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Technology Time Card Guidelines

1. Use only blue or black ink. 2. Name: a. Write your full first and last name (no nick names). b. If you are unsure, look at your Warrior OneCard. 3. Department Account Number: a. First four digits are the Technology Department Code: 6500 b. Last two digits depend on your Student Status, so your entire Department Account # is: i. Federal Work Study Students: 6500 - 08 ii. Non-Federal Work Study Students: 6500 - 10 iii. Community Service: 6500 09 4. Pay Period from: a. These rules apply to every pay period regardless of school vacations or if you only work one day in the pay period. Always means always. b. First two weeks of the month: i. Always the first day of the month to the 15th day of the month. ii. Examples: 1. January: Pay Period from 1/ 1/13 to 1/15/13 2. February: Pay Period from 2/ 1/13 to 2/15/13 c. Last two weeks of the month: i. Always the 16th day of the month to the last day of the month ii. Examples: 1. January: Pay Period from 1/16/13 to 1/31/13 (Shown on Example Time Card) 2. February: Pay Period from 2/16/13 to 2/28/13 5. Put an X in the box over the 1st 15th or the 16th 31st column depending on which Pay Period you entered in number 4. 6. Circle the days that you work. a. If today is the 19th and you worked from 1:30 to 2:30, circle the 19. b. If you worked yesterday (the 18th) from 2:00 to 3:30, circle the 18. 7. Enter the time you worked in the IN and OUT columns a. Always round to the nearest quarter hour (15 minutes). i. Working more than 8 minutes of a quarter hour is a full quarter hour (ex: starting work at 9:22 becomes 9:15). ii. Working less than 7 minutes of a quarter hour is not a quarter hour it is coming to work early or 15 minutes late (ex: starting work at 9:23 becomes 9:30).

b. Do not put a.m. or p.m. - it is unnecessary. c. Write the time as the hour : minutes (6:00, not 6). d. Examples: i. You came to work at 6:55 am and left at 8:55 am for class. (Example Day 21) 1. IN: 7:00 2. OUT: 9:00 ii. You came to work late at 7:10 am and left too early at 8:50 am. (Example Day 22) 1. IN: 7:15 2. OUT: 8:45 8. If you work more than two times in one day: a. Divide the first IN and OUT columns diagonally (as shown in the Example Time Card and below). b. Write the first time frame you worked in the top two triangles, and the second time frame that you worked in the bottom two triangles. c. The time you came in and the time you left (out) should always be in the correct column (in or out). d. Example: Day 23 i. You worked on the 23rd from 7:00 to 9:00, 10:30 to 11:00, 12:15 to 1:00, and 3:30 to 5:00 (4 times in one day). ii. You would write those hours as shown here:


7:00 10:30

9:00 11:00 12:15


1:00 5:00



e. Example: Day 28 i. If you work 3 times in one day, split only one IN and one OUT column (Day 28 on the Example Time Card). 9. Add up your Daily Total Hours. a. As shown above, use only fractions, not decimals. b. The only fractions should be , , or . 10. Add up your Total Hours (fractions only). 11. Sign (Student Signature) and Date the Time Card. 12. Put your Time Card in the Time Cards box behind the door to the back room. A Team Lead will check them, ask John Meyer to sign them, and hand them into the Business Office. 13. Time Cards are due 3 business days after the pay period ends.

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