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1. From the last piece.

"I remember a Clear Morning", and all other pieces in the Pillow Book, what impressions do you get of Sei? What are her virtues? In what aspects do you see her humanity? Write a character sketch of her, supporting your view with line from her stories and anecdote. 2.Write a one page essay similarly to Sei's first piece, about the time of day you find most beautiful in about the only two seasons we have in the country: Summer and Rainy seasons. 3.Write your own The Pillow Book selections with the following items included a)If you chose the first sections. Choose which time of day you like best of the two seasons in the Philippines. b)Write a story about a favorite pet c)How do you think jeepney drivers, bus drivers, and others should dress at work? Support everything you write in the essay about how drivers must wear at work. d)Write about particular pet peeves and observations about your classmates, parents, or Filipinos in general, traits you don't like about them. e)Write about your simple joys and things that make your own heart flutter. f)Write about things that arouse fond memories of the past. g)Write about a passing impression that moved you and how other people reacted to the same impression.

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