HrSm vuf&dStaumiftxnfazmfaewJh uav;ESifh trsKd;orD;tcGifhta&;aumfr&SifESifh a&G@ajymif;tvkyform;tcGifhta&;qkdif&ma=unmpmwrf;a&;q GJ a&;aumfrwDta=umif;wkd@ukd avhvmcJh? tmpD,Hvl@tcGifhta&;aumfr&SiftwGuf tjyKxm;wJh vl@tcGifhta&;qkdif&m vkyfxHk;vkyfenf;rsm;ESifh pnf;urf;csufukd TvkyfxHk;vkyfenf;&J@ &nf&G,fcsuf/ rl0g'/ zGJ@yHk/ tzGJ@0ifrsm;ESifh a&G;cs,fyHk/ vkyfykdifcGifhrsm;ESifh vkyfaqmifyHkpojzifh tjyeftvSefaqG;aEG;cJhonf? TtqkdjyKv$mudk tajccHI xkdaumfr&SiftaeeJ@vGwfvyf pGmvkyfaqmifEkdif&ef/ ol@&JhvkyfykdifcGifhrsm;ukd vuf&dStmpD,Hcsmwm. t"duuswJhrl jynfwGif;a&; 0ifrpGufzuf a&;rlukd ausmfv$m;Ekdifatmif xkdaumfr&Sif. Mandates jyXmef;csufxJrSm 0ifpGufa&;rlvnf;rxdckdufatmif tmpD,HEkdifiHtoD;oD;jzpfyGm;wJhvl@tcGifhta&;csKd;azmufr _rsm;ukdvnf; umuG,fEkdifatmif Complementarity Principle ukd tajccHI aumfr&SiftaeeJhusifhoHk;oifha=umif; jrefrmEkdifiHa&S@aersm;aumifpDtzGJ@rS t=uHjyKcJh onf?

Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

tmpD,Hcsmwmtykd'f (14)ESifhtnD Tvl@tcGifhta&;aumfr&Siftay: vkyfxHk;vkyfenf;ESifh pnf;urf; csufrsm;ukd jyXmef;xm;onf? 4if;twGuf ta&;=uD;aom tykd'frsm;onf txl;ojzifh tykd'f 4-6/ 4-8/ 4-9/ 4-10/ 4-12/ 6-2/ 68/ 7-1 ESifh tykd'f 9-6 wkd@jzpfygonf? TtmpD,Hvl@tcGifhta&;aumfr&Sif. vkyfxHk; vkyfenf;rsm;t& 'Daumfr&Sif vlxktajccHjyKtzGJ@tpnf;rsm;eJ@twl yl;aygif;vkyfaqmifvkyfief;pOfrsm;ESifh vkyfief;pDrHcsufrsm;vnf; csrSwfxm;onf? tmpD,Hvl@tcGifhta&;aumfr&Sif. vkyfxHk;vkyfenf;rsm;tay: teD;uyfapmifh=unfhavhvmoGm;&ef &nf&G,fI 'Dtpnf;ta0;xJrSm aumfrwDw&yf zGJ@pnf;EkdifcJhonf? xkdaumfrwDonf rJaqmufjrdK@rSm tajcjyK jyD; aumfr&Sif. wkd;wufajymif;vJr_rsm;ukd avhvm&ef jzpfonf? TaumfrwD. tzGJ@0ifrsm;onf (5)OD;&dSyg w,f? 1? a'gufwmodef;Ekdif (jrefrmha&;yl;aygif;aqmif&Gufolrsm; Burma Partnership)/ 2? ukdwkd;wkd; (ynmXme) 3? epf (jrefrmha&;yl;aygif;aqmif&Gufolrsm; Burma Partnership)/ 4? cs,f&D (vl@tcGifhta&;ynmay;Xme jrefrmEkdifiH) 5? Ekdifv0Datmif (jrefrmEkdifiHa&S@aersm;aumifpD) vmrnfh 2010 ckESpf/ *sLvkdifv (19)rS (28)&ufae@txd usif;yrnfh tmpD,HEkdifiHjcm;a&;0ef=uD;rsm;tpnf; ta0;rSm jrefrmEkdifiHta&;ESifh ywfoufI tmpD,Hjynfol@qHk&yf (ASEAN Peoples Forum) rSwqifh tmpD,HEkdifiHjcm;a&;0ef=uD;rsm; tpnf;ta0;xHokd@ wifjyEkdif&ef wkdifyifaqG;aEG;cJhonf? t"dustqkdjycJhwJh ta=umif;t&mrsm;wGif 2010 a&G;aumufyGJudpP/ EsL;uvD,m;udpP/ rl;,pfaq;0g;ukeful;r_udpP/ a&G@ajymif; tvkyform;ESifh uav;ESifh trsKd;orD;udpPwkd@ aqG;aEG;oabmwlnD&&dScJhonf? TudpPESifh ywfoufI v_yf&Sm;r_taersm;uawmh rD'D,mukd tajccHjyD; v_yf&Sm;oGm;&ef/ xkwfjyefcsufrsm;ukd xkwfjyefoGm;&ef/ oufqkdif&mtjcm;tzGJ@tpnf;rsm;ESifh vufwGJyl;aygif;oGm;&efwkd@ukd csrSwfcJhonf?

Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

tao;pdwfrSwfwrf;rsm;ukd TtpD&ifcHESifhtwl atmufygtwkdif yl;wGJwifjyxm;ygonf?

tao;pdwfodvkdaomtjcm;aomtcsuftvufrsm; Ekdifv0Datmifukd ar;jref;Ekdifonf?

rSwfwrf;wifol - Ekdifv0Datmif Xme - vlxkqufqHa&;Xme yl;wGJvkyfief;rsm; Oya'a&;&moHk;oyfa&;vkyfief;rsm;ESifh vkyfief;rsm;


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On National Consultation Workshop on AICHR and ACWC DAY ONE RECORD

Introduction - introducing about meeting for the first day; - intro. and ASEAN and Human Rights and background of AICHR - Update after the AICHR establishment - intro. and update of ACWC - intro. and update of ACMW Session (1): Intro. and ASEAN and human rights and background of AICHR Brainstorming: - exchanging ideas about the ASEAN each participants: Why do we need to discuss about the ASEAN? - human rights standards with level of the International human rights Standards - needing to discuss on conditions of different social strata, economic standards, political circumstances, - regional human rights commission Presentation spoke by Aung Myo Min - historical background of emerged circumstances of ASEAN. - 1967 August 8 formed ASEAN and five countries (Thai, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and Indonesia) signed to form ASEAN. - laid down two points of objectives of ASEAN 1) Economic growths 2) Regional security - Chronological development of ASEAN - Timeframe: ASEAN for government (1967 2007) - protecting sovereignty

Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

independence state no intervention and pressures from ASEAN and others participation and peace Fourth 10s ASEAN Version coming 2010 (may be 2015) - a community of caring societies - equal opportunities as food, housing, others. - 2001 ASEAN declaration on the commitment of child - 2004 ASEAN declaration on the elimination on violence of women - 2007 ASEAN Declaration promotion on migrant - Objectives/Goals of ASEAN - 10 objectives on economic, social, peace and stable, - ASEAN New - ASEAN Security community - ASEAN Economic Community - ASEAN Socio-cultural Community - ACWC and ACMW How to ASEAN cooperate with China and India? ASEAN plus 3 Economic Forums such as Japan, South Korea, China and India. Introduction AICHR (introduced by Aung Myo Min) - accordance with Article 14 of ASEAN Charter - members of AICHR are appointed by government and term of 3 yrs based on consensus agreement. - terms of reference of Rules and Procedures - important articles of AICHR Art. 4.6., Art. 4.8, Art. 4.9, Art. 4.10, Art. 4.12, Art. 6.2., Art. 6.8, Art. 7.1, Art. 9.6, Update on AICHR - AICHR is ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights - Representatives of AICHR are from member states of ASEAN (e.g., U Kyaw Tint Shwe from Myanmar) - AICHR couldnt officially communicate with civil society orgs after associated the ASEAN but, it is informally communicated with civil society orgs - it formed under the Art. 14 of Charter of ASEAN Progress of the AICHR - informal meeting before their 1st meeting in the ASEAN Secretariat on Oct and Dec 2009. o at that time, they achieved human rights thematic issue 2010-2015 the Outline of Rules of Procedures Urgency of public awareness on the visibility of the AICHR Urgency of the full fledge secretariat - March to April 2010 1st Meeting in the ASEAN Secretariat: o Discussed the formulation of the Rules of Procedures and the development of the Five Years Work Plan o Had consultation with the relevant ASEAN sectoral bodies, including the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR), the Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD) and the ASEAN Committee on Women (ACW)

Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

Agreed with SOMSWD and ACW on the necessary steps to ensure the proper alignment of the would be ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC) with them Retreat in Hanoi 24-25 May 2010. o No more progressive information 2nd Meeting in of Tuy Hoa, Phu Yen Veitman. During this meeting they plan to (tentative) o Adopted the Rules of Procedure o Discusses the workplace (included is the drafting of ASEAN Declaration on Human Rights) o Priority issues o Finalization part on three. All doc should get endorsement from the ASEAN Committee Permanent Representatives and approved by the ten Foreign Ministers. o of Civil Society Agenda on the AICHR Ensuring civil society engagement is adopted in the RoP Strategizing the work plan of AICHR with civil society advocacy Advocating the content of ASEAN Declaration on HRs.

Progress -

Q and A: Can you explain what have been done of AICHR from perspective of Civil Society issues? Asked by representative of Burma Partnership - the RoP just stay document. - The final information that AICHR does not say anything to meet civil society. - The civil society sent the suggestions on the proceedings of Rule of Procedures but no responses from AICHR (said by Aung Myo Min). - There are very restricts on works of AICHR as Chairman of Vietnam How many ASEAN countries, in term of percentage, to accept opinions and suggestions from civil society orgs in comparisons between Thai and Burma situation? (asked Naw San) - The Burmese Civil Society Orgs may contact with Indonesia and Thai. - Coming year the Indonesia will be seated in a Chair of AICHR. Agendas 1) Introduction on Update of ACWC 2) Introduction on Update of ACMC 3) Introduction on APE Rememorized morning discussions 1) Introduction on Update of ACWC - ASEAN mechanism for women - Body as ASEAN Committee on Women ACW - ASEAN AICHR - ASEAN Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACMC) - Civil Society Process - What is ACWC? - Inter-governmental body, consultation and consensus in making decision - Policy making as well as implementing body

Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

- Independent body from AICHR but coordinated in nature - Recognized victims, women and children and civil society as part of its stakeholders - Advocating on behalf of women and children is part of its mandates - Chair will be elected, subsequent chair will retate according the chairpersonship of the ASEAN Formation ACWC - stands for ASEAN Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children - Lauched in 7 April (without the presence of the Philippines and Myanmar) during the 16th ASEAN Summit 2010 - its TOR was finalized on 23 October 2009, adopted during the 15th Meeting ACWC - interim meeting on 7 April 2010, PM - Result, First Meeting on 5-6 August 2010 - 4 August 2010 is planned to be NGO Forum - Agenda: - work plan, Priority Issues - Alignment issue, RoP - Possible revision of the TOR ACWC - Possible joint meeting with AICHR Important Article - Art. 5-2- Art. 5.5 - Art. 5.9 - Art. 5.14 Civil Society Engagement - Art. 2.3. Purpose - Art. 3.9 Principles - Art. 5.5. Issues - ACWC reports to ASEAN Ministerial meeting for social welfare development with copy funish to Senior ACWCs Current Work - discussing work plans (Art. 8.1.)

