A Simple Practice To Get RidA Simple Practice To Get Rid of Diseases. of Diseases - Doc2

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A Simple Practice To Get Rid Of Diseases

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Sharad Poornima or the full moon day of the Hindi month of Sharad is considered to be
a very auspicious day according to the Shastras. Several Sadhanas & practices can be performed on this day. Dhanvantari or Amrit prayog is one of such practices which can result in vanquishing all diseases from ones life. Dhanvantri is the physician of the Gods and is considered to be a great scholar of Ayurved (Indian system of medicine).

Dhanvantari Saparya is a text on medicine written by Dhanvantri. A special practice has been given in this text which has been continuously performed all over India, for the past several thousand years. Its believed that on this full moon night, the moon does not just emit moonlight but divine elixir. Prepare Kheer (sweet porridge made of milk & rice boiled together). and add almonds, garnished coconut & currants in It. Then in the night sit in the open with all the members of the family. One should sit in a place where the moonlight is falling clearly. Place the Kheer in an open utensil before you. Also place rest of the food specially prepared for this occasion. The rays of the moonlight should fall directly on the Kheer and the other food. Then place the Dhanvantri Yantra in the Kheer and let it immerse completely in it. Allow the Yantra to remain there for one hour. Thus the Kheer becomes divine like elixir. After one hour remove the Yantra, wash it and place it In the place of worship. Light a lamp of pure clarified butter (Ghee) before the Yantra. Then serve the kheer to all the members of the family and relish this delicacy. By this practice all ailments & diseases in ones body are vanquished, the body becomes healthy and all financial problems come to an end. This practice can be performed only on Sharad Poornima which comes only once in a year. This year (1994) it falls on 19th Oct. Although this practice is very easy and simple yet it's results are sure and quick.

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