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ADMISSION ESSAY FOR THE ART INSTITUTE OF SALT LAKE CITY Question: How do you expect you education at The Art Institute to help you attain your career goal? Answer: When approached with the question concerning my expectations, I reflect on the tour of the facility I recently took. I was blown away by the resources and equipment provided there and the dedication of the staff, I am eager to take full advantage of both. In taking advantage, I will develop myself with as many skills as possible to become a vital member of the industry. I fully intend to take full advantage of the knowledge and experiences of the fellow students who are experiencing different levels of the school and the industry. Being a recent graduate of an associate degree in Graphic Design and working on another one, I am excite to continue my education even further. After tireless research, The Art Institute Of Salt Lake City is my school of choice and I hope the feeling is mutual. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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