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Professional Self-Assessment Form

Teacher Candidates Name: __Whitley Hurd__________________ Date: ____April 17 ,2013_________ Mentor Teachers Name: __Mrs. Brown___________________ School: Whittaker Elementary______

Grade Level (s)/Subject Area(s)__5 Grade Math and Social Studies_____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions to the teacher candidate: Please reflect on your professional performance, and respond to each of the following prompts. 1. In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional strengths? How have you built on these strengths so far, and how do you plan to do so in the future? My professional strength would be APS8: Monitoring, Assessing, and Enhancing Learning; and APS 4: High Expectations. I always reach out to students in the class and form that teacherstudent relationship to inspire them. Students come to school with a lot of things on their mind and sometimes, they need someone to let them know that they are smart or that they can do anything they put their minds to. On every assessment given, students know they are expected to make 80% or better. Those who make that goal are rewarded in different ways. Those who dont make it are inspired to do better next time. I monitor students throughout the day and give a variety of assessments. When a majority of students dont do well on an assessment, I reteach the content using a different instructional strategy. That is how I enhance learning!


In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional challenges? How do you plan to meet these challenges?] My professional challenge would be APS 6: Content Knowledge. Social Studies is a complicated subject to teach students. It has always been my least favorite subject throughout the years. Its a challenge to teach students something that is not really interesting, so I have to make it interesting to them. Everything has to relate to the students. I had to study hard about WWII, the Cold War, etc., to teach the students effectively. I will meet these challenges in the future by studying and using a variety of instructional strategies to relate the content to the students.


Describe your students overall progress and achievement. What insights have you gained into ways to improve student progress and achievement? Overall, the students progress and achievement increased throughout the sixty days of student teaching. Majority of them have scored 80% or better on all assessments. To improve the progress of the students in the future, I will use a variety of manipulatives and hands-on activities to keep the students engaged and active in their learning. I also plan to incorporate physical education, music, and art into my daily lesson plan. The students are very active and you have to keep their attention. Manipulatives, art, and physical education are a great source to achieve this goal.


How will you use the knowledge you have gained through this professional selfassessment to promote your continuous professional growth and collaboration? I will use this knowledge that I have gained during this great experience to better myself. I will be an effective teacher, and that comes with change. Every class and every student are different. An effective teacher knows how to manage and teach every student and make sure learning is taken place in the classroom. I will use all the information I gathered from student teaching to be successful in my classroom. When you hear effective teacher, I want people to think of Ms. Hurd.

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