How Did You Attract/address Your Audience?

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How did you attract/address your audience?

Elements of appeal to the audience

I would say the relationship between the social groups in the film and the target demographics would appeal to the audience. Probably the uniqueness of the film setting would also attract the audience as it isnt a regular setting for Thrillers, although the fact its an unexpected setting makes it much more creepier and unpredictable making audiences more curious to the premise.

The demographics for this film is an age range of 15 25, class E/D, more specifically, students and Blue collar workers. They will be able to relate to the Social groups represented in this film because it is set in a school, which most of these people will have been in recently. This relationship would attract this audience because of this.

Setting a Thriller in a school environment is very abnormal in the sense that it doesn't necessarily follow any Thriller conventions but instead challenging it, therefore making it experimental, which would interest a niche audience, specifically those who enjoy Arthouse thrillers which was mentioned previously as my preferred choice of exhibition.

The premise of the film would obviously be the main attraction of the audience, A schoolboy with the ability to stop time but with a dangerous consequence makes others much more aggressively volatile towards him. This would give the audience questions, for example one might say how would he cope with this power if it only gets worse for him or Could Mr. Grayham turn into a monster because of the increase of aggression towards Luke? and so this would attract them to watching the film, to have their questions answered.

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