Syl Lo Question

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Directions (15 -19) : In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly knownfacts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer (1) if only conclusion I follows. Give answer (2) if only conclusion II follows. Give answer (3) if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Give answer (4) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. Give answer (5) if both conclusions I and II follow. 15. Statements: Some casual are formal. All formal are expensive. All expensive are elegant. Conclusions: I. All formal are elegant. II. Some casual are expensive. 16. Statements: All roses are red. Some red are colour. All colour are paints. Conclusions: I. Some red are paints. II. All red are roses. 17. Statements: All towns are cities. All cities are urban. Some urban are rural. Conclusions: I. Some towns are rural. II. All rural are towns. 18. Statements: All medicines are tablets. Some tablets are tonics. Some tonics are bitter.

Conclusions: I. Some tablets are bitter. II. No medicine is a tonic. 19. Statements: All incomes are salaries. Some salaries are perks. Some perks are tangible. Conclusions: I. Some incomes are tangible. II. At least some perks are salaries. [SBI Associates Clerk Exam. 16.01.2011]


19. (2) Conclusion II is Converse oi the second Premise. Directions (20-23) :Thesaquestions are based on six statements. For each question, two conclusions numbered i and II are given. You have to take given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically and definitely follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer (1) if only conclusion I follows. Give answer (2) if only conclusion II follows. Give answer (3) if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Give answer (4) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion 0 follows. Give answer (5) if both conclusions I and II follow. Statements: Some Necklaces are Bangles. All Bangles are Ornaments. Some Ornaments are Treasures. No Treasure is Picture: All Colours are Pictures. Some Pictures are Necklaces. 20. Conclusions: I. All Treasures if th ey are also Bangles they are also necessarily Ornaments. II. All Necklaces if they are also Colours they are also necessarily Pictures. 21. Conclusions: I. All Ornaments which are Necklaces are necessarily Bangles. II. No Colour is Treasure. 22. Conclusions: I. Some Colours are Necklaces. II. Some Ornaments are Necklaces.

23. Conclusions: I. Some T r e a s u r e s are not Bangles. K. Some Treasures that are Bangles are also Necklaces. [PNB Management Trainee Exam, 28.11.20101


20. (4) None of the Conclusions follows. 21. (4) Neither Conclusion! not Conclusion II follows. 22. (2) Conclusion II is Converse of Conclusion A. 23. (4) Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows. Directions (24 - 28) : In each question below are three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the three given statements to be true even IT they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the three statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer (1) if only conclusion I follows.

Give answer (ii) if only conclusion II follows. Give answer (3) if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Give answer {4) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.. Give answer {5} if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow: 24. Statements: All keys are locks. No lock is a door. All doors are windows. Conclusions: I. No key is a door. If. Some windows are locks. 25. Statements: All districts are cities. All states are cities. Some cities are countries, Conclusions: I. Some states are districts. II. Some countries are states. 26. Statements: All books are pages. All libraries are books. All words are pages. Conclusions: I. All words are books. II. All libraries are pages. 27. Statements: All ships are aeroplanes. All trucks are ships. ' Allcars are trucks. Conclusions: I. Some ships are not cars. II. AH cars are aeroplanes. 28. Statements: Some clouds are ashes. Some ashes are particles. All particles are elements. Conclusions: I. No particle is a cloud. II. Some elements are ashes. [Syndicate Bank PO exam, 29.08.2010]


Directions (29 - 33) : In each question below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You haye to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer (1) if only conclu sion I follows. Give answer (2) if only conclusion II fclIower.

Give answer (3) if either conclusion I or II follows. Give answer (4) if neither conclusion I nor II follows.. Give answer (5) if both conclusions I and II follow. 29. Statements: Some doors are windows. All windows are floors. All floors are ceilings. Conclusions: I. Some doors are floors. II. All windows are ceilings. 30. Statements: Some computers are books. Some books are pens. All pens are notebooks. Conclusions: I. Some books are notebooks II. Some notebooks are computers. 31. Statements: Some shoes are socks. All socks are sandals. All sandals are trousers. Conclusions: I. All trousers are socks. II. Some sandals are shoes. 32. Statements: All bottles are jars. Some jars are bowls. Some bowls are buckets. Conclusions : I. Some bottles are bowls. II. Some buckets are jars. 33. Statements: All fruits are flowers. , No flower is sweet. Some sweets are desserts. Conclusions: I. Some desserts are flowers. II. No dessert is flower. [Satpura-Narmada Gramin Bank Officer Exam, 05.09 .2010;


