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Hassan's Relationship with Amir --Creative Media Assignment Photo Essay --Steve Hall






Hassan's Relationship with Amir --Creative Media Assignment Photo Essay --Steve Hall

This photo essay is from the point of view of Rahim, as later in the novel, he remains in contact with Hassan, also because of the fact that he is closest with Amir, and can see what emotions Amir is going through and how he is feeling.


These two kites, intertwined in the sky, I am using as a symbol for the relationship between Hassan and Ali. They are inseparable at the beginning of the novel, best of friends. Amir's friendship with Hassan makes Rahim proud because Rahim often stands up for Amir when Baba talks about how Hassan is stronger and has to take care of Amir. I think he stands up for Amir because he knows Hassan sticks up for his friend because of their close bond.


Throughout the novel, Hassan shows unwavering loyalty to Amir. He thinks of Amir as his best friend and would do anything for him, such as eat dirt. Hassan shows traits of loyalty to Amir several times, such as taking a beating and being raped by Assef so Amir can bring the last kite home to Baba. I chose this image, because it shows a young boy hugging his golden retriever. Golden retrievers are dogs known for their loyalty.


This is the well known painting, The Betrayal of Christ, painted by Ugolino di Nerio. In the centre of the piece, it shows Judas kissing Jesus Christ, the symbol of betrayal, with a kiss as described in the New Testament. (Matthew 25: 47-52). To the far right, are the Jewish guards arresting Christ. If we look at this painting, assuming Christ is Hassan, and the guards are Assef and his friends, we can look at it as an analogy to the attack. Judas kissing Christ on the cheek is analogy to the fact that Amir stood on the sidelines, watching his best friend be beaten and raped.


This woman in this photo can be seen as showing remorse, such as the remorse Amir begins to feel after witnessing Hassan's attack. He feels as though if Hassan and Ali leave, his feelings of remorse will be lifted, therefore he plants his watch in Hassan's belongings to frame him of theft. This being a catalyst in the situation, Ali declares Hassan and he will be leaving. Amir's feelings of remorse deepen.

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