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HW #8 WSE 473/573 Field Trip Report: Stahlbush Island Farms

Apr. 29, 2013. Report due: May 1

Name: _____Dylan Gardner_____ Learning objective: To describe how Stahlbush creates and uses bioenergy from farm waste. Vertically integrated. Seed to customer. Farm, process, market Bio crack...subject material to high voltage that breaks material down for better gestation..a potential replacement for the old grinders. Report: 1. Note a few important characteristics about their Open Source Solar Energy Plant, or anaerobic digestion and energy generation system. a. Feedstocks-produce bi product, corn silage cobs and just, skin and rine from pumpkin, 15to18k tons per year, farm produced, cover crops to capture nutrients, anything above th soil is used for feedstock... Two types of corn silage,...the same amount per day, volatile solids 2to 5 kg/m_cubed/day adjust for MC...10%solid b. Production rate-pump and grinder c. Hydraulic digester-heat must be constant, 3500 meters cubed, more capacity than feedstock aerobic process, tank within a tank...mixes itself by means of methane, carbon dioxide gasification. d. Gas characteristics and management-energy density 400to500 btu/ftcubed, computer on generator determines how to feed gas. e. Power generator-electricity hot exhaust make hot water in it, heat tanks, produce hot air to dry pumpkin seeds blower compresses gas, 900kW up to 1600capable. 2million btu/hr byproduct. Produces a little over 100% of all electricity used at plant. 15Cents/kWh and well under. f. Heat recovery and use- residence of mhot water sent to warm greenhousesaterial 45 to 55 days warm water and air fom power generator gets reused. g. Sludge recovery and useLiquids and solids come out and are reintroduced into farming land, high in, 1/3liquids lignin basically stuff that can't be broken down by micro organisms 2. Draw a process flow diagram or write a narrative that describes how the system works to produce power, heat, and fertilizer for the farm.

3. Discuss the opportunity for more distributed energy systems based on this technology. Address how economics and size influence feasibility. Subsidies multiple, on state and federal level.

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