Introduction on Update of ACMW [ASEAN On The Implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights Women] - ACMW Process - three bodies of Human Rights - Socio-cultural Community - Economic Community - General Principles - national laws and policies precede over human rights undocumented MWs. - Commitments - task the relevant ASEAN bodies to follow up on the Declaration and to develop as ASEAN instrument on the protection and promotion of the rights of MWs. - Committee of ACMW - Purpose/functions - to ensure effective implementation of the commitment made under Declaration - Facilitate/work towards the development of an ASEAN instruments on MWs

Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

- Composition: 10 member states - Drafting Committee of ACMW - 2 sending countries (Indonesia and Philippines) - 2 receiving countries (Thai and Malaysia) - 1st and 2nd meeting 2009 - TOR/work plan of the DT adopted - Indonesia - ASEAN Forum on Migrant and Labor - platform for broad-based discussions on migrant labor Introduction on Update ASEAN Peoples Forum APF - prior 2005 Burma advocacy mainstreaming Burma Lawyers' Council - 2005 ASEAN Civil Society Conference, Shah Alam, Malaysia Organized by ASEAN Center think tank. - Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 10 representatives per country composed of government-controlled NGOs () interface Note: representative civil society orgs nominated by the national government to attend this meeting, e.g., USDA and Women Org attended this meeting. - 2006 ASEAN Civil Society Conference 2, Cebu City, Philippines ASEAN Summit cancelled due to typhoon, January 2007 Media team, - 2007 ASEAN Society conference 3, Singapore. - 2009 ASEAN Civil Society Conference 4/Asean Peoples Forum, February 2009, Bangkok () interface - 2009 ASEAN Civil Society Conference 5/Asean Peoples Forum, October 2009, Hua Hin. - no interface - Presence of government NGOs from Cambodia, Burma, Vietnam - October 2009, Hua Hin initial meeting with Vietnamese participants on APF process (Note: the defined as meaning of civil society in this Conference). Pre-Vietnam Hosting, February 2010 Delegation of Regional CSOs met with various groups in Hanoi May 15 2010 APF orientation meeting with Vietnam organizations May 29 2010 first consultative preparatory meeting 2010 ASEAN Peoples Forum 6, September 2010 - Explaining about First Preparatory Consultative Meeting in May 15, 2010 (ASEAN Peoples Forum: Concept Paper) - Forum: September 23-26 2010 at Hanoi in Vietnam DAY TWO RECORDS Agendas 1) Discussing on A Proposal of the Rules of Procedure of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights AICHR Three Areas (rememorizing DAY ONE discussions) AICHR ACWC ACMW AICHR Terms of References TOR adopted 2009. launched on Oct 23 2009. Overarching body inter-governmental, consultative, lack of protection mandate and complaint mechanism

Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

10 members from 10 member states for 3 yrs. first meeting on March 28, 2010. second meeting on June 28, 2010. Rules of Procedure (ROP) was draft and probably approved in second meeting. - 5 yrs work plan will be finalized and 16 months priority issues is planned. ACWC - TOR was adopted on 23 Oct 2009. - 10 for women and 10 for children - launched in 7 April, 2010 (without Philippines and Myanmar) during the 16th ASEAN Summit. - First meeting will be 5-6 Aug 2010. - Work plan, Priority Issues, Alignment issue, ROP will be discussed. - Possible revision of the TOR ACWC.

ACMW (Committee) - 10 members from 10 countries - Drafting Committee for ASEAN instrument on MWs: (Indonesia and the Philippines) (Malaysia and Thailand) now added Laos and Vietnam. - Meeting three times. ASEAN Peoples Forum APF - 26-29 Sep 2010 - Hanoi, Vietnam - Organized by Vietnam Selection of Participants - who from what country, selection process Composition of the committee Optional (1) APF SC shall be composed of 10 countries representatives selected by their respective national processes. Optional (2) APF SC shall be composed with full voting powers selected by their respective national processes, and 3 regional network respective with no voting powers. Thematic Issues by VOC - Building ASEAN Community and regional integration - CS and ASEAN - Economic integration and cooperation; trade - Social issues Other themes by CSOs - cross border issues: - Peace and conflict Burma Advocacy (Pre-requisite) - Who? - What messages? - Migrant worker issue, Refuge issue, Drug and human, particularly


Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

women and children, trafficking - Nuclear issue as in term of threatening to regional peace and security. - others. - How to? Intro. A Proposal of ROP (Summary) 1) Objectives 2) Policies 3) Kind of Organization 4) Mandate and Function 5) Composition a. Membership b. Qualifications c. Terms of office d. Duties e. Power 6) Functioning a. Decisions b. Sessions c. Reports d. Information e. Communication f. -------7) Financial 8) General Provisions GROUPS DISCUSSIONS on A Proposal of the ROP 1) Objectives - lacking of protection mechanisms - not clear, in particular, implementing process on Human Rights - no more mandates and independence of the Commission 2) Policies - Commission as level of studying team - weakness on representatives composition and the role of making processes - to create and establish routing for SCOs to participate with Commission - Need to promote mandates of Commission 3) Functioning 4) - Need to extend mandates for Commission linking with Objectives and Polices of the ROP [Launch Time] Work Plans (1) Tactics of Human Rights Protection - ROP (2010) - 5 yrs agenda (2010) - Review of ROF (2014) (2) ASEAN Declaration of Human Rights - Ad Hoc Committee (2010)


Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

- studies (2010)-11 - Declaration to Convention (?) (such C2 as Commission, Convention,) C3 such as Commission, Convention, Court - legal cooperation (?) (3) Education (Public Awareness) - General AICHR info (2010) - workshop with CSO (2010)-11 - HR education (2010)-11 - Media on AICHR (?) - website (2010)-11 (4) Capacity Building - Needing Assessment (2010-11) - annual regional training (2011) - Thematic Training (?) - Share good practice (2011) - AICHR exchange visit (2010-11) (5) singing international law and/or treaty (CRC etc) (6) Declarations of ASEAN to implement in international level and translation (2010-11) (7) supporting technologies with ASEAN institutions consulting with orgs (8) ASEAN consulting with CSOs to prepare ROP (2010) (9) meeting with NHRI to consult to prepare the ROP of AICHR (2010) - NHRI as institutional organization; independent organization; full powers; guidelines as Paris Principle; - NHRI in ASEAN such Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia (10) gathering HR info and report of HR (which reported by government of ASEAN) (11) regional HR issues (how do AICHR implement?) (12) theme of studies on ASEAN HR (2010-11) - Cooperate Social Responsibility - Migration - Trafficking - Child soldiers - W/Child in conflict/disaster - Juvenile Justice - right to Info in criminal justice - right to health - right to education - right to life Chapter (13) - annual and thematic reports of ASEAN AICHR (2010-11) - meeting with AMM (2010-11) Regional Human Rights Standard 1) Commission a. AICHR i. Protection ii. Complaint mechanism iii. 2) Convention (2010) a. Hopeful as Declaration 3) Court ASEAB Peoples Forum APF - it comprises with more COS - goal, objectives, policies and tactics of the APF


Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)

- presently, what do want the APF to do? (coming APF agenda) - Nuclear, environmental issues - other themes - migration - Dam/climate change - Natural disaster - media approaches - thematic, document, video - media strategies Burma history - highlight impunity Rule of Law - policy, widespread/systematic - Alternative venue of APF - Pre-APF Regional Conference with regional group (Burma and AICHR)??? - discuss themes related to Burma, media strategy - arrange site visit to migrant community by AICHR/ACWC members - Burmese with Passport - Communication/update at Vietnam/local bases - media person based Thai and setup APF Team/solidarity group - need to form committee to follow up and TACDB etc approach Committee Members 1) Dr. Thein Naing 2) Toe Toe (?) 3) Nik 4) Lawe 5) Cherry ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting AMM - Foreign ministers to decide SUMMIT agenda - July 19-28 2010. - APF propose SUMMIT Sept (Heads of ASEAN) - Messages to Foreign Ministries of ASEAN - 2010 election (1st step free and fair 2nd step not recognize result of Election. - Consensus (Nuclear) - participation Activity - Statement/position - media campaign - solidarity action to support - cooperate with Burma (FACT) as same message!! Other update issues out of ASEAN issues 1) EU - EU same attitudes on election 2010 of military regime - US, Foreign Ministers of Philippines, Thai, & Indonesia openly expressed that there is no genuine for free and fair election. 2) Indigenous People Pact - it celebrate in Bangkok. Conclusion - ASEAN Charter - ACWC


Reports on Meeting of ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (June 28 29, 2010)



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