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this country we have established unity, peace, wellness, and basic

birthrights given to all people regardless of race gender religion and other factors that distinguish on person from another. All in all, our goal is to form a nation that is perfect in all aspects of life.

Article I
Section One
In order for the people in this country to not live in chaos, there must be laws and we need people to make these laws. These people will make up the congressional branch

Section Two

This branch will be divided into two houses. The fair house and the popular house. The fair house will consist of a total of 15 representatives, five from each district.

Article II
Section One
These laws will be carried out and enforced by a president, or in the case of the districts, a governor, and for the cities, a mayor.

Section Two

These executives will have a selection of department leaders to help the people with certain things around the Country. The president will also have a vice president to help with things.

Section Three
In case of something happening to the president the vice president will take over then the department leaders in the order they are established.

Article III
Section One
The laws created by the cities, states, and federal government may not interfere with this constitution and the legal branch will be created to make sure that this doesnt happen.

Section Two
Any law passed by any level of government must go through a federal court before it becomes active.

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