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Center Space Education Founders Joselyn Wilkinson,

Artistic Director, is a
musician, songwriter and theatre artist, performing professionally for over fifteen years throughout the nation. As an arts educator, she specializes in teaching performance skills and facilitating the creation of original work. After extended tours of study in West Africa and graduating with honors from UCLAs World Arts and Cultures, Wilkinson founded ADAAWE, women of the voice and drum, and has released several original albums. Wilkinson has developed and taught arts curriculum in many public and private schools in Southern California. In 2010-2011, Wilkinson was awarded an Artist-In-Residence Grant by Los Angeles Countys Department of Cultural Affairs.


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Wendy Zacuto, MA,

Educational and Curriculum Advisor, is an
educational consultant specializing in school placement, early childhood through middle school curriculum and professional development. Through her 25 years of experience as a classroom teacher, preschool through 7th grade, and 11 years as an assistant principal and principal, Ms. Zacuto has developed expertise in workshop approaches to learning, project-based instruction, leadership models of differentiated instruction, data-driven decisionmaking, and helping parents to find the perfect school match for their child.


Please contact us today for more information, and to schedule an artist residency, professional development series or performance that meets your needs!

Center Space Education

Focus and inspire your students, complement core curriculum and engage brain-based learning.

Arts Education

Programs for Students

Artist Residencies in the Classroom


guide students to create original

work and learn performance skills


Programs for Educators

Assembly Performances
with world-class performers educate and entertain


Professional Development
integration, mindfulness

Educators learn the principles of arts

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