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Defense wounds:

Definition: These are homicidal wounds sustained by the victim during

defending himself against an attack by trying either to grasp the weapon by hands or raise the arms towards off an attack to protect the face and the head from injury. They indicate violence. This result from the victims spontaneous reaction or self protection when he attacked. 1- Injuries sustained by grasping the weapon:As in stabbing attacks: Grasping the knife produces cuts corresponding with the position of the edges of the weapon. Such injuries are usually found on the palms of the hand and on the opposing bends of the fingers or thumb. As grapping the knife will loosen the skin tension the cuts produced are usually irregular and ragged. 2- Injuries sustained during raising the hand or arm towards off an attack to protect his face and head: They may be in the form of cut wounds or contused wounds or contusions according to the causative instruments. It Indicate the victim was conscious, not completely surprised by the attack and at least partly mobile -Blunt weapon abrasions , bruises -Sharp weapon depend on stabbing , slashing,both ..In stabbing attack in attempt to grasp the knife there was cuts on palm of hand and the opposing fingers or thumb. ..In slashing attack the victim holds the hand or forearm leading to serious cuts on these parts ..Lower extremities more common in females and suggest sexual assault

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