Ovi Agm Minutes - 29 04 13

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Osprey Village Inverurie Residents Association Minutes of the Osprey Village Inverurie AGM held at St Marys Church Hall,

Inverurie on th Monday 29 April 2013 at 7.30pm Present Committee: Carol Reid, Andrew Christie, Sarah Thornton, Sue Yannaghas, Tony Carnegie, Mark Stirling, Sarah Whitby, Anne Gibson PMC: Richard Burnett, Brenda Troup Apologies Apologies were received from Nick Cunningham. Welcome and Introductions Andrew Christie (Chairman) welcomed attendees and made introductions. He also provided some context around the purpose of the AGM and a summary of the agenda. Committee Sue Yannaghas (Secretary) provided some background to the process followed in creating the Residents Association and elected Committee. She also referred to a draft Committee Constitution and Code of Conduct. Both of these documents to be adopted at the next Committee meeting, and thereafter posted on the Osprey Village website for information. (Action: Committee) It was proposed that the current committee continue in post until the 2014 AGM and there were no objections to this proposal. Communication Anne Gibson and Tony Carnegie provided details on the various places where information on the Committee, raising issues and finding updates on action could be found. These included the Newsletter, Facebook page and Website. Tony confirmed that any issue raised would be acknowledged, and the issue taken to the next scheduled Committee meeting. He reminded attendees that there may be a delay in providing a response to an issue, as this would depend on when the next Committee meeting fell, however he reassured attendees that a response would always be provided as soon as was practically possible. The proposal for a Questionnaire which would be created by the Committee to canvas residents views and sent to all households, was approved by attendees. (Action: Committee) Financials Sarah Thornton provided information and context around her role as Treasurer. Primarily to look into the finances of the Village; understand whether the Monthly Management Charge is reasonable; and advise on any other financial matters that may arise. Allowing for limited access to information and nature of the budget, a detailed financial review was difficult to carry out. However the budget, as detailed in the annual statements consists of 5 elements:-

i) ii) iii) iv) v)

Grounds Maintenance Charge - largest element of the budget; General Maintenance Charge - to cover general costs not covered by the other categories; Public Liability Insurance - to cover any claim for injury made by the public incurred whilst on OVI communal grounds. Claims could otherwise be brought directly against proprietors; Management Charge - paid to PMC; VAT on the Management Charge

Sarah advised that the annual charge for the current year was 18.27, and 15.20 for those proprietors paying by Direct Debit. PMC provided 2012 invoices for Grounds Maintenance and General Maintenance charges only. Due to the commercial sensitivity of the information, PMC could not provide any details of the breakdown of the Management Charge. They did however confirm that it was in line with market rates. PMC advised that the monthly charge for the coming year would be increased by 3%. This increase was primarily to cover inflation, however it would also provide a contingency fund and would not necessarily be required. This would increase the monthly charge to approximately 18.64 or 15.65 (DD). Taken as a whole, PMC confirmed that Osprey Village Inverurie had minimal arrears. They also confirmed that there are no surplus monies held in any sort of bank account. Once a year monies are reconciled and either rolled over into the following financial year or credited to individuals if this is requested. All work carried out by the Committee is voluntary. Any costs incurred by the Committee have been for room hire, newsletter production, and website domain registration. All costs have been minimised wherever possible. PMC advised that the Grounds Maintenance contract is to be put out to tender once the whole development has been handed over to them (due to happen by end June / early July). This will naturally have an impact on future monthly charges. Landscaping Back in February 2013, the Chairman, Mark Stirling and a representative from PMC, walked round the development to highlight and record various landscaping issues. PMC have been asked to follow-up on these issues with Barratt, Wimpey and Proserv (OVI grounds maintenance contractors). Mark will lead a follow-up audit to ensure these actions have been carried out to a standard acceptable to the Committee. The Committee will also be closely involved in the grounds maintenance tender process referred to above, and aims to pull together an agreed grounds maintenance specification document to which the grounds maintenance contractors will be expected to adhere to. Details of the tendering process will be posted on the OVI website. (Action: Committee/PMC) Richard Burnett from PMC introduced himself and Brenda Troup. The Committee will work closely with Brenda who is the PMC liaison representative for the village. Richard echoed the 3% charge increase. He also touched on the tender process and advised it would be better to maintain the current services of Proserv through the summer months until the end of the growing season. Whoever is successful in the st tendering process, their duties would expect to realistically commence from c. 1 October 2013. Wider Development The Chairman touched on some information about the wider development, details of which will be included in the next Newsletter. (Action: Committee).

He confirmed that Malcolm Allan and Barratt now have planning permission to build more houses, however both are restricted to building 20 houses only each year. Latest date for the proposed school is now 2017. Although Barratt own the land between the village and the nearby retail park, there are no further details about the development of this area. Again the Committee plans to seek residents views on wider development issues through the Questionnaire referred to earlier on. Reponses to the Questionnaire will enable the Committee to understand the issues that are important to people, and also help support the Committee in canvassing for shared objectives. (Action: Committee) AOB Included on the list of actions for PMC and the Committee to follow-up are: Speak with the Council Road Department regarding road adoption, new one-way system at Birch Drive, speed bumps, grit bins, and raise again the dangerous Uryside drive entrance. (Action: Committee) Follow-up with Council regarding dog and litter bins. (Action: Committee) Investigate options for fencing off the electricity substation near the play-park and making safe the footbridge. (Action: Committee) The meeting ended at 2045 hours with the Chairman thanking Committee members, PMC and residents for attending and supporting the AGM.

Circulation of Minutes Committee, PMC and Osprey Village Inverurie (OVI) Website.

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