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Summary: After 7 years and 5 foster homes Mickey.

C. Rox has had enough of running around and trying

to be the good little girl, she knew that she never

was. When Mickey was 9 a stranger came into her

home, when her parents were still alive and shot

them, then ran off. Years after that she finely gets her

last foster home in Rocky Lake, where she meets

Wade who makes her feel older for once, and then

theres James who makes her so uncomfortable she

wants to go back home. She knows that this is her

last chance to prove that she can live alone and take

care of her self.


Mickey- main charter

Lennie – foster mom

George- foster dad

James – boy from Mickey’s school and work on the


Wade- little brother of James

Tara- store keeper

John – keeper of her old house

Memories- mom and dad

Jessie –class mate

Lora- social worker

Billy- friend of George and works with him


Chapter 1

They told me that it was going to be sunny. I looked out the

car window and watched the huge rain drops hit the

windshield. Boy where they ever wrong. I could see Lora at

the corner of my eye leaning forward to see the road and at

the same time stealing worried glances at me. I hate when

people multitask when they are trying to look at me,

whatever I sighed and tried to concentrate on the whitecaps

that where trying to flip over a small fishing boat, trying not

to smile at how pathetic it looked.

I heard Lora sigh and I turned to look at her

“Look Mick I really want this for you, it’s just so hard to make

you happy and the other people around you happy.” I looked

at her like I had heard this a lot of times. As she read my

face she said “I ‘m sorry Mick for repeating myself but it’s

my job to do so.”

“To repeat your self?” I asked

“What?” she said “No…n- never mind, can you read the

address again... please?” for the last time I read the

directions. She, I noticed could follow them really well, she

probably got used to it by being around me. I remembered

the very first time I met her; I was only nine. Wow, it feels so

long ago. That day it was a cold spring night. I never wanted

to be there, all I wanted to do was go back home and hide

under my bed with my stuffed cat Snickers. They found me it

was not that hard, all they had to do was stand in the

doorway of my room and tilt their head to the right and see

me staring at them…

I quickly shook my head to erase the stupid memory.

“Oh look were here.” Lora said breaking in to my thoughts,

the way she spoke it sounded forced, wonder why…

“Looks like you’ve got the lake in your own back yard, and

look at the horses!” God now she sounds happy what is this

shit? Why does she have to sound so happy about it? I

quickly got out of the car before she could say anything

more. It looked like she wanted to do the same thing, as I

looked around I could see about twelve acres of land and

then the house all I could say was “it’s cute”. When Lora

asked me. So after I took all of the outside in we, made our

way to the house and rang the door bell. A moment later a

younger Lora answered the door, she looked a lot like Lora or

you could say acted like her too. She had dark brown hair

and hazel eyes; the kind of figure of a hard working mom the

kind that worked in the kitchen all day, then cleaned

throughout the house, and worked in her flower bed. Lora

started off in the usual way saying her name and introducing

me and a little bit of my history which I always hated when

she did that. I learned my new foster mom’s name it’s

Lennie. She seems really sweet and way too kind, but
whatever so she let us in the house and told us that she has

to go and get the foster papers and told us to go to the living

room and I will meet you there, so go through the kitchen

and turn to the right and you will be there. At least I got to

see a little bit of my new home, but I knew that she’ll give

me a tour after Lora left. We made our way through the

kitchen, the counter was made out of blue marble, and the

rest was all hard wood. The one thing that looked familiar

was the couches; they looked like the ones at home, the one

where mom and dad used to live… when I saw them I had to

hold back the tears that started to flood my eyes. I quickly

blinked back the tears that where threatening to spill over

my eye lids.

“Oh look you must be so happy that you have a home that

welcomes you and I can see that because it makes you

“Uh yah sure thanks.” Why did Lora have to say all this

stuff? Then Lennie came in to the room and said “let’s get

Chapter 2 Rooms

After Lora left Lennie showed me around the house and let

me tell you it was huge. The first thing she showed me was

the coffee room; I mean it the coffee room. She said it’s a

place for reading and relaxing, which I can say I don’t usually

do. Then next was the ‘family room’ as she says that on her

husband’s side there are a lot of family members. Then she


“Did your parents have any brothers or sisters?”

“Yeah my dad had an older sister but, if you’re asking the

reason why I didn’t say with her it’s because she’s crazy she

thinks she is in the Bahamas all the time saying to the

nursing staff that she’d like to have some more wine and

cheese….. Sorry that was the last memory I can think of her.

It was after my parents died and that same day was when I

met Lora. That’s why I can’t stay with my aunty, plus she

died three years later.” I must have really surprised her

because she stopped in mid pace while I was talking about

my aunty. Now I regret saying anything at all.

“So are you over the death of your parents? And what about

your aunty what do you feel about her?” she looked a little

worried as if she was asking too much, but I just shrugged

off the thought and went for the answer.

“I guess I am over a little bit of their death some days are

good and other’s are not worth mentioning. But with my

aunty I don’t know because I never knew her that well and I

just never thought of her that much. Sorry if you don’t

understand what I’m saying but yeah.”

“Well thanks for trying to tell me. Would you like to look at

the rest of the house?” I remember nodding my head and

heading toward the door.

