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Personal Reading Responses for Student Selected Book

Learning objective: Students will be reading a story of their choice and they will explain main events of the story and do a closer analysis of the text. Procedure Instruction (20 minutes) 1. Either start in the computer lab or walk the class down to the computer lab. 2. Go over the assignment with the students. 3. Instruct students how to set up their Wikispace account using a projection screen (See Handout). 4. Go over some of the basics of creating a reader response. a. Personal voice b. Include pictures c. In text links (if applicable) 5. Show them a sample of a reader response that fulfills the requirements and one that doesnt. 6. Discuss the specifics of the book that the students can choose and give them suggestions. a. Minimus page requirement of 100 pages b. Chapter book format 7. Ask students if they have any questions. ANTICIPATED QUESTIONS: Does it have to be fiction or nonfiction? Can it be a book weve read before? Can we read the same book as someone else? 8. Allow students to look through the library and pick out a book to read and have them tell you the title and the author before they leave. Assignment Specifics Students will be responsible for reading a book of their choice on their own and during reading days. Students will comment on and discuss their book in a blog format of Wikispace. They will explore different elements of the book, as well as review the book and recommend it to other students. Requirements: 1. One reader response per week that will be due by every Friday. 2. Reader responses must be at least 2-3 paragraphs in length. 3. Must have the book finished by:_____________ 4. Posts must be dated. Evaluation Students will be expected to submit a reader response each week. They will be evaluated on the quality of their posts, and the variation in topics. Students will be expected to read

one other students posts and pick out elements that they liked about it and well as elements they liked about their own posts.

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