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SECTION A ( 30 MARKS ) Answer all questions.

1. What are the basic needs of plant ? A. Sunlight and water B. Sunlight and air C. Sunlight, water and air D. Sunlight, water, air and shelter 2. Diagram 1 shows four types of living things K,L,M and N.

Diagram 1 Which of the living things above are microorganisms? A. K and M only B. L only C. K, L and N only D. K and N only

3. Diagram 2 shows the result of an investigation.

Diagram 2 The observation shows that microorganism A. Breathes B. Reproduce C. Move D. Grows 4. Which of the following diseases are caused by microorganisms? I. II. IV Mumps Conjuntivitis Influenza

III. Headache

A. I and II only B. I, II and IV only C. I, II and III only D. I, II, III and IV only


Diagram 3 shows animal X and Y.

Diagram 3 What is the same characteristic between both animals? A. Take care of the young. B. Do not take care of the young. C. Give birth D. Lay eggs 6. Diagram 4 shows a hen sitting on its eggs.

Diagram 4 The diagram shows how an animal A. Ensures the survival of its enemies. B. Ensures the survival of its species. C. Ensures the survival of its eggs. D. Ensures the survival of its parents.


The following information lists the characteristics of a fruit. Edible Brightly coloured Fleshy Which of the following agents help the fruit to disperse it seeds? A. Wind B. Water C. Animals D. Explosive Mechanism


Which of the following seeds are correctly matched to its way of dispersal? Seeds A B C D Lalang Okra Mango Love grass Dispersal Method Wind Animal Explosive mechanism Water


All the following food chains are in correct order except A. Paddymousecat B. Leafgrasshopperfrogsnake C. Tigergrasselephant D. Leafcaterpillarbirdeagle


Diagram 5 shows a food web.

Diagram 5 How many food chains are there in the food web? A. 6 B. 7 11. C. 8 D. 9

Which of the following is not a source of energy? A. Wind B. Food C. Drycell D. Soil


In which of the following a dynamo can be found? A. C.




Which of the following symbols represent the component that is used to connect or break a circuit? A C


Which of the following are true about the series circuit? I . Each bulb has the same current. II. If one bulb is blown, the other bulbs will not light up. III. The dry cell will lose its energy faster. IV. If one bulb is blown, the other bulbs will still light up. A. B. C. D. I and II only II and III only I, II and IV only I, II, III and IV .


Which of the following can cause electrical accidents? A. B. C. D. Switching off the electrical appliances when not in use. Switching off the lights when replacing the bulbs. Switching on the switch with wet hands. Connecting one electrical cable to one power point.

16. Shadow is formed because A. light does not pass through opaque objects. B. light is bent by opaque objects. C. light is absorbed by an opaque object. D. light consists of various colours.

17. Diagram 5 shows a torch emit light through a small hole onto a piece of mirror.

Diagram 6 What can be concluded ? A. Light changes direction B. Light can be absorbed C. Light can be bent D. Light can be reflected


Diagram 7 In Diagram 7, the direction of the correct reflected ray is A. P B. Q C. R D. S

19. A beaker of hot water is left on the table as shown in Diagram 8.

Diagram 8 What will happen to the beaker of water? A. The water becomes cold B. The water becomes warm C. Ice cubes are produced in the beaker D. No changes occur

20. Diagram 9 shows a balloon which becomes bigger after the water in the container is being heated.

Diagram 9 What is the reason for the observation? A. The water expands. B. The container expands. C. The balloon expands. D. The air expands. 21. Diagram 10 shows part of a thermometer. Which of the following is the correct position of the eye for measuring temperature?

Diagram 10 A. P B.Q C. R

D. S


Which of the following is a solid? A. Carbon dioxide B. Mercury C. Smoke D. Ball


Diagram 11 shows a container filled with water.

Diagram 11 What can be concluded from the above investigation? A. Liquid has a fixed volume. B. Liquid does not have a fixed shape. C. Liquid cannot fill up space. D. Liquid has the same mass. 24. Which of the following process is correctly matched to the change in state of water? Process A B C D Melting Freezing Evaporation Condensation Change in state Gas Solid Liquid Gas Solid Gas Gas Liquid


25. Which of the following materials has the properties of an alkali? I Soap solution II Toothpaste III Shampoo IV Baking powder A. I and IV only B. II and III only C. I, III and IV only D. I, II, III and IV

26. The Earth rotates on its axis A. from east to west. B. from north to south. C. from west to east. D. from south to north 27.

Diagram 13 Diagram 13 shows a constellation named A. Scorpio B. Big Dipper C. Southern Cross D. Orion



P Diagram 14 What is the shape of the moon phase when the moon is at position

P in diagram 14


Which of the following affects the stability of a building? I Shape of the building II Colour of the building III The area of the base IV The height of the building A. I and II only B. III and IV only C. I, III and IV only D. I, II, III and IV


Which of the following shape is the most stable? A B C D


SECTION B ( 20 MARKS ) Answer all questions. 1. Table 1 shows the result of an investigation that was carried by a group of pupils to investigate an electric circuit. Number of bulb used Brightness of the bulbs 1 Very bright 2 Bright 3 Dim

a) What is the aim (purpose) of this investigation ? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (1 mark) b) In this investigation , state i) ii) What is changed : What is observed : ____________________________ ____________________________ (1 mark) c) State one relationship (hypothesis) for this investigation . _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (1 mark) d) Predict the type of electric circuit used in this investigation. _________________________________________________ (1 mark)

2. A Year 5 students study the properties of materials P, Q, and R by using litmus paper. The results are as shown in Table 2 below. Material Change in the colour of red litmus paper No change P Turns blue Q No change R a) What are the taste of materials : i) P :_______________________________________________ ii) Q :_______________________________________________ (2 marks) Turns red No change Change in the colour of blue litmus paper No change

b) Give one example of materials Q and R. i) Q: ________________________________________________ ii) R:_________________________________________________ (2 marks) c) What can be concluded from this investigation. _________________________________________________ (1 mark)

3. Husaini records the length of the shadow of a pole from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm. The bar chart below shows the result.

a) What is the aim (purpose) of this investigation ? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (1 mark) b) What is the pattern of change in the length of the shadow from 9.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m ? ________________________________________________ (1 mark) c) In this investigation , state iii) iv) What is measured :___________________________ (1 mark) d) State one inference based on the results obtained. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (1 mark)

What is kept the same : __________________________

4. Diagram below shows an investigation that is carried out by Kathir. Four cylinders of different height are placed on a table.

The table is slowly lifted up at one side and the time taken for the cylinders to fall down is recorded as below. Cylinders Time taken to fall (s) S 3 T 7 U 10 V 5

a) What is the aim (purpose) of this investigation ? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (1 mark) b) In this investigation , state the i) ii) Manipulated variable :___________________________ Responding variable : ____________________________ (1 mark) c) State the observation for this investigation . _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (1 mark)

5. In an investigation, three grasshoppers are put into each of two similar glass containers. The opening of glass container P is covered with a wire gauze. The opening of glass container Y is covered with a plastic lid as shown in the diagram below. Both containers are left for several days.
Wire gauze plastic

Glass jar leaves

a) The grasshopper in which container will die first ? _______________________________________________ ( 1 mark ) b) Give a reason for your answer in (a) . _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ( 1 mark ) c) What must be changed in this investigation ? _______________________________________________ ( 1 mark ) d) State the conclusion of this investigation . _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

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