Artificial Photosynthesis Definition

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Definition of Artificial Photosynthesis

Artificial Photosynthesis
What is Artificial Photosynthesis?
Artificial photosynthesis is a composition of chemical systems that converts solar energy into useful forms of energy and materials by using the fundamental science of natural photosynthesis. The objective of recreating photosynthesis started when Melvin Calvin (1911-97) developed our understanding of the biological carbon cycle (the cycling of carbon through the various layers of the Earth, photosynthesis being the first stage). He also appreciated the need to establish a stable cycle for human use of energy. In 2010, a handful of Californian universities, including Cal Tech and UC Berkley, received funding specifically for the advancement of artificial photosynthesis. Since then, the technology has grown and is able to be applied to the energy grid in a practical way. Artificially, we are interested in converting sunlight into useful energy for ourselves. The complicated processes in natural photosynthesis are replaced by simpler reactions. Ideally, the fuel-generating photochemical reaction of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is:
Sunlight 2H2O 2H2 + O2

Natural vs. Artificial

Natural photosynthesis is the process by which green plants (and some bacteria), convert energy from sunlight into chemical form, particularly into food. Light combines with carbon dioxide and water to create carbohydrate molecules known as sucrose, and release oxygen.
H2O + CO2 O2 + 1/6(C6H12O6)

An artificial system for photo-induced water splitting includes: an antenna for light harvesting, a reaction center for charge separation, a membrane to provide physical separation of the products, and catalysts (substances that cause a chemical reaction to proceed more rapidly) as one-to-multielectron interfaces between the charge-separated states and the substrates. In a photochemical fuel-generating system, fuel formation reactions are multi-electron processes. The reduction of water to molecular hydrogen requires the addition of two electrons:
2 H2O + 2 e- H2 + 2 OH-

Artificial photosynthesis is a non-natural process in which artificial photochemical reactions are used to produce fuels. Meaning, the primary desire is Hydrogen. At the heart of natural photosynthesis is the highly efficient chemical process of water splitting, which undergoes a charge separation process. Once this process has been achieved in nature, it is followed by complicated sequences of chemical reactions to produce very elaborate forms of energy, imbedded in part as color, shape, fragrance, etc.

The result is a clean burning fuel that can be distributed like natural gas or used directly in fuel cells. The oxidation of water to molecular oxygen requires four electrons to be withdrawn:
2 H2O - 4 e- O2 + 4 H+

The result is a clean emission.

Solar Photoconversion (Credit: CalTech)

Definition of Artificial Photosynthesis

Practical Applications
Dr. Daniel Nocera, a professor at MIT, and his team have created an artificial leaf that is tentimes more efficient at photosynthesis than a real leaf. The device is made of silicon, electronics, and inexpensive catalysts made of nickel and cobalt. When placed in a gallon of water under direct sunlight, the catalysts break the H2O down into hydrogen and oxygen gases, which are then stored in a fuel cell. This system produces enough energy to power a single house for a day. Universitys technology transfer company, has combined earlier research on artificial photosynthetic electrochemical solar cells and semiconducting plastics to create manufacturable solid-state dye sensitized solar cells. The device is a form of thin film solar technology, and replaces the liquid electrolyte with a solid organic semiconductor, enabling entire solar modules to be screen printed onto glass or other surfaces.

Artificial Leaf. (Credit: ACS)

(Developed by Dr. Henry Snaith, of Oxford Universitys Department of Physics )

The artificial leaf has a sunlight collector sandwiched between two films that generate oxygen and hydrogen gas. When dropped into a jar of water in the sunlight, both sides produce streams of bubbles, releasing hydrogen that can be used in fuel cells to make electricity. Oxford Photovoltaics (Oxford PV), formed with the help of Isis Innovation, Oxford

Artificial photosynthetic systems can provide us with sustainable forms of energy for the future. It has the potential to give us forms of energy material we require to sustain ourselves and our planet. For over 50 years, scientists have been trying to recreate plant photosynthesis, and in the last three years it has become a mass-market reality.

American Chemical Society (2012, May 9). Secrets of the first practical artificial leaf. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 15, 2013, from A step toward artificial photosynthesis. (2013). Chemical Engineering, 120(1), 14. Balzani, V., & Serroni, S. (2000). ARTIFICIAL PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Science Spectra, (22), 28. Cal Tech, LBL, Stanford and UC Berkeley, San Diego and Santa Barbara get $122M for artificial photosynthesis. (2010). American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 89(7), 4. Cardno, C. A. (2008). Researchers Strive to Create the Next Generation of Solar Panels. Civil Engineering (08857024), 78(7), 36. Hammarstrm, L., & Styring, S. (2008). Coupled electron transfers in artificial photosynthesis. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 363(1494), 1283-1291. Pierce, A. (2010). The Artificial Leaf. Tech Directions, 70(1), 12.

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