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Class Observation Body language Aims of the observation task To observe how the teacher uses body language

e to clarify vocabulary. To observe different techniques used by the teacher in order to get her messages across. Instructions There are different features related to teachers body language that need to be observed during a class. Put a tick in the corresponding box:

Use of space Does the teacher maintain a proper space between her and all students? Does the teacher keep a clean environment? Does the teacher walk around the whole class? Does the teacher maintain social and personal distance when are required? Gestures and movements Are teachers gestures coherent with the given message? Does the teachers stand up straight? Does the teachers gestures express confidence? Does the teacher use her hands to convey meaning? Does the teacher use handshake when greeting students in proper situations? Facial expressions Does the teacher use facial expressions to communicate with the students? Is the teacher aware of students facial expressions? Does the teacher make eye contact with the students? Final score: ____/ pts. Yes: The aspect is present. No : The aspect in not present.



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