She showed me the three bathrooms (and one of them is

mine, I love the colour if it, dark blue, my colour). The rest of

the house was really nice, with all the dark red and bright

yellow walls; this is not what I expected to live in. Most of the

houses I lived in were very small with no room for other kids

to live in. This one house had three other adopted kids I was

the middle child, but the tallest, the house only had one

bathroom and two bedrooms. The people who owned the

house never cared about the kids they adopted, they only

wanted the kids for money not to take care of. As I looked

around in the house I was going to live in and slowly lost

interest in what Lennie was saying, she kept going on and on

about how long the repairs took when they bought the

house. Finally I just had to interrupt her and asked her if she

had a husband.

“What? What was that?”

“I asked if you had a husband. Do you?” As I watched her

get back down to earth she started nodding.

“Yes I do, I bet you thought that I live alone, no I… he should

be home soon. He works in the mill across town. Let’s see its

four o’clock he’ll be home in five minutes.”

“Let’s go downstairs and surprise him since you were

suppose to come around six is that okay with you? Or would

you like to go and see your room?” I looked at her thinking

what she would say if I said that I would like to see what my

room looks like. Hmmm …

“Yah sure can I go and see my room then I could see him

when he gets here then I could surprise him when he comes

in the door. How’s that sound?” she looked at me like she

wanted to say no but a smile broke her face and she said

that would be a great plan.

Chapter 3 New dad. New room

Lennie was right her husband did come home in five

minutes. I barley got a look of my new room, but when I did I

loved it, the colour, and the design of it. The room had a

walk in closet plus a section for shoes, a queen sized bed, a

window seat facing the huge white caped lakes. A long

mirror with a wide dresser. The thing I liked the best was my

desk you can tell it was made by hand by just looking at it.

The desk faced to ward the doorway to my room. With one

more look at my room I headed downstairs to see Lennie.

When I found her, she was in the kitchen making dinner.

“So how do you like your room?”

“Well to tell you the truth I love it. It’s the best thank you.”

Thank god she looked happy with my reaction.

“Well I’m glad you like it.” She looked like she was going to

say something else when we heard a car come in to the


“Oh that must be George, quickly go hide so you can

surprise him when he comes in to the door.”

“Umm okay uh where should I hide?” she looked around

with huge eyes, and then we heard the door open,

“Go hide in the family room he usually goes there to read the

paper, quickly now.” So I ran through the door trying not to

make anything fall over. Once I found the room I sat on a

chair in the far corner of the room. That’s when I heard their

voices. “Hello honey how was work?”

“I had a long day the usual, today Billy broke the conveyer

belt that pulls the lumber through to the plainer.”

“Oh no that’s terrible how much will that cost the

company?” There was a long pause I started thinking should

I come in now or when Lennie says that she has a surprise

for him… shit… I want to get this over and done with…

“It’ll cost about a grand that’s about it.”

“That’s not much, thank god… honey, you know how Mickey

is suppose to come around six right?”

“Yes, is she coming later? Because I have to go and work in

the barn and phone that James boy and ask him if he wants

to work here or not.”

“Well there’s a surprise in the family room for you. I can bet

you that she is getting very impatient waiting for you.”

“Is she here? Where is she I want to see her” Wow I thought

what a winy baby I should just go out, so they could stop

yakking… just then the door opened and in came George,

and guess what all I was thinking? Shit, shit, SHIT I am not

ready for this. Oh my god…and after that went through my

head I looked up and saw him standing there looking at me

with a big smile on his face. Oh my god, help me why does

he have to look so happy?

“You must be Mickey, I so happy to meet you. I thought that

you will be coming around six; wow Lennie was right this is a

big surprise how old are you now?”

“Seventeen, it’s nice to meet you uh… sir.”

“No need to call me sir, you can call me George or dad if

you’re ready for that…” he took a step forward and held out

his hand, to shake hands with me. I got a good look at him

when the light hit his face, for the first time I noticed the rain

has stopped. He was wearing work clothes, a checkered

button down shirt with faded out work jeans and with that he

wore big work boots. After that little talk Lennie came in and

said it was time for dinner, when she said that I looked at me

watch, it was only 5:28pm weird they have dinner early.

Whatever this is their house and I most follow their rules,

just like what I tried to do at every other house that I was at

or should I say the other 5 foster homes that I was at. So I

just smiled nicely and followed them to the kitchen.

Chapter 4 new rules

I swear Lennie should be a chef the food was like the kind at

an expensive restaurant, she made a pot of wonton soup,

and with cru tons then she made a vegetable salad with

vinegar and oil. I told her that she should be a chef, and she

just blushed and giggled at that, but George agreed he him

self told her over the years that she should be one but she

always refused to take note of the thought. Over dinner we

talked about my history again, since George never heard

about them yet. I got to ask them how come they didn’t

have any kids and they said it was because their first child

died when he was born, then Lennie got pregnant again but

had a miscarriage, so after that they gave up trying to have

kids so they decided to adopt a kid, then they told me that

they were fighting for me for the past year, but when I

thought about it I was still with Jill in the last year before she

sent me back to the adoption center. After that I was really

surprised, and happy that they chose me not someone else

that will die out on them. They told me all the rules of the

house, the does and don’ts what time they go to bed and

what time I should too. After dinner the phone rang and

George answered it and said it was James saying that he

would like to work on the farm and other extra stuff that he

needs help with. Lennie seemed all talked out after dinner so

I said that I’m going for a walk down to the beach and check

out the rest of the property if that was okay with her. She

said yes, and so I headed to the front door to spend just a

few minutes of freedom on my own for once.

