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Volume 1 Issue 1

212th Fires Brigade

1st Quarter FY 2013

Gunstone Hosts Fires University during Excalibur Shoot

Story by: Capt. Traun C. Moore

Fort Bliss remains one of the premier Installations within the Armys FORSCOM structure, and Ded. 5th set Team Bliss apart from its sister Divisions. The 212th Fires Brigade hosted the quarterly Fires University and Fires Seminar at Oro Grande Range Complex, which featured the firing of the M982 Excalibur 155mm Precision Guided Munition, or PGM. This round has only been fired at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, Calif. and in theater, making Fort Bliss the inaugural FORSCOM unit to have an opportunity to train with the Excalibur at its own installation. Artillerymen and senior leaders of Team Bliss, and from around the

nation via DCO Connect, gathered to gain a better understanding of the capability of the Excalibur and witness firsthand the lethality and precision of the GPS-guided round that is capable of use in close sup port of troops to within 150 meters.

The exercise, under the mission command of 212th Fires Brigade and fired by 4-27 Field Artillery Battalion provided the audience a glimpse of the Excalibur fired in real time and listening to the radio transmissions that occur to make one of these fire missions transpire. Those in attendance were able to see both rounds impact at two target buildings through multiple video feeds displayed in the 212th FiB briefing tent. Witnessing the exercise take form from the initial planning to

the execution of the fire mission was a great training opportunity not only for the 212th Fires Brigade and 4-27 FA, but the fires community as a whole, stated Warrant Officer Frank Woode, Counterfire Officer, 212th FiB. The experience gained from the exercise provided fires Soldiers with a common understanding of the Excaliburs capabilities. The successful execution of the exercise not only provided Team Bliss units with training that other FORSCOM units have not had the opportunity to participate in, but also benefitted the

installation by gaining practical experience and taking the lessons learned to share with the fires community. The exercise also solidified Team Bliss, the 212th FiB and 4-27 FA as a proficient commodity able to train and execute future Excalibur training missions within the Fort Bliss footprint.

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Vol. 1 Issue 1 - 1st Qtr. FY 2013

Gunstone News
Brigade Commander
Col. David M. Hamilton

Commanders Corner
the Brigade and Fort Bliss in numerous community events such as Fort Bliss Veterans Day and Thanksgiving activities. The month of December was equally busy with events including Fort Bliss first Excalibur Shoot and our annual St. Barbaras Day Ball. Most Soldiers also took advantage of opportunity leave over the Holiday period. In our next issue of the newsletter we will continue to spotlight our accomplishments as a Brigade by highlighting the 5th AR Bde Culminating Training Event Support and Blue Flag, a Command Post Exercise with the Air Force We will also hold our Gunstone Winter Olympics. In closing, CSM DeGracia and I want to thank our Gunstone family members. Your constant support directly impacts our ability to accomplish our mission. We also wish to thank all of our volunteers and FRG Leaders who are doing a tremendous job passing information to our families. Courage and Command! Col. David M. Hamilton

Command Sergeant Major

Command Sgt. Maj. Jesus DeGracia

I hope everyone enjoys this first edition of the Gunstone Newsletter and it serves as another forum of keeping Gunstone Soldiers, Families and friends abreast of the Brigades ongoing accomplishments and upcoming efforts. I am extremely proud of the great work the Gunstone Team has accomplished over the past few months and would like to reflect and highlight some of our accomplishments during the first quarter of 2013. Beyond conducting busy daily operations, the Brigade assisted Fort Bliss by supporting numerous installation taskings. Command Sgt. Maj. DeGracia and I received positive feedback almost daily from the post leadership on the professionalism of our Soldiers. Many Gunstone Soldiers represented

