Week 2 Notes

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Every Sunday 7-8 PM with Mawlana Bilal [HFX] Jamiyat Tabligh Ul Islam Southfield Square Week 2 Notes 28-4-13

All praise is for Allaah and may the blessings of Allaah Azzawajal be upon His last and beloved Messenger; Prophet Muhammad SalAllahuAleyhiWasalam.
Quick Recap: Last week, we looked at the seven conditions before Salah. Exercise: Can you quickly recall them? Importance of cleanliness Three out of the seven conditions before Salah are regarding cleanliness. Undoubtedly, this further emphasises the sheer importance of cleanliness.

Evidence from the Quraan No doubt, Allaah loves the constant repentance and loves the purified. [Surah Baqarah- Ayah 222]

When Allaah Almighty loves those who purify, as lovers of Allaah Almighty ,we should also love being purified. One of the ways of showing love is to love whatever your beloved loves.

As We sent in you Messenger from among you, that he recites Our signs to you and purifies you and teaches you the Book and mature knowledge and teaches you that which you did not know. [Surah Baqarah- Ayah 151]

One of the benefits of the Holy Prophet [may salaam be upon him] is that he purifies. Grammatically, this 'an imperfect verb', hence It is incomplete as it is on-going which proves this was not one of the specialities of the Holy Prophet [may salaam be upon him] whilst he was apparently alive, rather it is a speciality which the Holy Prophet [may salaam be upon him] still possesses. As seen from the Ayah, its connection is with him being a Messenger, not with him physically being in the world.

Hadith of the week:

Do you remember last weeks Hadith? Have you shared the Hadith with any of your friends and family?

Al Muminu Mirathul Mumini The believer is the mirror of the believer. Please memorise and share with your family and friends.

Every Sunday 7-8 PM with Mawlana Bilal [HFX] Jamiyat Tabligh Ul Islam Southfield Square Week 2 Notes 28-4-13

Todays objectives To be able to differentiate between dirt and filth [Najaasah]. To become aware and learn the two different types of filth [Najaasah]; the theoretical filth [Huqmiyyah] and the practical filth [Haqeeqiyyah].

The difference between dirt and filth Dirt itself does not necessarily require any action to be taken. For example, the result of sitting on grass may cause soil to stain the clothes. However, praying in these clothes does not make the prayer void (unless filth is apparent on the clothes). Note: This does not mean one should pray in dirty clothing! Dirt is something which is not naturally liked, but it is not impure. On the other hand, filth is impure affecting ones ability to worship. For example, one would not be able to pray in the state of being filthy, or his clothes, or the place he is praying being filthy.

Two types of Najaasah

Hukmiyyah Theoretical Filth [Affects the body]

Haqeeqiyyah Practical Filth/ Physically visible [Affects the clothes, ground] Split into two:Khafeefah [Light Filth] Ruling: If it covers a quarter of the clothes, it is excused. Example Urine of Halaal animals, droppings of flying birds. Ghaleezah [Heavy Filth] Ruling: If it covers a size of Dirham (a silver coin equal to the inner palm measuring 3cm squared) it is excused. Examples Alcohol, flowing blood, urine of Haraam animals, saliva of predator animals, dropping of non-flying birds, anything which exits from the human which invalidates his/her Wudu. Golden rule If something has been stated to be filth, in the Quraan and Hadith, with no text from the Quraan and Hadith which states otherwise, it is heavy filth. If something has been stated to be filth, in the Quran and Hadith, with text from the Quraan and Hadith which states otherwise, it is light filth. It is against Sunnah and Taqwa to prayer with the minimum excusable filth present, but permissible.

Hadas-Ul-Akbar [Major Filth]

Hadas-Ul-Asghar [Minor Filth]

Rule: Must do Ghusl

Rule: Must do Wudu

Every Sunday 7-8 PM with Mawlana Bilal [HFX] Jamiyat Tabligh Ul Islam Southfield Square Week 2 Notes 28-4-13

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