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Facts About Him

Section 1: Life Facts

1. At the end of Ben Franklin's life, he took pride on his only remaining printer. 2. Ben Franklin died on Apr. 17, 1709. 3. At the age of 22, Ben Franklin became the owner of the Pennsylvania Gazette newspaper.

4. Ben Franklin has taught himself French, Spanish, & Italian. 5. Ben Franklin's 1st experiment had nothing to with electricity. 6. Ben Franklin's 2nd experiment is his most famous.

Ben Franklin's Autograph

7. Ben Franklin's father was Josiah Franklin, & his mother was Abiah Folger. 8. Ben Franklin's father & mother had 17 siblings, & he was the fifteenth sibling. 9. Ben Franklin is an expert swimmer.

Ben franklin's family

Ben Franklin made the 1st political cartoon called " Join or DIE" to make people join George Washington's army. Ben Franklin didn't see military action during the war.

Ben franklin's Join or DIE cartoon

Ben Franklin created the Fugio Cent that said," Mind your own business". Franklin created the first lending library in the U.S.A in 1730 & in Philadelphia, but it was a private library.

Ben Franklin's Fugio Cent

Ben Franklin's 1st claim to fame was the Poor Richard's Almanack-This yearly almanac contains weather forecasts, witty sayings, poems, calendars, proverbs & practical advice.

Ben Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack

Ben Franklin's last words were," A dying man can do nothing easy." He was buried alive in the Christ Church burial ground, Philadelphia. His epitaph on his gravestone are Benjamin Franklin & Deborah Franklin.

Ben Franklin's Grave stone

Ben Franklin's 1st experiment was that he floated on the water of a pond with a kite in his hand, & the wind pushed the kite, which moved him along the water. His 2nd experiment was the Kite & Key Experiment.

Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin Busybodies Ben Franklin Biography Ben Franklin Quick Facts Interesting Facts About Ben Franklin

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