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Mid-Term Counseling Form

Campus: Student name: Course Name: Term: Date: SSN: Course Code: Year:

Congratulations, you are currently passing the class with an A or B. Your grade at mid-term is a C. Although currently passing, you are in danger of dropping below a C and the section below contains actions recommended to improve your average. Your grade at mid-term is less than a C and the comments section contains actions recommended to improve your average.
Instructor Recommendations Doing great, keep up the great work Improve Test scores Complete all assigned work on time Watch absences Grade will improve once exam is made up Utilize tutorial sessions (sign up in the library) Form a study group with other class members Devote more time to study Tape record the lecture Improve Homework Scores Other Counseling/Comments: Self-Performance assessment Do you read the chapter before the lecture? Do you spend at least four hours or more weekly preparing for this course? Do you leave the lecture with an understanding of material covered? Do you take advantage of tutorial services? Do you use the Student tutorial CD that comes with the book? Do you ask questions in class about the material that you do not understand? Yes No

Student Signature: Staff/Faculty:

Date: Date:

Distribution: Registrar/Permanent Record File; Student V 1.0 As Of 9/14/2011

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