As I made my way down to the beach, I noticed a person

walking down the road to the house; I just thought it must be

one of Lennies’ friends or maybe that person George talked

to… whatever maybe I’ll meet them later when I feel like it.

After a little while sitting on the beach I started to freeze,

and not the good kind of freeze where you think your still

warm, no this freeze was the kind you know that you’re ass

is numb and your legs feel like their burning off. Yah it was

cold that’s when I finely decided that I should go up and

check out the horses that were just standing around and

looking just as frozen as me. So I got up and walked up to

the pen, I called out to them, or more like clucking out to

them seeing if they will take notice of me and come over. But

as I kept doing that they just kept standing there, like idiots I

thought. That’s when I decided to come a little closer to

them and see what happens, that was the wrong idea

because they charged at me I gave a little scream and flew

back from the fence, I stood there standing staring at the

horse that tried to kill me by breaking the fence.

“That was not too smart; those are wild horses George told

me, obviously he didn’t tell you.”

I turned quickly to see a boy my age, smiling down at me like

I was a stupid little girl that does not know what I was

doing… asshole…

“Well hell, I didn’t know I just got here nobody told me about

the stupid horses.” I sneered and turned away to head back

to the house that was about 50feet away. Shit long walk…

why did I come out here?

“Sorry about that, I didn’t know that you where with the

Grants.” The Gants who the hell are the Grants? Wait does

he mean George and Lennie? Must be…

“Uh yah I’m with them… how did you know?”

“Well George told me today that you will be here, I mean I

just found out today, and he told me not to treat you like a

trespasser but I guess I did… sorry about that.”

“It don’t matter mostly everyone I meet thinks I am a

trespasser. I have to go, um my name is Mickey if you where

“Oh uh yah I’m James Ruckleton, nice to meet you. I’m going

to be helping out on the farm.” Oh I bet you are.

“well I have to get going I don’t want to stay out too late,

plus it’s getting cold… see you around?”

“Yah sure see yah.” Thank god he’s gone. After talking to

him I hiked my way back into the heated house that was

waiting there for me.

Chapter 5 sleeping spell

When I got back into the house Lennie was sitting on the

recliner in the living room watching the news. When she

noticed me she gave me a small smile and waved me over,

to come sit with her. When I came near her she said in a

small voice, “Take off your jacket honey you must be warm

by now. You don’t want to get too warm.”

“No I’ m okay I am still a bit cold for out side…” my eyes

caught sight of the TV, it was of the city I used to live in,
Census City the weather was always nice, the sky is clear

and blue with once and a while you see planes flying through

the air.

“…the sky gets darker faster here then it does there...”

“What does that mean Mick? Don’t you like it here?”

“What... Yes I like it here I was just comparing the weather I

hope I didn’t sound offecive …sorry I… it’s just harder for me

to change houses so fast and the weather is different, I’m

not used to it… sorry.”

“Oh it’s okay Mick sorry I jumped you I guess I just a little

tired and maybe a little overwhelmed.” I just looked at her

and nodded my head, what else was there for me to do?

Stand there and do a little dance for her so I can make her

smile again? Hell no, not me, not now, not ever.

“So where you gonna tell me something?” might as well

change the topic before she get up set again. For no


“Yes I was thank you for reminding me… um we have already

enrolled you into the school so I just wanted to tell you that,

you start tomorrow, so if I were you I’d go to bed soon. So

you get a good night rest and so you get up early, maybe

around seven if you want or eight… that’s the latest me and

George will let you sleep in.” great just what I need more

rules god damn it, you know what I just gonna go to bed so

she can shut her pretty ass mouth.

“Thanks for telling me, about school um I get up early so you

don’t have to worry about me sleeping in, well I am going to

bed right now… night”

“Okay then goodnight Mickey. Have a good sleep.”

As I made my way up the stairs I thought about the recent

homes I’ve been to, and thinking about all the nights I

stayed awake thinking about my parents, and how it would

have been if they didn’t die, if they lived how would I be

living now? I shook my head opening the door to my room.

Seeing the new bed that Lennie and George got for me.

Once I looked at it I felt like I’ve been drugged, tearing my

eyes away from the bed I made my way to my bathroom to

take a shower and change. The first thing I do is go to the

tub and turn the hot water (I love really hot showers). As I

got undressed I looked at myself in the mirror seeing my

tired face, this shower needed to be quick or I would fall

asleep in here. When I stepped into the shower it took my

breath away, feeling the burning hot water run down my

body. I had to sit down and close my eyes just for that

moment I felt pure bliss it felt so nice to be in a shower so

warm, well to me that is, to a few other people I know it

would burn their skins off. In which I would gladly present to

watch them burn in the water. An image of the man came

into my head, I quickly opened my eyes to see the room was

full of steam, just the way I liked it. As I sat there I put my

head down so my hair would fall in front of my face and I just

sat there and let it burn. Feeing the tears approaching I lifted

my hand so I would turn the knob to the right so the water

would go hotter, but nothing happened the water didn’t get

any hotter it didn’t change at all so I looked up to see that it

was all the way to the right, seeing that it had no where else

to go and I just kept sitting there staring up at the knob

wishing for more hotness but instead of thinking and sitting

there I stood up and felt the water pelt my skin, now it was

hot, the kind of hot that makes you jump, and that’s exactly
what I did. I jumped up and shut the water off. I stepped out

