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Unit: Geography of the United States Lesson: Geography Book Project

Geography Book Project

Directions: Students will create a Geography Book of the United States which will include: Map Sections (political, physical, resource, and population density maps). 1. Create a specific map (with certain criteria) 2. Written summary of information (Discuss things that you learned/observed about the map) Live and Work Section. Students will choose a state to live and work in (other than a state in the Midwest region) based on the physical features (landforms), resources (job), and population density of that state and write a summary for their decision. Map Sections 1. Political Section (refer to textbook pages A-2 A-3) A. Map - Identify and locate the 50 states - Include capital and 1 major city B. Summary of information 2. Physical Section (refer to textbook pages A-4 A-5) A. Map - Identify and locate mountain ranges: - Rocky Mountains - Appalachian Mountains - Identify and locate river/water systems: - Mississippi River - 5 Great Lakes - Atlantic Ocean - Ohio River - Missouri River - Pacific Ocean - Colorado River - Rio Grande - Gulf of Mexico - Identify and locate landforms: - Great Plains - Grand Canyon - Alaska Range - Gulf Coastal Plain - Atlantic Coastal Plain B. Summary of information

3. Resource Section (refer to textbook pages A-6 A-7) A. Map - Identify and locate natural resources: (Coal through Tungsten) - Identify and locate land use areas: (Hunting and gathering through Little or no activity) B. Summary of information 4. Population Density Section (refer to textbook page A-15) A. Map - Identify and locate population density of the United States B. Summary of information Live and Work Section Choose a state to live and work in based on: - Physical features (landforms) - Resources (job) - Population density of that state (Can NOT be Indiana) Write a five paragraph summary for your decision. - Introduction paragraph - Body - Physical features - Resources - Population - Summary paragraph Front Cover - Title, Neat, and Eye-catching - Name and Block

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