Topic Proposal: Why Did NASA End Space Flights, and What Does That Mean To Our Nations Identity in Space Exploration

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Seth Pope Instructor: Malcolm Campbell English 1102 February 5, 2013

Topic Proposal: Why did NASA end space flights, and what Does that mean to our nations identity in space exploration.
Introduction/Overview: Space technology and travel has come a long way since the early 1960s. Because of space exploration there has been great new inventions and improvements to technology. Science and medical achievements have been accomplished through space exploration. I would like to know why the United States was so eager to get to the moon, but now they dont go anymore.

Initial Inquiry Questions: I have thought of a few questions about space exploration and technology. One of the questions I have to ask is; why did space travel and exploration begin? Space travel began in 1957, when the Soviet Union launched the satellite Sputnik into orbit. That was a giant technological leap for mankind. Four months later the United States launched its first satellite into space, Explorer 1. Another question I would like to ask is; why dont we travel into space anymore? The United States doesnt travel into space anymore because they just completed the International Space Station. The project began in 1998 and was completed in 2011. Plans for NASAs future includes, going back and exploring more of the moon.

My Interest in this Topic: I am interested in space exploration because I think its amazing how much technology is involved and how they can send a man out of Earths orbit and return him safely back to Earth. One thing I already know about space travel is that the space shuttle program is over with for the United States and we passed that program to Russia. We have now started a new space program to go to the moon. The rocket that will transport astronauts to the moon will be the Orion Rocket. I hope to learn what our future is exploring the moon and exploring more of space.

Next Steps: I plan to find information on this subject via the library and visit NASAs website to see what the history of NASA and space travel was and what the future of space travel looks like.

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