and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my self. I looked

around the bathroom to see that everything was in steam

including the bathroom sink, just the way I like it… Jill never

let me do this she would always get mad at me, just because

of the hot water bill, no wonder she hated me… I looked

around one more time and headed toward my bedroom, so I

can change into my pj’s. Once I changed into my bed clothes

(as my first mother called them, her mother was an English

teacher, which was my grandmother), I dried my hair in the

towel brushed it out and laid down in bed. I thought for a

moment that I would fall asleep soon, so I got up and shut off

the light, and laid back down. Starring through the window I

watch the shy grow darker and the moon come out slowly

from behind the trees, this is what my father called “opening

night” like when a new movie comes out and there’s a large

crowed you’d call it a opening night or even when a new

store opens, most people thought my father was too

frivolous to be the big business lawyer in Census City that

was until that day when he was shot down in his home, just
out side the city, with his wife but the nine year old daughter

survived by hiding under her bed during the shooting, later

the man looted the house and left, not knowing the daughter

was there and could have killed her along with her parents

the way he had. As I stared through the window my eyes

started to water and my breath came in little gasps, and

before I knew it I was crying myself to sleep.

Chapter 6 Ringing ears

I don’t remember much from the night before, after that long

hot shower I fell asleep into a non-dreaming sleep, you know

the kind that when you fall asleep you wake up a minute

later and find out that it is already time to get up, so you

wipe the sleep from your eyes and get ready for the day you

know that you’re going to hate. That is the exact thing I did,

I noticed that I woke up before my alarm so I just laid there

and imaged what a day at a new school would be like. Once

I got dressed I grabbed my new back pack and bounded

down the stairs, to look through the glass window to see

Lennie putting a lunch into a plastic bag, and putting it on

the counter. Great just what I need, someone to make me

lunches so I don’t starve to death at school, Lora must of

told her about the time Jill did not feed me for about 2 days

damn she might drive me to school, great now this is not

what I need. So I held my breath as I came down to the

landing, thinking that she is going to be all happy and proper

about the morning, but when I came into the kitchen she

hade a small smile on her face, looking at me as I came in to

the room.

“Good morning Mickey I hope that you had a good sleep… I

thought that I was going to come and wake you up, but well

now I guess I don’t have to do that.”

Look lady I just want to eat and go to school and not talk to


“Uh like I said I get up early.”

So she just smiled and said “well get you something to eat

and then we will get going.”

After the little morning thing with Lennie, she drove me to

school explaining who will be at the front desk waiting for me

and she also told me some of the students she knows. It

seemed a long drive so I asked her if we where going to

make it in time, but she assured me that we will so I just

sighed and ignored the country music she put on. Then a

question popped into my head, is she going to drive me

everyday cause’ if she is then I am going to be late for class

everyday and the teachers will hate me… shit should I ask

her?? Might as well go for it.

“So are you going to drive me everyday to school? Because

if you do then I might be late everyday… just so you know…”

“Nope I won’t be driving you everyday, but if you are

wondering who, it will be that James boy he is going to be

the one helping out on the farm.”

“Okay so he’s going to be picking me up and dropping me


“Yes, you got that right.” She took a short pause then asked

“am I a really slow driver?”

Might as well give it to her straight.

“Um no offence but yes you are, in a good way though. You

really watch the road, when I’m with others I know they will

multitask when they are driving and don’t pay attention to

the road but with you I feel some what safe…” okay I have to

stop this now because she might think that I really want her

to drive me everyday shit…

But after I said all of that, she just said it was nice to know

how I feel. When we pulled in to the parking lot, most of the

students were walking through the front doors of the school,

as we drove around to find a parking spot I could see that

James boy standing by his truck looking in our direction. I

couldn’t tell if he was glaring at me or if he was glaring at

something behind me. Lennie must have wanted to leave

soon because she parked in a no parking zone.

“So” she turned and said to me. “Are you ready?”

“I guess so; will that boy James be dropping me off today?”

“Yes he will I asked him to, and also he has some work to do

when he drops you off. Don’t worry he knows where we live.”

Like I haven’t noticed that.

“Well I should go now I don’t want to be late and um I think

James wants to talk to you…”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because he has been looking at us since we got here. Didn’t

you notice?”

“I didn’t know you knew him. When did you meet him?”

“Yesterday before I came in the house I was looking at the

horses and he told me to be careful around them then I

came in.”

“Well it’s nice to know you that you met him I’m sure-

Out side we here the bell ringing now you could see all the

students coming out of their hiding places, and heading in to

the school.

“Well I better go now. See you later.”

“Okay then have a good day Mick.”

Once I got out of the car I headed toward the front doors of

the school but even before I touched the door handle a hand

popped out of now where, and opened the door for me, I

turned to see who it was but it was the only person I knew

that went to this school… and that would be James.


Chapter 7 Class rooms

Great another problem to deal with. That was the first thing I

thought when I saw James and let him open the door for me.

“Hi there how was your morning?”

Do I really have to talk to you? … I guess I have to. But just

for today.

“Hi how are you today?”

“Fine, you?”


“What class do you have?”

“How would I know? I just got here. In case you haven’t

noticed.” God how stupid can he be? When we got to the

office I told the lady at the desk my name, and she printed

off my schedule for my classes and told James that he will

show my to my first class. When we got out of ear shot from

the office James said the blocks are D8 and F3 which was

math and English for us.

