Mark Smith's Power Point

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Working In Partnerships The Private & Public Sectors A personal reflection

Mark Smith Senior Sustainability Consultant

Some Context Who am I Why am I here?


& a 1000 other things Father

The Edinburgh Guarantee

Mark Smith
Standard Life

Its not so much about knowing the answers, what are the questions?

The Edinburgh Guarantee is a vision that all sectors of the city will work together to ensure that every school leaver in Edinburgh will leave school with the choice of a job, training or further education opportunity available to them.

Fewer school leavers unemployed

Partnerships Delivered
Children & Families, Economic Development functions working in tandem. Private, Public & 3rd Sectors working together Joined Up For Business: Comprehensive SME offer delivered through Business Gateway

Our Brand Values





Things that suddenly meant something new

Convening Power
Engagement Relationships


Capability Business Led Solutions Sustainability

What Difference Did I Make? What did I learn?

Its all about our People

Some people care - some people dont Some people get it some people dont Some people want to help some never will

Its the people who care, the people who want to make a difference that make the most positive contributions

The Future is Partnership based The Future is Community led

Business at the heart Better Futures

Making a Permanent Difference

Walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you judge their journey It is our challenge, it is our collective responsibility to create the positive, accessible and inclusive environment that will allow all our communities to thrive. Its within our gift.

Fewer school leavers unemployed


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