41. Statements: All A are Z. All Z are X. All Y are A. Conclusions; I. All A are Y. II. All Y are X. 42. Statements: ' Some water is cold. No cold is milk. Some milk is water. Conclusions: I. Some water that is cold is milk. II. Some milk that is water is cold. 43. Statements: Some waste is white. Some white is water. Some water is waste. Conclusions: I. Some waste which is white is water. II. Some water is neither waste nor white. [Central Bank of India PO Exam, 25.07.2010

This is Conclusion I. Conclusion II is Converse of the second Premise. 36. 1 3 1 Some mangoes are red.

All red arc vegetables. "Some mangoes are vegetables." Conclusions I and II form Com plementary " Therefore, ei ther Conclusion I or II follows. 37. (3) Both the Premises are Partic ular Affirmative (Itype). No Con clusion follows from the two Par ticular Premises. Conclusions I and II form Com plementary Pair. Therefore, ei ther Conclusfon I or II follows.
P a u

(34 -43) : (i) All chairs are stones Univer sal Affirmative (Atype). (ii) Some wood are chairs Partic ular Affirmative (Itype). (ill) No table is wood Universal Negative (Etype). (iv) Some tables are not.wood Par ticular Negative (Otype). 34. (2) No table is wood.

38. (4) All the three Premises are Particular Affirmative (Itype). No . Conclusion follows from the two Particular Premises. 39. (5) Some caps are shirts.

Some wood are chairs. type of Conclusion "Some chairs are not tables" Some wood are chairs.

All shirts are papers. type of Conclusion "Some caps are papers." Conclusion I is true. Conclusion II is Converse of the first Premise. 40. (4) Less than 100% means 'some'. Therefore, all the three Premises are Particular Affirmative (Itype). No Conclusion follows from the two Particular Premises.

43. (4) All the three Premises are Particular Affirmative (Itype). No Conclusion follows from the two Particular Premises. Directions (44 - 48) : In each question below are either two or three statements followed by two conclu sions I and II. You have to take the two or three given statements to be true and then decide which of the giv en conclusions logically follows from the three given statements, disregard ing the commonly known facts. Give answer (1) if only conclu sion I follows. Give answer (2) if only conclu sion II follows. Give answer (3) if either conclu sion I or conclusion II follows. Give answer (4) if neither con clusion I nor conclusion II follows. Give EaEWSi* (5) if both conclu sion I and conclusion II follow. 44. Statements: All coconuts are palms. Some palms are pines. All pines are ferns. Conclusions: I. Some ferns are coconuts. II. Some ferns are palms. 45. Statements: Some buildings are houses. All houses are bungalows. Some bungalows are tov/ers.

Conclusions: I. Sortie towers are buildings. 1!. All houses are towers. 43. Statements I Some documents are files. No file is a folder. All folders are envelopes. Conclusions: I. Some envelopes are folders. II. Some documents are envelopes. 47. Statements: All paints are brushes. All brushes are canvases. All canvases are frames. Conclusions; I. Some frames are brushes. II. All paints are canvases. 48. Statements: All graphs are tables. All charts are tables. Some tables are diagrams. Conclusions: I Some charts are graphs. II. All graphs are diagrams. [Indian Bank Clerk Exam, 22.08.20101

50. statements: Some doors are tables. Some tables are pots. All pots are dishes. Conclusions! I. Gome dishes are doors. B. Some dishes are tables. 51. Statements: Some ropes are sticks. Some sticks are rods. Some rods are bridges. Conclusions: I. Some bridges are sticks. II. Some rods are ropes. 52. Statements: All chairs are mats. Some mats are windows. All windows are racks. Conclusions: t. Some racks are mats. II. Some windows are chairs. [Narmada-Malwa Gramin Bank Clerk Exam, 31.10.2010]


Directions (49 -50) : In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered 1 and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions l o g i c a l l y - f o l l o w s from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give a n s w e r (1) : if only Conclusion 1 follows. G i v e a a s w e r (2) : if only Conclusion II follows. Give answer (35 : if either Conclusion I or II follows. Give answer ( i ) ; if neither Conclusion I nor II follows. Give a n s w e r (5) : if both Conclusions 1 and II follow. 49. Statements All books are pencils. No pencil is rock. Some rocks are stones Conclusions : I. Some stones are books. II. No stone is book.

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