“So” he asked “are you used to going to different schools a

lot? How can you get used to it so fast?”

Now how to answer him? Bitchy or non-bitchy? Hhmm I

choose non-bitchy.

“It’s easy for me because I am so used to moving to different

homes, and ignoring the people helps a lot too.”

“What do you mean by ignore people?”

“Well I ignore the people who are trying to get to know me

the most.”

“So you don’t like people getting to know you? Does that

mean you don’t like having friends?”

“I didn’t say that now did I?”

“No I guess not.”

Why is he trying to get to me?

“So are we just going to keep walking around this place, or

are we going to find our classroom?”

He gave me a look, like he wanted to smack me over the

head in a joking way, so I just glared at him.

“Okay we go up the stairs on the left then skip the three

classrooms on the right, then head to the last classroom on

the left.”

I just looked at him like he was crazy and shook my head.

When he saw that he asked what was wrong and all I could

say was, ‘thanks for the directions.’ When we got to the class

and opened the door everyone looked at me like I was a

terrorist well that’s a warm welcome…just like at the last

schools. I stole a quick glance at James, before the teacher

could say anything to me, or the class.

Teacher: “Well hello there you must be Mickey, I’m Miss

Mraz.” She takes a look at James and tells him to go have a


So can I go have a seat, and not stand here like an idiot?

“So Mickey where are you from?”

“A lot of places, do you want to know where I was born, or

where I live now?”

“Let’s start off where you were born. If that is okay with


You just have to know who I am don’t you bitch, but don’t

worry I won’t let it rain on your parade. Another voice came

into my head and told me that I don’t have to tell her my life

story, all I have to do is give her small bits and pieces not

everything and it she asks for more I’ll just say I don’t want

to talk about it. That should shut her up. No need, no need

at all.

“I grew up in Census City til’ I was nine, then I moved out

side of the city and just lived on the out side. That’s all I

want to say.”

She looked at me like she didn’t believe me I took a look at

James, his face looked closed and disapproving like he didn’t

believe me either, like hell that bothered me.

“Okay then Mickey you can go sit down in front of James.”

As I started to move down the aisle my knees almost gave

out, so you could say I stumbled to my seat. The girl beside

me whispered her name to me, introducing herself as Jessie

Polar and told me not to touch Josh, the one that I noticed

that was starring me while I was sort of talking in front of the

class. I turned to get a look at him, to see that he was still

starring at me, and so was the dude that was sitting beside

him. I felt my face go red, and turned away.

“Now class I want you to get in to groups of two and get an

atlas, we are going to start geography today. Please do it in a

quite manner.” She looked at us to make sure that we where

still seated then said “okay go” and so we went.

As I turned to ask if Jessie wanted to be my partner I felt

some one kick my chair then another person fall in front of

me. I saw some people laughing and pointing at the floor

and just laughing harder. When I finally noticed what

happened I just shook my head and looked at James, just to

see him tilt his head to ask if he was asking to be my

partner. Without my face going red I said yes.

After that first class I wanted to get the hell out of there. I

found out that it was Josh and his buddy that tried to kill

themselves to get to my seat and ask me if I wanted to be

their partner, but I proudly said no, then I said ask Jessie, I

could tell that she wanted to kill me after I said that. James I

found out is easy to work with; he doesn’t rush through

things like helping me learn longitude and latitude. After

class Jessie gave me a small smile, and told me to hang out

sometime, I said sure and walked down the wrong hall to the

wrong classroom, but thankfully James was there to help me

get to where I needed to go.


After school drive

When the day was finished I had homework, not the kind

that was oh homework I could do it later, no this homework

was the kind like, if I don’t do it then I will be sent to the last

foster home which for me is not cool.

I didn’t have a locker yet so I couldn’t pretend that I didn’t

have any, plus I knew when I got ‘home’ there where going

to be a lot of questions about school and how much

homework I have not to mention the tests that are going to

happen in two days, these are the finals that happen every

year so students can pass and go to college and get a good

job, that does not include walking the streets in a tube top
and a skinny short skirt. For the guys they have their own

ideas in making the money they need, to pay the one’s that

need to get paid for their work on walking the streets. It’s

not like I don’t like those kinds of people it’s just I had a

friend like that and got killed doing that job which sucked on

her side not mine because I tried to be smart in what I do I

keep to myself, and hide when the questions are thrown at

me, I hold my breath when the air around me begins to thin

out. I stay out in the thing’s that don’t include me I hide my

weakness for the time being, I hide. I was thinking all of this

on the front steps of the school waiting for James to come

out and drive me home, I already looked around the students

parking lot to see if his truck was still there, it was but he

was not there, and so I keep waiting for him to come, I felt

like a kid waiting after school for him. After what seemed like

ages he came out of the front door of the school and came

down the steps to come sit by me. When he sat down he just

looked straight ahead of him, without looking at me.

“Where you waiting long?”

“Not too long, I thought you left and I would have to walk

home- I mean to Lennie’s place I would not want to walk all

the way there, and not know where I am going.”

“You don’t know where she I mean where you live?”

“How would I know anyway? Remember I just moved here


“Right sorry, we should get going; I have to stop at my house

first though because I have to check up on my brother. I

don’t want him to keep annoying my grandmother, he

sometimes gives her a hard time, and mostly he gives

everyone a hard time.”

“And how old is he?”


“Nice when I was 15 I was breaking into houses, to get away

from the foster people, aka Lora.”

