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El subjuntivo con verbos de emocin

In Spanish, the subjunctive is always used in the subordinate clause when the verb in the main clause expresses any kind of emotion, such as happiness, pity, hope, surprise, fear and so forth.

Some common verbs that expresses emotion are:

alegrarse (de) to be pleased, to be happy esperar to hope lamenter to regret, to be sorry sentir to feel, to be sorry soprenderse (de) to surprise oneself temer to fear tener miedo to be scared

Main Clause Subordinate Clause Yo espero que Elena pueda ir al cine. I hope that Elena can come to the movies.

Ricardo teme que nosotros no podamos ir al cine. Ricardo fears that we will not be able to go to the movies.

The subject of the subordinate clause must be different from that of the main clause for the subjunctive to be used. If there is no change of subject, the infinitive is used. Yo espero poder ir al cine. I hope to be able to go to the movies. Ella teme no poder ir al cine. She is afraid she wont be able to go to the movies. Cunto nos van a dar ellos para la fiesta de Navidad? How much are they going to give us for the Christmas party? Espero que nos den unos cincuenta dlares. I hope they give us about 50 dollars. Temo que no puedan darnos tanto. Im afraid they cant give us that much.

Con expresiones impresonales que denotan emocin

When an expression denotes emotion in the main clause of a sentence, the subjunctive is required in the subordinate clause if it contains a subject that is expressed or implicit. The most common expressions are: es de esperar its to be hoped es (una) lstima its a pity, its a shame es lamentable its regrettable ojal its to be hoped, if only es sorprendente its surprising es una suerte its lucky

-Es una lstima que Jorge no pueda ir con nosotros a la Misa del Gallo. Its a shame that Jorge cant go with us to the Midnight Mass. -Ojal que Alberto est libre y pueda ir. Its to be hoped that Alberto is free and can go.

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