Public Affairs Officer

Capt. Traun C. Moore

Lt. Col. Joseph Puskas

Managing Editor

Capt. Traun C. Moore Sgt. Michael Armstrong

Staff Writers/ Photographers

Gunstone!!! Good day to all. Once again I say with pride that you and your Family continue to represent our Brigade well within the division, installation and community. One of our goals as senior leaders is to help our Soldiers and Families advance in our profession; its no secret we do this by training and caring. What better satisfaction than to see one of our Soldiers achieve the rank we currently hold? Here are some ways we continue to move forward: We had 18 Gunstone leaders graduate NCOES, 17 Warrior Leaders Course and one Senior Leaders

Course; two of which achieved Commandants List. One Gunstone Soldier earned the prestigious Expert Field Medical Badge. In addition, we take great pride in rewarding those who deserve it through both promotions and awards. We promoted 18 Gunstone Soldiers, five of which to the NCO ranks. Finally, Gunstone Soldiers received recognition for their hard work and dedication; over 59 awards handed out within the last 30 days. Lets continue to move forward!!! I leave you with this thought, continued education is free. Dont allow this privilege go to waste. The only thing keeping you from a college degree is LAZINESS. GUNSTONE 7

Layout and Design

Sgt. Michael Armstrong

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Dear Gunstone Family: One of the secrets for staying healthy as an Army Family or as we now like to say in the Army, resilient is spending quality time together when not deployed or in the field. Spending some great time with loved ones and taking part in activities that create great memories gives families something to remember, to cling to, to hold on to when separated and also to look forward to when together again. The word resilient means to bend without breaking. When strong bonds exist between family members and loved ones and with shared and created memories Soldiers and families become resilient and healthy. We know the challenging times are for a season but will end. We bend, we return to and create new normals but we dont break. I encourage you to make the most of the time when together. Be in the moment. Pray, connect with God and healthy people, exercise, eat well and take each moment and the relationships in your life as a gift to be nurtured and appreciated. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY CH (MAJ) Glenn Palmer 803-319-5296
Some Unit Ministry Team events coming soon: THU 21 FEB: 1145-1245 BIBLE BISTRO @ Bldg 21180 TUE 26 FEB: 1145-1245 The Bible and Leadership discussion over lunch @ 3BCT DFAC THU 21 MAR: 1145-1245 BIBLE BISTRO @ Bldg 21181 WED 27 MAR: 1145-1245 Prayer Luncheon on the theme of Emotional Resiliency @3BCT DFAC Guest speaker:CH (LTC) Guy Glad

Greetings from the Gunstone Family Readiness Support Assistant (FRSA)! My name is Erica Koelder, and Ive been with the 212th Fires Brigade since July of 2012. Ive been an FRSA since January 2009, and Im also an Army Spouse. Im so happy to be here with you! The best way to get ALL the answers youre looking for is to reach out to your FRG Leader. Dont know who your FRG Leader is? Thats what Im here for I will put you in touch with your FRG Leader so that you can be added to their rosters and receive the most up-to-date Official Command Information, plus other stuff that is going on around Fort Bliss and El Paso. You will also receive invitations to attend FRG meetings, as well as potential training opportunities to learn how to make the most of YOUR Army life. You can reach me at, 915.741.0626 (my office) or 915.487.5636 (my Blackberry). Speaking of what is going on, there is TONS of stuff going on within our Fort Bliss community! Did you know that there is a tax center that you can go to and have your taxes prepared FOR FREE? There are two locations: one at 2910 Cassidy Road by Stout Gym (568.6737), and one at A403 Sergeant Major Boulevard by 1st Armored Division Headquarters (744.9003). Theyre open 9:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday, 10:00am-3:00pm on DONSAs and even certain Saturdays. For all sorts of fun activities, be sure to check out The current event calendar is posted there, and its updated frequently. Did you know *AAFES gives you a $.05 credit for each reusable bag you bring in/use when you shop at their locations? *if you are able to give blood at the Blood Center, your donation goes overseas to support Soldiers wounded in theater? *there is a Special Olympics track and field team here at Fort Bliss? *DECA (the Commissary) is having another Case Lot sale! This one is slated for 16-18 May.

