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Direct Marketing Tool:


Anju Panicker

What is DRTV?
DRTV means Direct Response Television. DRTV is defined as media activity that permits or requests consumers to directly respond to the advertiser It is a medium that can show products actually in use. DRTV combines the power of television with the precision of direct marketing techniques. DRTV now accounts for 25% of all television commercials

What are Infomercials?

Unlike the usual 30-second commercial that airs between segments of a television show, infomercials last much longer and use hard selling and a close to get the viewer to call in for either more information or to order. Many different types of products have been sold using
infomercials throughout the years.

Infomercials ask potential customers for the immediate sale. It provides the contact information over and over again.

They ask for the customer to call within a specific time period. The infomercials sweeten the deal by adding incentives to order before the infomercial ends. Adding a sense of urgency is one of the best ways to ensure a sale if there is going to be one.
This sense of urgency also enlivens the customer with the excitement of acquiring a new gadget or new product.

Some As Seen On TV product examples that are sold using infomercials include, but are not limited to the following: *exercise equipment *medicine/vitamins *diet plans *kitchen appliances *how to videos *work at home opportunities *MLM opportunities *sporting goods *household items *tools *fishing equipment *etc., etc.

Infomercials had their start in America in 1984, when the FCC removed the regulation that only allowed 18 minutes of commercials to appear in an hour of television. This measure had been in place since the 1950s due to the high level of advertiser sponsorship that permeated programs at that time. However, countries like England and Mexico had been showing infomercials since around 1979.

Infomercial companies
Traditional infomercial marketers source the products, pay to develop the infomercials, pay for the media, and are responsible for all sales of the product. Sometimes, they sell products they source from inventors.

There is also a well-developed network of suppliers to the infomercial industry. These suppliers generally choose to focus on either traditional infomercials (hard sell approaches) or on using infomercials as advertising/sales channels for brand companies (branded approaches).

While there is no specific format for infomercials, most tend to include some staple features such as a pitch, a demonstration, and an internal commercial. A pitch, which is also called a "hook," refers to the portion of the infomercial when the company explains how their product is different, why it is the best, and why the viewer's life is incomplete without it.

The demonstration portion of the infomercial allows the viewer to see the product in action

The term "infomercial" is a combination of the words "information" and "commercial." Unlike their more mainstream counterparts, the thirtysecond to two-minute commercial, the definition of infomercials has changed and expanded over time. Initially, an infomercial referred only to the programlength commercial on television. However, the concept of the infomercial has now grown to include taped videos, presentations, and internet websites.

In contrast to the high pressure, commercial nature of the original infomercials, some now attempt to mask their primary objective by presenting the pitches in forms that resemble talk shows, game shows, or even soap operas. Many now include celebrity appearances and hosts as an attempt to legitimize the message

In recent years, it has become clear that infomercials are no longer aimed only at selling products; many religious groups, high-profile televangelists, and political groups have bought infomercial time and use it to sell their ideas and beliefs


An infomercial is an excellent medium for selling certain types of products. Products that tend to work best in infomercials are: Highly demonstrable Priced at $39.95 or above Products that require a longer format, in order to thoroughly educate the consumer about the product's features and benefits. Products that appeal to consumers' emotions through the use of testimonials.

Advantages of Infomercials
1. Infomercials are like direct selling programs. Their intent is to interest viewers in a product and convince them to buy it. Infomercials are a form of direct response marketing.

2. Infomercials have a set audience as they are aired on television during off peak hours and have a captive audience.
3. Infomercial sell products that can be bought on the phone from the comfort of your home. 4. Most products sold through infomercials are promoted by experts like doctors, health specialists, beauty queens and son on. They endorse the products in such a way that television watchers eagerly buy the products. 5. Most infomercials are hosted by popular talk show hosts who have a great fan following. 6. Infomercials are convincing as they have people giving testimonials on how x,y, or zee product had worked wonders.

Disadvantages of Infomercials
Acquisition of data of individual customers may be difficult Direct marketing is effective only when all information about the individual customer is available. It may be difficult to acquire this data, as people would be reluctant to part with personal information. The customers could be exposed to information overload In todays rich business and personal environment everyone is bombarded with all types of data. Daily people receive letters, voice mails, catalogues etc. Welcome and unwelcome information accosts the senses through the radio, television, telephone, books etc. Direct marketers are perceived to be contributing to this overload. Requires highly skilled staff to analyze each customer profile In Direct marketing communications, individual customers should be addressed by name & title. Also information from database is used to produce specific appeal based on consumers personal characters &/or past purchase behavior. It is therefore important that the profile of each individual customer is accurately maintained. This would be possible only if the staff employed is highly competent to carry out this accurately. Customer Service rather than customer loyalty is more important in direct marketing


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