Pe363 Res - Fluid Properties

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Q 1:- Provide the proper definitions of the followings:a- Phase:- any homogeneous and physically distinct part of a system

which is separated from other parts of the system by definite bounding surfaces b- Phase diagrams:- A phase diagram is a graph of
pressure plotted against temperature showing the conditions under which the various phases of a substance will be present

. c- Single component system:d- Binary system:e- multi-component system:f- Dew point pressure (Pd):g- Bubble point pressure (Pb) h- Dew point curve:-

i- bubble point curve:j- Critical Point:- The upper limit of the vapor-pressure line is the critical point indicated by point C. k- critical Pressure (Pc):- the critical pressure of a pure substance is
defined as the pressure above which liquid and gas cannot coexist regardless of the temperature.

l- critical Temperature (Tc):- the critical temperature may be defined as the

temperature above which the gas cannot be liquefied, regardless of the pressure applied

m- Critical Volume (Vc):n- Isotherms:-

o- Two phase region:r- Vapor-Pressure Curve:- This line separates the pressuretemperature conditions for which the substance is a liquid from the conditions for which the substance is a gas p-Vapor Pressure (Pv):Boiling-point Temperature (Tb):Melting-point Temperature (Tm):2) A pure i-Butane is held in a laboratory cell at 100oF and 50 psia. Determine the existence state (i.e., as a gas or liquid) of the substance using Cox Chart and Lee/Kesler correlation Solution:Obtain the critical properties and the acentric factor of i-butane from Table 1-1:Tc = 7 . Pc = 527.9 psi = 0. 865 ,7 .

( A = -1.68533

B = -1.58288 Pv = Pc exp (A+B) Pv = 527.9 exp (-1.685 + 0.1865*-1.58288) Pv = 72.87 psi

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