After a moment there was silence, then I just figured out

what I just said.

“Shit did I say that out loud?”

“Please don’t tell Lennie or George, they would send me

back to the foster house without a second thought.”

“You’ve been through a lot of shit in your life I could tell,

don’t worry I won’t tell them.”

All he did was give me a small smile and said ‘let’s get

going’. When we got to his truck I asked him, “Are you going

to drive me everyday?”

“Well do you want me to drive you everyday?”

I looked down at my hands so I didn’t have to make any eye

contact with him and said, “Maybe, you drive a lot faster

then Lennie anyway.”

I looked back at him to see what kind of reaction I got but his

face just had a plain smile. Plus I noticed that I just started

liking it a little too much, this was my chance to get a good

look at him, he had dark brown hair, it was curled slightly,

and his bold was nice, wide shoulders. His eyes where dark

brown the kind that you can drown your own eyes in, that’s

when I noticed that he was doing the same to me, watching

me… I had to look away feeling my face burn with

embarrassment, of knowing that he was watching me too.

So he was watching me, so what right? I don’t want him to

get to know me, it’s not right, I don’t have time to stare at

his body and check him out I better tell him that we better

get going or his brother might be still bothering his

grandmother. Should I?

I stole another glance at him to see that he was looking

straight ahead with his face slightly pink, then I took a look

at his ears, to see that they where bright red. I turned back

to look at the window, might as well get this over with.

“So… uumm are we going to go? Your brother must be very

board with your grandmother, unless he found something

else to do.”

“What…shit sorry, I kind of dazed off…” then he started the

truck in one fast movement, and we where off.

By the time we got to his place it was 3:45, I didn’t know

what time Lennie wanted me home so I didn’t say anything

to James. When we pulled in to the drive way there was a

little pit bull sitting at the door way, first watching us as we

pulled in to the drive way, then as we got out of the truck it

came and started barking its head off. Like an idiot I

screamed a little but James just laughed.

“Sorry about, Roxter it takes him a while to get used to

people that he doesn’t know.”

“That’s okay,” I could feel my face growing hotter by the

second; the longer I stood there, the longer I felt my face

start to cool off by the cold fall air.

“So why is he called Roxter?”

“You mean why is she called Roxter?”

“What he’s a she? Well I didn’t expect that.”

He gave me a small smile, and turned toward the house, “My

brother named him, while he was playing Guitar Hero’s, and

the song was called Roxter… or maybe it was the singer who

was named that, even Wade thought that she was a he.”

“Wade? Is that your brother?”

“Yeah, he’s a good kid but annoying as hell, but once you

meet him I think he’ll act a little mature, at least I hope.”

Before I could tell him what was on my mind about the dog

and the boy, we both herd shrieking of laughter and then an

old woman’s voice.

“Oh shit what has he done now?”

“What could be the worst that he could do?”

But before he could answer the boy came out of the front

door yelling, “I win, I win, ha ha old lady, you can never beat


I looked at James as he walked passed me to his brother.

“What did I tell you? I keep telling you to settle down, and

help out Gran you promised.”

It seemed like Wade just noticed that James was standing

there, yelling at him. He did not say anything; he was just

standing there with this weird smile on his face looking down

at James.

“You can’t tell me what to do; mom said that I could play the

games that Gran knows. Plus…” he looked around for

something else to bring in to this little argument, and then

he saw me. Ah shit you stupid little kid please don’t bring

me into this stupid talk fight.

“Well what do you have to say for your self?”

I quickly whispered to James, “No don’t encourage him he

might bring me in to this.”

He looked at me not brothering to whisper said, “You think I

don’t know that?”

That’s when Wade finally spoke up, still staring at me with

that freaky smile on his face.

“I’m gonna tell mom that you where with a girl, and that…

that…” he now was glaring at me trying to figure what else

to say to James’s mother, who I started to now wonder where

she was. She must be at work, or maybe inside. After I

thought that I looked though one of the windows behind

Wade to see an old lady looking back at me, I looked away

then looked back at the window but she was gone. Then

James broke into my thoughts.

“Okay sorry for that, I guess I should get you home, my

brother won’t listen to me.”

“What where you going to do with him?”

“He was going to come and help me on the farm, but he is

being a pain right now. So I’ll drive you back home and talk

to him later.”

“What did he mean by, ‘I’m gonna tell mom what you did,’”
He just looked at me but didn’t say anything, he just looked

at the ground and said, “Get in the truck and we’ll talk.”

So when I got in he quickly went back to the house and

talked to some one, it must be that old lady… I wonder if she

is like his brother hope not… maybe he lives with her, must

be but it makes no sense for him to live here when he could

live with his mother. I mean, Wade talked about here saying

that he’s going to talk to her… I’ll just ask James later when

he drives me home.

I kept looking at the house waiting for James to appear, the

only light that was on was the kitchen, or the front entrance

that led into the house.

Finally after what seemed like forever he came out, he came

to the truck got in and stared at the door of the house.

Might as well ask what happened, or why he took so long…

hurry get on with it before he starts talking about something


“So…” we said a the same time.

“Go a head.” I said

“No it’s okay you could talk… first”

“So what took you so long?”

“Do you have to ask that?

“Can’t I?”

“I don’t really want to say.”

“Well then can you drive? Lennie is going to be pissed if I’m

late, so will you drive?”

