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School canteen are necessary to provide cheap. neat and unadulterated food to students, teachers and staff.

As such school canteen is the most coveted place and a centre of attraction for various kinds of sweats. namkeen, tea. Coffee, cold drinks and snacks etc. Our school canteen opens almost one hour before the school time so that it may prepare and provide food as soon as staff and students may get food as soon as they desire. It prepares Samosas. Vadas, Idlys, Dosa, homburgs and gulab jamans, Barfi, Peda and Ladoo etc. It provides Chocolates, toffees and chewing gums etc. School canteen is utilized by those before school hours who have no proper arrangement for breakfast.

They enjoy here tea and breakfast etc. by spending some money. During school hours, there is not much heavy rush as most of the students and teachers go to classes but visitors enjoy it. During the recess, there is a great rush as most of the students go there to purchase and eat or drink something. During recess, owner as well as workers become very busy. Inspite of smartness and alertness, it becomes an uphill task to provide food or tea immediately so everybody did not get things of their choice. As the rush is great so some students get their tea or coffee or food after some time. Some unscrupulous students take advantage of crowd and rush and escape without making payment inspite of vigilant watch of owners and workers of canteen. However most of the students are honest and make proper payment. There is a dustbin so that waste paper and residue of food may be thrown it, but some students do not do so. Consequently school canteen becomes unclean. As soon as the bell rings and recess is over, teachers and students rush to attend their classes and crowds lessens. Teachers and students who have vacant periods enjoy canteen during this time desirably. Canteen owners welcome visitors because they generally purchase costly articles. School canteen again are visited by students who get much pocket money. They visit school canteen as soon as school is over. Canteens are useful as they provide good food and other articles at fixed rate and depend on school authorities for their existence. As such school canteens prepare and provide food suitable to students, teachers and staff etc. while outdoor shopkeepers provide food according to their own choice which may give them great profit. In this way school canteen are very useful and schools that possess canteens are liked more by students than those who do not possess canteens. School canteen are very useful as they serve clean and good food on moderate rates in the school premises and teachers and students are saved to go far off in search for lunch or breakfast or for tea or coffee etc.

The name of our school is Modern Public School. It is situated at Sec 6 in the District of Cuttack. The recess in our school begins after the first four periods. It begins at half-past one and ends at 2 P.M. Hence, it lasts for half an hour. The scene during this recess hour is a scene of a mirth and merriment. Student burst into great rejoicing after three hour's confinement inside the classrooms. General description: During the recess, students move about. They move in twos and threes and chat among themselves. Some students stand before the school notice-board. Some purchase Tiffin from a sweets-man seated near the school gate. Some gather round the wireless receiver and listen in the radio. The little boys divide themselves into several groups and play Ringball and Kabadi. Inside the Teachers Common Room, some teachers are found reading newspapers. Some are busy writing letters. Some are seen forwarding applications. Inside the Headmaster's Office, the Headmaster seems busy in reading the applications of students. The office-clerk stands beside him to receive some direction. Two or three teachers sit before the Headmaster for some advice or order Guardian may be found talking about his ward. The Headmaster's office is found busier than ever. When the bell rings to make the recess over everything comes to normal.

Of course, recess time is the most enjoyable time in school after learning hard from the first period. There are two recess time in my school. These two recess time are essential for us to unwind and to fill up growling stomach.As soon as the school bell rings for recess, all studentsperk up. School work burden is forgotten, at least for a while. All the sorrows of being scolded and getting bad marks are forgotten. There will be a stampede towards the canteen. The junior students particularly are chattering in a jovial mood. However, there will be some students going for meetings, going to the library and the washrooms to refresh themselves. Only a minority stays in class. The benches in the canteen at recess time are never unoccupied. Some of them even have to put their things on the tables in the canteen to ensure a seat. An advantage in size could certainly be a great help here. Every stall is always crowded with students. Some of the hawkers are not able to serve the customers at once. It is also hard to walk through the rowdy crowd in the canteen. Believe me, you will experience beingpushed from one side to another. Some hearty laugh and chat are always heard. Though recess time may seem short, it is the time for students to share endless gossip with their peers. Very often you will hear the hawkers' screaming at the top of their voices to control the students from pushing and shoving. Some prefects are on duty to control these "uncivilised people". Unfortunately, it makes not much difference. And of course, some impatient students willscream out: "Quick, Auntie, quick, the bell for going back to class will ring soon." Meantime in the library, several students are busy searching and skimming the books for extra reading and setting information for their assignments. Several students can be

