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1. Carbohydrate is an organic compound that consists of * carbon * hydrogen * oxygen 2.

Carbohydrate have two type which is known as simple and complex carbohydrate 3. simple carbohydrate are those found in products made with refined sugar as well as fruit and milk 4. Complex carbohydrate are found in starchy food like bread and cereal

5. Children need carbohydrate for health, but the amount needed varies by age and gender
6. Carbohydrate come from many type of food which are healthier choices and should be included in your childs wellbalanced diet. 7. Carbohydrate are a macronutrient , which means your childs body relies on them to survive and adequate intake is vital to health.

8. So now I would like to explain about the important of carbohydrates for children
9. First of all, carbohydrate give child energy for growth. - which means carbohydrate provided the body with source of fuel and energy that is needed to carry out daily activities and exercise. 10. Besides that, carbohydrate are also vital in oder to ensure the brain, heart, nervous, digestive and immune systems work correctly.

11. Like other things carbohydrate also have its negative effects if children take in wrongly 12. If child eat wrong kinds of carbohydrate , it can result in weight gain especially if the child do not have an active lifestyle. - it is because the unused energy from carbohydrate will turn into stored excess fat. 13. If child take too much carbohydrate it can also give the negative effect like the glucose lever in the blood will increase which will increase the risk of health problem such as heart disease and diabetes.

14. In conclusion, to make sure children have a healthy life style parents should ensure that their children eat carbohydrate in a well balanced order.

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