“Shit sorry.”

Without another word we where off.

Chapter 9 Another rule

When we got to my place it was 5:00 and I could see Lennie

and George in the family room. To me it looked like they

were talking, I wouldn’t be surprised if they where even

arguing. After I thanked James for the late ride home, I was

just about to get out when James blurted out,

“Tell George that I can’t work on the farm today, it’s already

too late. Plus I have something to deal with at the moment.”

“Your brother?” I asked.

Then he gave me a look that said ‘shut up’.

What ever not my problem that he might get fired by

George, bet this was his first job with him too.

I just shrugged at him and said ‘sure’.

When I got out of the truck Lennie met me on the porch.

“Where were you? We thought you’ve run off on your own,

once again.”

What they thought I ran off on my own? Why would I do

that? I like this place… well I mean so far.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to come so late, I was with James all this

time I swear.”
I hope that they didn’t call Lora, but if they did then I would

have to phone her and explain what had happened in my

point of view, not Lennie’s or even George’s view.

After explaining to George why James couldn’t work he let

him off easy but then he looked at me and said, ‘you could

have phoned and told us where you were.’

“I said I was sorry, I didn’t mean to come late, it’s not my

fault, and he was the one that was driving not me.”

That’s when the phone rang, Lennie answered it and said it

was Lora, and she would like to talk to me.

Shit I don’t deserve this I did nothing wrong, it’s not fair that

I came home two hours late I have to get shit for it. Fuck did

I just say home? This place is not even a home yet. To me

god I don’t need anyone I just need to live on my own with

no one to bother me and always get to do what I want, just

like the other people I know…

That’s when Lennie handed me the phone and said she and

George are going to go and talk to James, then walked out

of the room just enough time for me to say,

I turned around to make sure that no one was around.

“So Mick what did you do now?”

“I think you already know, there’s no point in telling you

since you know what had happened.”

“Mick… come on don’t do this.”

“Well I didn’t do anything, I was fine with James, plus it was

not my fault that he was running late.”

“Look Mickey do you really want to return to the safe house?

Because I won’t hold back this time.”

“You can’t do any thing, I like it here I was only here one day

and their already freaking out.”

“Mick I don’t like that language you are using.”

“Of course you don’t.”

“Mickey that is enough.”

Her voice cracked at the sound of my name, I just had to


She would never understand anything about, me oh well too

bad for her. Of course she just kept on talking, and me never

“Oh Mick can you at least hear me out? I mean it’s not fair

that you get to do what ever you want, these people do have

rules you know, everyone does. You just have to get used to


“Well you’re kind of not letting me now are you?” I wanted

her to get mad at me; she thinks she can still boss me

around? Well I got a thing or two with me so she can just…

“Mickey I don’t want to be mad at you any more. It’s hard

enough to work here and then worry about what you are

going to do next.”

“That’s when you just keep your nose in your work and

DON’T worry about me.”

“Mick I want to talk to Lennie, put here on the phone now.”

“I’m sorry” I said in a sarcastic voice. “She is not able to

come to the phone right now please leave a message after

the tone.” I paused for less then a second and said,


“Don’t you hang up Mick---”

At least I listened to her when she said to hang up the

phone, now just hope she doesn’t call back. I stood by the
phone for at least five minutes, looking around I noticed that

there was a phone book on the table where the phone goes. I

walked over and looked at the page it was opened to the

yellow pages; there was one phone number that was both,

underlined and highlighted. Beneath the number was the

word ‘Mickey’s safe house worker’, great just what I need

like they need to know more about me. I looked around

again took the page in my hands a ripped it out of the phone


Folding the page in to my jean pockets, and turned and

walked up the stairs to my room.

When I came in to my room there was a note on the bed

saying that Lennie and George went to go talk to James, god

do they think that I am going to worry about them? Still poor

James I wonder how much shit he’s in. it must suck being

him. Oh well it’s not really my problem, when they come

back I’ll try and talk to them about what had happened.

Then again I just know there will be an extra set of rules that

is if they keep me. I decided to stop thinking about

everything that happened so far I looked around my room to

find a place for the page that I got from the phone book.

That’s when I saw the window seat I walked over to it and

lifted the seat up and tucked it in to the side pocket that was

hard to notice. Once that was done I chucked off my shoes

and laid down in bed. I didn’t expect to fall asleep because

the next thing I knew I was in my old house looking down at

my old stuffed cat snickers! I thought as I held up my

favourite stuffy and brought it to my chest.

Chapter10 The dream

“Do you like it Mickester? I’ll buy it for you.”

I looked up wide eyes staring up at the only man I felt I knew

that would always protect me. I gulped smiled up at him.

“Yes please Daddy I really want this one PLEASE?”

“Okay Pumpkin I’ll get it for you.”

Then the scene changed and we where back at the house as

if we just got back from the store. It was hot it was only June

but the weather seemed to think that it was August. When

we got inside the house mom was standing in the kitchen

smiling at both of us and as always her eyes were sparkling.

“Well now what did daddy buy you this time?” she gave dad

a look that said, ‘just to make her happy. That’s why I love


“Daddy” I blurted, “daddy buy me new toy I call snickers I

want to keep it for ever and ever, I promise never to lose it.”

I remember staring down at it, and saying its name over and

over. Once again the scene changed it must have been my

bed time because I was being tucked in to bed by my

parents, still holding on to my new toy, as if for dear life.

