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Works Cited

Barak, Ehud. Comment. 10 July 2000. Bush, George. Speech. 24 June 2002. Christopher, Warren. U.S. Secretary of State's Letter to Netanyahu. 17 Jan. 1997. Clinton, Bill. "Remarks at the Signing Ceremony for the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles." Speech. 13 Sept. 1993. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. PBS. < ml> Joint Understanding on Negotiations. 27 Nov. 2007. Laqueur, Walter, and Barry M. Rubin. The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict. 29 April 2008. "Mitchell Report (ArabIsraeli Conflict)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Mar. 2013. Powell, Colin. Text of Secretary of State Powell's remarks. 19 June 2001. "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Now." The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Now. <> The Washington Declaration: Israel, Jordan, the United States. 25 July 1994. U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs. Roadmap For Peace in the Middle East: Israeli/Palestinian. 16 July 2003. Zanotti, Jim. Israel and the Palestinians: Prospects for a Two-State Solution. 8 Jan 2010.

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