seenengrossed in the daily news with their best friends. The scene in the library during recess time is quiet and full of discipline although some quiet chat can be heard. Some hard-working student or I should say bookworm will stay in their own class to finish their homework or revise. While some students are seen carrying out their cleanliness duty. You may see of a couple of girls diligently mopping the windows, sweeping the floor and cleaning the blackboard. It is certainly pleasant to study in a spick and span class room. Some of the students will also enjoy walking around the passageways in front of the classrooms or in the park chatting with their peers. Some younger students who have not 'tasted' school work pressure play hide and seek with their friends. While the older ones are deep in thought in some corners. A few are seen trying to solve additional Maths or Physics problems.Certainly, one will also see some pupils running here and therealong the passageway while the others just loiter around. In the wash rooms, you may find some students washing their faces to refresh themselves after studying hard since morning. Some even have to stand in a queue for a while to use the toilets. The toilets are never unoccupied. Each class has is specified for its own toilet. All in all, I can say that the scene in my school during recess time is one of noise and many students. Students enjoy their own activities during this time. I, myself, enjoy every moment of recess time very much.
Our school like other schools of our state starts at 10 A.M. After four periods we generally avail of a recess. The recess time starts from 1 P.M. to 2 P.M. Our mind rests and relaxes after so many classes. The time of the beginning of recess is indicated by a bell. There are some students in our school who eagerly wait for recess, because they come from the distant Mileages and therefore feel hungry. They bring Tiffin with them. Most of us go to our homes for lunch at recess. Some students are tempted to buy fruits and biscuits from the vendors who wait outside the school gate. Truly speaking, recess is the time in which the students relax after four continuous periods and prepare for three more periods of a day: I always carry my Tiffin in my school bag. So I do not come home at recess for lunch. Thus, I get time for rest. I prefer the home-made things which are prepared by my mother with great care. I take my Tiffin heartily during the recess in the company of my friends. Sometimes we exchange our food. It gives us immense delight. During recess hour we feel free from boredom. It is the best time during the day to come in contact with other students of different classes. Some students play outdoor as well as indoor games. Some students read news papers and magazines. The teachers also get tired after four periods of teaching. Recess is also important for them. They relax and take Tiffin. They also switch on radio and T.V. in their common room and enjoy themselves.

302 Words short Essay on Recess

by Manish

Lunch Break which is otherwise known as Recess is necessary for students. It is a delightful relief. The moment the bell rings, students shout with joy and many of them rush out of their classrooms. They either rush to the water taps or to the canteen to buy drinks and eatables. The school comes alive. Some students sit in the classroom itself. They form a small group and share their lunch over gossips and laughter. By sharing they get to eat a delicious variety of food. They try to finish eating as soon as possible so that they can save time to go to the canteen. The school canteen is the busiest place during the lunch break. There is lot of noise and rush at the counter. Everyone shouts out aloud to attract the attention of the seller so as to make the first purchase. Students are not permitted to purchase anything from the vendors outside the school gate. This causes the complete consumption of the daily stock of cold drinks and ice creams in the canteen. While the students are busy in different activities, the teachers assemble in the staff room. They discuss various issues and relax during light conversation. A few of them prepare notes for the class they are scheduled to take immediately after the recess. Some teachers talk about their favorite students and the progress of their respective classes in general. When the bell announces the end of the recess, the students rush back to their classes. The closing bell ends the fun of the recess. There are no more noisy activities as the Principal takes his daily round of the school. Students wait silently for the teacher who reaches the class on time. The classes continue and once again the school comes back to its normal course. Introduction: The recess period comes usually in the middle of the day. Its object this to allow some time to the teachers and the taught to refresh themselves mentally and physically. How Students Feel bore Before the Recess Period: Sometimes before the recess period begins, the students feel bore. They become inattentive to the class. They no longer follow the teachers. They grow tied of their lessons. They look eagerly forward to the recess period. Some of the naughty boys even approach the school peon and ask him to ring the bell. All this shows that change is badly needed. Scene at the Commencement of the Recess Period: As soon as the recess bell goes, all the boys shut their books. They go out. This action of their sometimes makes the teacher angry. But they cannot help it. They want to be free for sometimes. They wish to remain away from the dull atmosphere of the class. Scene during the Recess Period: When the students come out class-rooms, they relax themselves in different ways. The boys of rich families enjoy nice things, sweets, fruits or milk which their parents send for them. The boys belonging to average families eat some cheap things which they buy from the hawkers who reach school by this time. The poor boys generally bring food and eat it sitting in the class-rooms. Having satisfied their hunger; boys sit in the groups and discuss many things. Sometimes the subject of their talks is some teacher whom they hate for his strictness. At other times, it is some unpopular boy or unsocial class fellow of their. At times, however, they talk of politics. The students of lower

classes play with balls in the playground. Very often they use their time to laugh and make themselves cheerful. After the Recess Period: As soon as the period is over, the happy mood of the boy goes away. They become serious again. They run to their rooms lest they should be late: Conclusion: Recess period has become a regular feature in every day life too. These days there is an interval of half an hour in almost all offices. Some of the shops in the towns also observe launch time.

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