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acc501 business finance ka paper tha aj ojb start ke chap mein se tha ...

but almost sub mein se tha ... ratios mein se numericals tha ... aik profit margin, roe wala numerical tha subjective mein... benchmarking aur bonds aur valueing bonds zaroor parh lyna ... interest rate ka numerical tha ... nomial rate aur return rate mein diffenece aya tha ... best of luck to all of u for papers remember me in ur prayers

ROE in DuPont identity is affected by Operating efficiency Asset usage efficiency Financial leverage

All of the given options

A decrease in the percentage of net income paid out as a dividend will increase the Return on assets ratio

Retention ratio
Leverage ratio Profit margin

Which of the following does not change Current ratio of a business Efficient usage of current assets Change in the nature of the firm Change in Accounting method of the firm

Change in the management of the firm

Present value factor is (1+r)^ t (1-r)^ t

1/ (1+r)^ t
1/ (1+r) ^(1/t)

Depreciation expense is

Operating expense
Investing expense Financing expense All of the given options Internal growth rate tell how rapidly

The firm grows

Sales of the firm grows Profit of the firm grows None of the given options You can determine the number of periods (n) in a present value calculation if you know: Future amount Present value Interest rate

All of the given options

Which one of the present value factor is larger?

PV of 1 factor for 10%

PV of 1 factor for 12% Both have the same effectIt cannot be determined If we deposit Rs. 5000 toady in an account paying 10% how long does it take to grow to Rs. 10000? 5.27 years 6.27 years

7.2 7 years
7.57 years

The future value of first Rs. 100 in 2 years at 8% discount is:

Rs. 116.64
Rs. 111.64 Rs. 164.64 Rs. 164.61

_________are short-term temporary investments that can be readily converted into cash. marketable securities Cash equivalents Treasury bills

All of the given options

The Cash flow statement records your_________ and expenditure at the end of the 'forecast' period.

Actual cash income

Un earned income Coming year income Last year's income

Changes in cash from financing are "cash in" when:

Capital is raised
Assets increased Liabilities decreased Cash withdrawn Generally changes made in cash accounts receivable depreciation inventory and accounts payable are reflected in:

Cash from operations activities

Cash from financing activities Cash from investing activities None of the given options

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