Entrance Plan

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30 Day Entrance Plan

Jennifer Berry

J. Berry 30 Day Entrance Plan

Objective: Begin to establish meaningful relationships with staff members and familiarize myself with the school s needs

Strategy 1: Learn staff members names and positions

Strategy 2: Identify teacher leaders and other key staff members in the building

Strategy 3:Familiarize myself with the school s achievement data and growth over the last five years 1. collect school report card data for the past five years 2. graph student achievement over time to include sub-group data 3. analyze TWC survey results to identify areas of concern from staff members

1. Personally introduce myself to 5 staff members each day 2. Before and after school make a point to greet staff members by name 3. Learn one thing personal about each staff members interests

1. During informal conversations with staff ! members ask who inspires them in the school, who they see as being a leader, and who they can count on to get things ! done 2. Create a survey for staff to complete anonymously regarding their vision for the! school 3. Use informal conversations with staff members to learn the history of the school

4. Provide snacks for staff members to encourage ! good will

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