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Unit Plan #3: American Settlement and the 13 Original Colonies

Submitted By: Robyn Bolton

Unit Plan #3: Reflection Page

1. Where did you get the ideas and materials for this unit plan? Include website names & URLs, book titles and authors. Most of my ideas came from the teachers edition of the 5th grade Houghton Mifflin Social Studies textbook United States History. Activities either came from the book or I thought of them myself.

2. What were the easiest and most challenging parts of writing this unit plan? The easiest part of writing this unit plan was finding a topic that went along with the Nevada Social Studies Standards. In my other unit plans I was limited to a few standards but I based my unit on the standards this time. The most challenging part of writing this unit plan was figuring out what activities I wanted students to do that could be used as informal assessments as well as be engaging.

3. What suggestions do you have for yourself for the next time you write unit plans? I would give myself a lot more preparation time to think of the topic and the material that I want to use in my lessons. I will also make sure that I have allowed myself to add additional lessons to expand my unit so that things are not crammed into one day of learning.

Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

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