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Vol. 1 Issue 1 - 1st Qtr. FY 2013

Around the Brigade

741st EOD returns from Afghanistan Spc. Brotherton wins Soldier of the Year board

B/26 TAB trains in the gas chamber

Funeral detail honors a veteran

From left, Sgt. Ward, 1st Lt. Rhine and Private 1st Class Smith compete in the Oktoberfest night run SFC Naiche and SFC Alexander retire

Soldiers with 212th FiB welcome UTEP Miners during Military Appreciation Night

212th Fires Brigade honors Staff Sgt. Joe N. Wilson during the brigade run Nov. 2, 2012

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Around the Brigade

Sgt. Fetherolf re-enlists during Military Appreciation Night at UTEP

Capt. Montgomery serves Soldiers during Thanksgiving dinner

Soldiers with HHB, 212th FiB rappel down the tower on Fort Bliss

Soldiers with 212th FiB act as extras during the filming of Fort Bliss

From left, 1st Sgt. Pomeroy, Sgt. 1st Class Rauls, 1st Sgt. Rodriguez, Spec. Brotherton, Command Sgt. Maj. Jesus DeGracia, 1st Sgt. Encina, and 1st Sgt. Rosenberry pose with the soldier of the year winner, Spec. Brotherton A Co., 72nd BSB, 212th FiB participate in the El Paso Veterans Day Parade

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Vol. 1 Issue 1 - 1st Qtr. FY 2013

Congressional staffers rappel down a 35 foot tower during the training portion of thier visit to Fort Bliss Oct. 12, 2012. The staffers were on Fort Bliss to observe and train with Soldiers of 1st Armored Division.

Congressional Staffers train with Soldiers

Story and photos by: Capt. Traun C. Moore & Staff Sgt. George F. Gutierrez

Members of 212th Fires Brigades Gunstone team spent three days escorting and serving as Army ambassadors to congressional staffers who visited Fort Bliss from Oct. 10 through 12. The staffers, representing U.S. senators and house of representative members across the country, came to Fort Bliss to observe and participate in training with 1st Armored Division Soldiers. With Fort Bliss being one of the DoDs premier installations with state-of-the art training areas, ranges and facilities the staffers were shown the training capabilities provided to deploying units and Soldiers stationed here. Ftfty-two congressional and senatorial staffers flew into Biggs Army Airfield to get a taste of Army life. Soldiers of 212th Fires Bde., along with leadership from the

division, were there to greet and prepare them for the first event an air assault mission.

headed off to an M-4 range to try their hand at marksmanship. Following the range, the staffers experienced what Soldiers deal with on a daily basis while deployed to Afghanistan. The counter improvised explosive device integration cell gave a firsthand look on how Soldiers train to counter the threat of improvised explosive devices. The day continued with a visit to the Medical Simulation Training Center to observe Soldier providing life saving medical attention to simulated casualties. The day concluded with a visit to the simulation center to view static displays of equipment used by brigades across the installation, as well as to expose the staffers to some of the simulated training opportunities available to Soldiers here. On day three, 1/1 ADs Female Engagement teams hosted the staffers through physical readiness training and

Day one kicked off with Blackhawks going wheels up en route to Kamal Jabour, the urban village replicating the Afghan environment Soldiers fight in. The staffers participted in a key leader engagement, as well as reacting to hostile contact within a village scenario. The staffers served as civilians on the battlefield, U.S. Soldiers and even Afghan military partners. Following the successful mission and flight back, the day ended with Team Bliss, 1 ADs and 212th Fires Brigades leadership dining with staffers at Freedom Crossing. Day two began with an intense work out at Iron Works Gym with the staffers joining the Soldiers for a Mission Essential Fitness session. Later, the staff ate breakfast with the Soldiers of 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division, and then

breakfast at the 1st Brigade, 1st Armored Divisions dining facility. The culminating event for the staffers was the opportunity to rappel down a 35 foot tower. The days activities concluded with lunch with Fort Bliss leadership at the Centennial Banquet and Conference Center before boarding a flight back to Washington D.C.

