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Brianne McGlone Read Aloud Lesson Plan Edwina the Dinosaur Grade: Subject: Objective: Standards: 1.RL.

7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events 1.SL.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media Materials: Plan: Call students to carpet by table Tell students that they will be read a fun story about a dinosaur that didnt know she was extinct Ask the students if they know the story Dont Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus story Explain that this story is written by the same author Tell the students that sometimes the author hides the pigeon in his other books, and ask them if they can look out for the pigeon in this book Tell them to put their hands on their head if they spot the pigeon Read the story Stop on the page with the pigeon if the students do not spot it and ask if they see anything hiding on the page Edwina The Dinosaur Who Didnt Know She Was Extinct by Mo Willems 1 Reading (Read Aloud) Students will be able to create their own personified dinosaur.

After finishing the story, explain that Edwina was supposed to be extinct, but she baked cookies, wore a hat and pearls, and had painted nails

Tell the students that they will be drawing their own dinosaur, naming him/her and adding something that humans do but dinosaurs arent supposed to do (a hat, a dress, a skateboard, etc.)

Send students back to their seats by table Pass out the My Dinosaur papers Allow the students to get crayons if they need them Circulate the room to make sure students are on task and not taking too much time drawing/coloring

After most students appear to be finished, ask for a few volunteers to share their dinosaurs

Assessment: Students will be assessed on their understanding of the difference between extinct and not extinct (the dinosaur is extinct but does human things wears hats and pearls, carries a purse, has painted nails, bakes cookies) during the read aloud and while working on their own dinosaurs

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