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Rank Badges
(Scout Section)
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(1) History of Scouting (short).

(2) Scout Promise & Law with translations and examples.
(3) Scout Sign & Salute.


(a) Spiritual Development:

(1) Know Kalma Taiyaba and Kalma Shahadat with Translation.

(2) Namaz:
How to be offered regularly.
(3) Life of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Wiladet to Hijrat.
(4) Knowledge about treatment with the Parents and its implementation.
(5) Knowledge about the Eiman-e-Mufsal and Eiman-e-Mujmal.

(b) Mental Development:

(1) Rope work with uses:

Reef knot, Sheet Bend, Sheep Shank, Bowline, Clove Hitch, One round
turn and two half hitches.
(2) Be able to make waggle with the help of sticks or cardboard.
Know method of whipping.
(3) Know about National Flag and National Anthem.

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(4) Know about History of Scouting in detail about International Scouting.
(5) Know about Scout Signs, Signals and Commands.
(6) To camp for Two days either with his Patrol or Unit.

(c) Physical Development:

(1) Know the Basic Principles of Health and Hygiene.

(2) Know and demonstrate how to clean Wound and practical application of
(3) Be able to Race 50 Meters.
(4) How to stop Bleeding from Nose.
(5) Know the usage and methods for preparing Triangular and other

(d) Social Development:

(1) Importance of Trees and how to Plant.

(2) How to save water from pollution.


1. Scout has to attend compulsory two consecutives nights’ camp either with his Patrol
or with his Unit.

2. Permission for organizing Camps & Hike from District is must.

3. Organizing Camps or Hikes without the permission of the District will be treated as

4. After qualifying Membership Badge, Scout will be eligible to qualify Ittehad Badge
within a specified period given in the National Youth Programme Policy & System of
Pakistan Boy Scouts Association.


(a) Social Development:

(1) Know the causes of Air Pollution.

(2) Know the importance of Trees and Plant in keeping the Atmosphere free
from Pollution.
(3) Know how to Plant Trees and also know the methods for its Protection
from Pollution.
(4) Know the use and care of and Axe.
(5) Participate in health, sanitation, or constructive / repair projects.

(b) Physical Development:

(1) Health and Hygiene:

Principles of Balance Diet and its Administration.
Participate in the 100 Meters Race.
(2) First Aid:
Knowledge of the Pressure points and how to stop the Bleeding from the
Internal Wounds.

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How to prepare Improvised Stretcher.
Know Treatment of:
Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Bleeding from Nose, Shock except Electric Shock,
Insect Bite, Bee and Hornet.
Know the Use of Triangular Bandages.

(c) Spiritual Development:

(1) Life of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be Upon him) from Hijrat to Wisal.
(2) Relationship with the Neighbors and its Practical implementation.
(3) Basic Knowledge / Understanding about Arkan- e-Islam.
(4) Motivate for Good work and discourage un-healthy work.

(d) Mental Development:

(1) Pioneering:
Timber Hitch, Fisherman’s Knot and Man-harness Hitch.
Lashings-Sheer and Pole.
(2) Compass and Map reading:
Compass and its Uses; and
Map Reading.
(3) High ways Rules and Regulations.

(4) Cooking:
Lit a Fire & Cook
One curry, Make Chapaties, Boiled Rice and Prepare hot / cold beverage.
Cook Egg and Meat without Utensils (backwoodsman techniques).
(5) Camping:
Must have camped with his Patrol or Unit for three consecutive nights.
(6) Observation and Sense Training:
Follow a half mile nature trail;
Tracking; and
Sense Training.


1. Scout has to attend compulsory three consecutives nights’ camp either with his
Patrol or with his Unit.

2. Permission for organizing Camps & Hike from District is must.

3. Organizing Camps or Hikes without the permission of the District will be treated as

4. After qualifying Ittehad Badge, Scout will be eligible to qualify Tanzeem Badge
within a specified period given in the National Youth Programme Policy & System of
Pakistan Boy Scouts Association.

5. During qualifying Tanzeem Badge, Scout has to qualify compulsory One Proficiency
Badge, which should not have been prescribed for Quaid-e-Azam Badge.

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