Lesson Plan - Chapter 5

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Lesson Study II Walled Lake Western

Teacher Name: Matthew Schumann & Jason Middleton Class and Grade Taught: Algebra 1, 9th Grade Lesson Date: During Unit 5, Week of Nov. 19th Lesson Logistics and Setting Unit Topic: Linear Functions - Previous Lesson Topic: Unit 4 - Functions - Current Lesson Topic: 5-1: Identifying Linear Functions - Next Lesson Topic: 5-2: Using Intercepts Ideal: (What we want students to know) We want students to understand the y-intercept as a fixed part of the linear equation, compared with x. Students should understand how to read the graph and predict future values based on the graph of the equation. We want students to see that it only takes 2 points to plot a line. We want students to Actual: (What we believe students understand) Students have worked with arithmetic sequences with a similar formula to y=mx+b, but not graphing them. Students will understand how to plot points and connect them. Students The Gap: (What we need to have students discover) Why do we need a y-intercept? Why cant we just have y = slope * x How do we know our prediction will hold true? Why does it only take 2 points to plot a line? Is using three okay? Lesson Objectives: (The learner will know/understand/be able to ) Understand the meaning of the y-intercept and how to write slope-intercept form. Understand how to use the slope-intercept form to find any y value given an x. Understand the most efficient way to graph a line. Standards Addressed: A2.1.7A Finding Slope: Identify and interpret the key features of a function from its graph or its formula (slope, intercepts). A2.3.2: Describe the tabular pattern associated with functions having constant rate of change. A2.4.2: Graph lines given appropriate information.

How will I know students have met the objectives? 1. Students will produce an exit slip with their groups predicting a value where they must produce an equation and use it so find a value they dont have the physical materials for. 2. Students will have a similar task as homework. Materials Needed: 1. Styrofoam cups. Each group of 3 should get about 10 cups. 36 kids / 3 = 12, 12* 10 = 120 cups. 2. Rulers and yardsticks 3. Document camera, pre-made worksheets, projector, chalkboard, etc Introductory Routines (announcements, homework review, etc.) 1. Pass back test from Unit 4, if ready. 2. Collect/Walk around and grade any HW (None planned so far). 3. Settle them down if they are rowdy. (They will be). 4. Pass out Warm-Up and give them a Timer on Doc-Cam.

TE 802 Fall 2012



Students are working Lesson

(details about how students are configured, what work they are doing and how they are recording their work)

Anticipated Student Thinking/Questions

Teacher Moves

TE 802 Fall 2012



Launch Warm Up Worksheet (5-10) minutes

Students are presented with worksheet and the situation that they must measure the teachers height with Styrofoam cups. They will given a worksheet with missing information that they must fill in to help guide them along their exploration of the task.

What if there are different cups? Can we just stack them next to you? Cups dont have measurements on them. How can you measure height when a cup is measured in ounces or volume?

Inform students of your height (60in or 154 cm) Measure the cup in front of the students and inform them of the height. Record this data or have it presented on the board or presented via ELMO or PPT Be sure to make students think that you made the task too easy so that someone does not actually get the task correctly. o If this does happen, sample the classes work and call on someone who is incorrect with the misconception that we are expecting. o We want students to just assume that the total height divided by the height of one cup (not thinking of the cups being set inside of one another) o If the cups were stacked in the form of open end to open end and small end to small end of the cups. This method would work, so suggest that there may be another way to find the answer that may be a little more involved. Teacher should be walking around looking at student work and asking questions to find out where the students are headed with their thinking o Why did you multiply? o Why did you divide? o Where did you get these numbers? o What units are using? o

TE 802 Fall 2012



Explore Description of Task(s) 20 mins students working in groups From the warm-up build up the question and get them to see that the cup has 2 different parts (lip and body)

Students will be given 10 cups per group, yardstick, ruler, and paper to brainstorm their thoughts. Students will work in small groups that they get into themselves to figure out just how many cups it will take to measure the teachers height.
After students have come up with predictions on how many cups to measure the teachers height, one group will use the class cups to measure the teacher. After measuring, the teacher will ask how the students came up with their predictions. Students will then be asked to graph their equation. Begin discussion of slope, rise over run, and y-intercept.

Can we just measure you? Can we stack the cups next to you? o NO!

Exact question that you will pose to students to begin the exploration. How many parts of the cup are there? o 2 lip and base, inside and out, top and bottom, Is there a part of the cup that does not come into play when you stack them measure the teacher? o Is it always irrelevant or only sometimes? Which portion of the cup is exposed? Does this matter when measuring? How tall is a stack of 60 cups? 20 cups? o Answer depends on the cups we choose to use How would you go backwards and find out how many cups are in a 300cm stack? What is the y-intercept? o What value is x? o Would all x-values be the same for all yintercepts? o Does the y-intercept represent any data you used? What is the slope? o Does the slope represent any data you collected? What is the rise? o What does that number represent? o What does y represent? (total height of x cups) What is the run? o What does that number represent? o What does x represent? (# of cups)

TE 802 Fall 2012



Summarize/Share and Discuss Reflect on the explore as a class

Presentation mode Sharing solutions, teacher-led discussion, student led discussion, etc. The discussion will be facilitated by the teacher, but the students will do most of the sharing and explaining

What will you say or do to set up the discussion of the big math ideas? Teacher must be aware and use rephrasing, restating, and ask other students to repeat other students responses Why is the slope this? Why is the y-intercept this? What if the lip of my cup was this and the base of my cup was this? o Can you tell me what the slope and yintercept of that function will be?

Summary Statement:
(May change based on what actually happens in class) Students will walk away having an understating of where to locate a y-intercept on a graph and in an equation in the for y=mx+b and also will be able to see the slope and be able to pick it out of a graph and an equation y=mx+b. Remind students that graphs are not always needed when you are trying to find the slope of an equation and that you dont always need 2 points, if you are given y=mx+b, m is the slope. It is important to tell students that when finding the y-intercept, x is always 0. So in order to solve just make x=0 and then you will get y.

Homework: Custom HW Worksheet based on the Supermarket Cart Task.

TE 802 Fall 2012



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