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Jennifer Donoghue,

Manager of Northeastern Regional Operations Center for COMSAT since 1990

From Interview with Commission Staff, September 22, 2003

FAA NH - Donoghue-1 [at 21 minutes in]

"There is what we consider primary and secondary notification...our primary we

would be to get security involved, and I already knew they were involved
because of what had occurred [AAL 11 impact into the north tower of the World
Trade Center at 8:46:40 EOT]. Plus they were already calling us to get into
different nets and what we found during that day was people were - people
name their nets differently - people were calling up and asking 'put me in the
tertiary, put me in the primary, put me in the secondary.' And what I found was
people really didn't know what net they wanted to be put in; they just wanted to
be put in a net and they were referring to them differently."

Commission staff prompts Donoghue with suggesting it was a type of

communication network, and she replies:

"There was a lot of confusion. What we did was we just did our job. We stopped,
we organized, we said 'this is where you're going, this is the net you're going
into.' And if we hadn't stopped and coordinated it people would have been all
over the place...I think a lot of us were really taken a back, and a lot of people
wanted to be on a conference call finding out what was going on and what we
were gonna do...There was three phones in our office and every single one of
them was ringing. That day all we did was answer phones and connect people. If
it wasn't the public calling screaming at us then it was someone calling saying
'put me in there' or asking us a question about something that maybe they
should'a known on their own. So I think practicing procedures is a lesson learned
in a lot of ways."

"There was questions being asked that I would'a thought some people would'a
known like 'Can you put us in a secure conference?' 'No. We can't put you in a
secure conference. We don't have secure conferencing capability.'...So people
were calling us not really knowing what they wanted...but they wanted to get the
information - they wanted to be on a net."

"It was Security, it was Security Division, it was also the different divisions - all of
them needed to be in with their headquarters people...within the Region
[Northeastern Region]."

Their phone system had 120 lines coming into the building, but Donoghue only
had herself and two others handling the call volume.

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