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Edited 4/29 Jennifer Serafin Metaphorical Expression Lesson Plan Third Grade Science: Habitats and Adaptations Unit

Third Grade Science CCGPS: S3L1. Students will investigate the habitats of different organisms and the dependence of organisms on their habitat. a. Differentiate between habitats of Georgia (mountains, marsh/swamp, coast, Piedmont, Atlantic Ocean) and the organisms that live there. b. Identify features of green plants that allow them to live and thrive in different regions of Georgia. c. Identify features of animals that allow them to live and thrive in different regions of Georgia. d. Explain what will happen to an organism if the habitat is changed. S3L2. Students will recognize the effects of pollution and humans on the environment. a. Explain the effects of pollution (such as littering) to the habitats of plants and animals. b. Identify ways to protect the environment. Conservation of resources

TAG Standards: Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7. The student uses analogies, metaphors, and/or models to explain complex concepts. Enduring Understandings: How is a ____ like a ____? Using metaphors to learn! Students will extend their thinking by drawing comparisons from seemingly similar things. Students will examine what they know about ecosystems and environments, and extend their thinking to view and comprehend ecosystems in a new way. Students will also draw personal analogies to extend their own thinking and make personal connections. Vocabulary: ecosystem, environment, analogy, metaphor, compare, contrast, habitat, adaptations, needs, operate, purpose, Procedures: Phase One: Warm up: Look at the following school supplies on the table: (display pencil sharpener, stapler, paper clip, eraser, sharpie, etc.)

How is something on this table like a computer? (Give a basic example: this backspace on a keyboard=eraser, CPU=sharpener-many parts working together to perform one function, etc.) How is rain like happiness? Engage students in discussion. Allow students to collaborate at their tables. Students must provide evidence or reasoning for why they believe the two things are alike. Share together as a class. Begin for content: How is an ecosystem, like a forest or marine habitat, like a shopping mall? Phase Two: Content: Read pages 257-278 students may partner or independent read. Use the following organizer: Content to be examined: What does it look like?

What are the parts that make up an ecosystem?

What is the purpose?

How does an ecosystem operate?

How did it originate?

What is an ecosystem a part of?

What is its importance?

Phase Three: Analyze the analogy Return to previous analogy and further discuss it below! How is an ecosystem, like a forest or marine habitat, like a shopping mall? Alike Different

Summary statement: An ecosystem is like a shopping mall because ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Is there a better comparison you can think of? What else is an ecosystem like? Why? You can explain using words and/or pictures. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Phase 4: Personal Analogy Making it personal: create a personal analogy. Pick any animal from the ecosystem you chose, then respond to the following scenarios: Where do you live? How do you feel when you are hungry?

How do you acquire your food?

How do you feel as a part of that ecosystem?

Respond: Write a paragraph, poem, or song in the first person about your life as the animal.

Closing: Create a class organizer to share how an ecosystem is like a shopping mall. Clarify any misconceptions and celebrate the uniqueness and creativity of the class. Share our personal analogies with the class!

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