Solving The Mystery of He Said/She Said: Think About It

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YOU & I Part 2: Who Switched Off Your Brain?

Solving the Mystery of He Said/She Said

THINK: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27 NIV). Think about some of the stereotypes youve heard regarding men and women. Focus on this verse, reflecting on how both genders are created in the image of God.

LAUNCH: Dr. Caroline Leaf studies neuroscience and seeks to understand the unique mental processes of men and women. She is passionate that science and faith are not at odds with each other. In fact, she says that science is catching up to the Word of God in that brain science highlights how God created us and allows us to see more of Gods glory. Reflect on how you have been trained to view science. Have you been raised to see it as incongruent with Christianity and to dismiss its findings? Or have you perhaps viewed science as more valid than the Word of God? How do Dr. Leafs statements about their compatibility, as well as her affirmation of science as a reflection of Gods glory, resonate with you? EXPLORE: Men and womens brains are physically different. Dr. Leaf shared that the differences were designed to complete, not compete with, one another. The unique strengths of the individual male and female brain are compatible; they fit together. They are also complementary; contributing to and improving each other. How does this perspective compare with how you have typically considered the differences between men and womens ways of thinking? Have you falsely assumed that one genders way of processing information is better than the others? Where have you seen examples of how the brains of men and women work together to create a more complete picture? SHARE: Women tend to process information in external, indirect ways; accessing and talking through detailed memories. Women shift quickly between a variety of thoughts and emotions. Men, however, often process information internally in a more localized, direct and organized fashion. These different strategies can lead to conflict in decision making. Women may access endless information without organization and men may think directly while lacking needed details. Share examples from your marriage, family, friendships, or relationships with co-workers where you have seen this difference create conflict. How can you use this neuroscience information to improve your decisionmaking collaboration with the opposite gender? APPLY: Read Deuteronomy 30:19. In addressing stress, Dr. Leaf pointed out that women often externalize and talk extensively about their challenging situations. Whereas, men may internalize and retreat to process solutions internally. She noted that all of our thoughts produce physical realities by building trees in our brain. Negative thoughts that are consistently meditated upon create toxic trees in our brain. Positive, affirming, thoughts grow healthy life-giving trees. Our command is to choose life by taking our thoughts into captivity and renewing our minds. Read 2 Corinthians 10:5 and Romans 12:2. Consider the way you process stressful or negative thoughts. How do you renew your mind and take these thoughts captive? Have you ever considered that your thought patterns are forming a physical reality in your brain? Discuss the type of trees that are planted in your brain. PRAY: Acknowledge God as Creator. Give thanks for Gods amazing creativity and His perfect design of our human brains. Thank Him for forming men and women in His image and confess areas where you may have not honored the opposite gender in your thought life. Ask for wisdom and grace in communicating and working with others whose thought processes are different from yours. Ask God to reveal negative thought patterns that have taken root in your brain and to give you the tools and strength to re-wire your thoughts so that they may glorify Him.






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