That’s when the man came in to the room and took out his

gun and started firing his gun everywhere, by that time I was

already under my bed. When he left I could hear myself

screaming and crying, they were both on the floor their arms

and legs askew. Seeing the sight of my parents and running

over to them, hugging them while I was still crying. Soon I

could hear sirens and people with loud speakers, I could still

hear them breaking down the front door, with the sound of

wood splitting. Covered in my parents’ blood I slid under my

bed waiting for the police or whoever was breaking in to the

house. When they came to my room all I could hear was the

sound of my on heart thumping hard in my chest.

The first person to enter my room had short blond hair he

looked like he was a super model instead of a cop. The other

one had dark brown with little streaks of white in it.

“Are they breathing?” the first one said.

“Nope they’re both gone.”

“Great… hey what’s with all the blood?”

“Well they both got shot you know, when a person gets

shot theres usually a lot of blood.”

“That’s not what I meant look at where the blood leads, it

goes under the bed.” The first guy took a step back and took

out his gun again.

“Do you think…” the second guy asked.

“I don’t know maybe. You take the left I’ll cover you.”
“Fine.” I could hear them shuffling around in to their places. I

could hear one of them swear. Then I looked up in to the

surprised dark brown eyes.

“Shit” said the guy that was looking down at me.

“What is it, who is under there?” but the guy that was

looking at me didn’t say anything but reached over to pull

me out. He touched my toy and I yelled, “No don’t touch her

she’s mine go away, this is my house get out!”

“Jerry what the hell do we got under there?” the dark eyes

looked away to the other man.

“I think it’s their kid, god this is going to suck.”

I just looked at the first guy waiting for him to shoot me just

like he shot my parents.

“Okay let’s take it easy,” he said to me looking at him with

eyes that were starting to fill again with tears.

I wanted to talk to them but I was way too scared, “can you

leave mommy and daddy alone? They love me and are good


“No we can’t leave, we are here to help you now.” The guy

with blond hair said.

Then the other guy grabbed for my toy and took it out of my


“Hey give me back my Snickers now,” I wined, crawling out

from under the bed. There were two other people in the

room now, one of them was a lady and the other was an old


“So what have we got here?” said the old man, he looked

down at me then at the toy that the dark haired guy was


“Well boss it looks like a double murder, this is their kid here

I’m surprised that she didn’t get hurt too.”

“Give me back my Snickers” I screamed. Everyone in the

room looked at me, and three more came running in to the


Without another word I got my Snickers back.

Then the dream shifted and it sounded like some ones heart

beating in a fast rhythm that kept skipping its beat, in an

unhealthy manner. In the dream I could see two coffins and

two bouquets of white roses. I looked to my right, and Lora

was standing there with me. I looked to my left and the

police officers were standing there too. Then the dream

started to shift and turn with these fast motions I could not


“Mickey are you okay? Wake up” I knew that this was not

from the dream, I tried to wake but, I stilled wanted to be in

the dream keeping close to my parents as much as I can.

This was the only time that I could at least be near them.

“Come on Mick wake up, can you hear me?” At that moment

all I was thinking was get out of here, I don’t want you I want

to stay with them. Mommy why can’t you be here with me?

It’s not fair that you are there and I am here.

The dream started to darken with us, (Lora and the police

officers) fading slowly away I opened my eyes and stared up

into Lennie’s face, she looked a little worried, then she said,

“are you okay?” I looked at her again to make sure that she

wasn’t mad about anything, and then looked behind her at

the window. It was already dark, that was not surprising to

me because when I was with other foster homes I would

always sleep a lot especially after talking to Lora or fighting

with one of my foster parents.

“Yeah I’m fine just tired, did a lot today.” She looked like she

wanted to say but she didn’t.

“Me, James, his grandmother and George talked, we agreed

that he will drive you to school and bring you home. We will

also be giving you a cell phone so that we can stay in touch.”

“As if I m not that capable of finding a phone at school. Plus I

know that James has one.” I remember seeing him fiddling

with something during class, before the teacher told me to

sit in front of him. I saw that he was texting on the cell

phone, and when I stood in front of him he put the phone

away. “Whatever” it’s not like I am going to be staying here

for a long time. She gave me a hard look, and sighed, I

wondered what she was thinking, I bet she must be thinking

about how hard it is to please a seventeen year old. Or she

must be really glad that if she did have her own kids that

they might be acting the same way I am. I bet.

“So I was thinking” she said “that we will go to town

tomorrow and get your cell phone, and you can pick it out.

Whatever you want.” She paused for a sec. “James will be

picking you up tomorrow, and bring you home then we will

go to town.

I thought about this for a bit then looked at her again. “Why

don’t he drop me off in town and I will… walk around for

awhile and look around?”

“Why am I thinking that you want to spend more time with

him?” I felt my face flush, “I’m not, and I don’t know what

you are talking about.”

“Right then I’ll tell George that he’ll drop you off in the mall

parking lot okay?”

“Yeah sure, I’m going to go have a shower.” I started getting

and pulling back the covers to get my things ready for the

long shower ahead.

Lennie sighed and said that was fine, then she left leaving

me standing there listening to her footsteps go down the

stairs in to the kitchen. Hearing her talk to George and

hearing him laugh made me feel like I am missing something

but I just shrugged it off and headed to my bathroom, where

I know everything will be clamed.

For me.
Only me.

By Megan Perepolkin

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