I have participated in numerous staff delegation visits over the years, said Travis A. Martinez, a congressional staffer from New Mexico. The 212th Fires Brigade made this delegation to Fort Bliss one of the better experiences. I know the Congressional staff had a wonderful time and gained a wealth of knowledge, said Caitlin Blocker, a congressional staffer from Texas. It was a great opportunity to work with the civilians and give them an insight as to what we do every day, said 2nd Lt. Patrick M. Connelly the brigade strength manager for 212th Fires Bde.

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Soldiers assigned to 741st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company were welcomed home by family, friends and fellow Soldiers after their deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

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Vol. 1 Issue 1 - 1st Qtr. FY 2013

Order of Saint Barbara is a military honor society of the US for both the US Army and the US Marine Corps Artillery, including field artillery and Air Defense Artillery. The award is named for Saint Barbara, the patron saint of artillerymen. Saint Barbara day falls on December 4 and is traditionally recognized by a formal Dining-In or military ball, often involving presentations of the Order of Saint Barbara. Saint Barbara, the daughter of a wealthy aristocrat, was tortured and executed after her father discovered she had converted to Christianity. Legend has it that after her father executed her, he was struck down by lightning in divine retribution.

Saint Barbaras Day Ball

Because of this, she soon was regarded as the patron saint in time of danger from thunderstorms, fires and sudden death. She became the patron saint of artillerymen from early on in the development of artillery pieces as early cannons were unreliable, and at times would explode wounding and killing their crews. Saint Barbara was invoked by these early cannoneers in the hope she would protect them from this fate.

Once a year the Team Bliss Fires community gets together and celebrates the induction of its newest members into the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara, the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara and the Order of Molly Pitcher. Inductees into these orders have significantly contributed in the promotion of the field artillery and air defense artillery communities either by direct service or support. For this reason, more than 800 Soldiers and family members came together to celebrate the Saint Barbaras Day Ball Friday, Dec. 14 at the Centennial Banquet and Conference Center at East Fort Bliss. The ceremony was co-hosted by Brig. Gen. James Dickinson, commander of the 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command and Col. David Hamilton, commander of the 212th Fires Brigade. This years group of inductees, both military and civilian, came from various units within the Fort Bliss and El Paso communities.

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Vol. 1 Issue 1 - 1st Qtr. FY 2013

By Capt. Traun C. Moore, 212th Public Affairs

El Paso Community Recognizes Veterans

For 93 years, Americans have recognized and shown their gratitude to service members by celebrating their sacrifice and selfless service on the 11th day of November annually. What originally started out as Armistice Day in 1919 honoring veterans of World War I became a national holiday in 1938; and has been recognized as Veterans Day since 1954, honoring all veterans that have served our nation. The El Paso community, like others across the United States, showed their appreciation by lining the streets of downtown El Paso to give thanks to veterans, past and present, as they marched by during the El Paso Veterans Day Parade on Saturday. More than 600 veterans, both active and retired, were expected to participate in the annual event that has become a tradition for both the Fort Bliss and El Paso communities, solidifying the relationship, respect and admiration that they have for one another. The show of support by the community was something that makes me feel good about being an American Soldier, said 1st Sgt. Jose Rodriguez, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery first sergeant, 212th Fires Brigade. The crowd was very responsive to us and there were a lot of smiling faces. The event was a joy for both Soldiers and bystanders alike. The 212th Fires Brigade Color Guard, Alpha Company of the 72nd Brigade Support Battalion, 212th Fires Brigade and the 1st Armored Division Band represented Team Bliss during the event. It was an honor to be a part of this event, stated Spc. Rochelle Ralph, a health care specialist with Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 212th Fires Brigade. As a part of the color guard, it meant a lot to represent not only veterans still serving, but also those who came before us. In the end, the El Paso Veterans Day Parade highlighted the men and women who volunteered to serve our country in times of peace and war. Remembering those who served, and those still serving, the nation reminds us of the heroism, valor and selflessness that all service members past and present possess.

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UTEP honors those who serve

Story by: Staff Sgt. George F. Gutierrez

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