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Unit Plan #4: Learning My Way Around the World

Submitted By: Robyn Bolton

Unit Plan #4: Reflection Page

1. Where did you get the ideas and materials for this unit plan? Include website names & URLs, book titles and authors. bZMLn08#! If websites were not provided I created the assignment myself, but most activities came from a website. 2. What were the easiest and most challenging parts of writing this unit plan? This unit plan was fairly easy because I go used to doing them. I would say the only challenging part of doing this lesson plan was scaling everything down so that it fits for first graders because I didnt want to overwhelm them with things that they might not be familiar with or that they havent quite learned yet.

3. What suggestions do you have for yourself for the next time you write unit plans? Gather all of the activities and handouts that you want to do and put them in order for what days you want to use them. It makes it a lot easier.

Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

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