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@ Washburn Univesrity
Sorority Recruitment Information

~ Alpha Delta ~ Delta Chi ~ Kappa Sigma ~ ~ Phi Delta Theta ~ Sigma Phi Epsilon~ The Washburn fraternity community is made up of five chapters that recruit new members 365 days a year. You have to be an enrolled Washburn student to become a member of one of our fraternities. Many of our chapters contact incoming students in the summer before your freshman year. Three of our mens fraternities have chapter facilities that you have the opportunity to move into at the beginning of your freshman year. Alpha Delta and Phi Delta Theta have live-in adults that support the men in their daily activities. All chapters have different financial obligations, so please contact Student Activities & Greek Life for more information.

Fraternity Recruitment Information

~ Alpha Phi ~ Delta Gamma ~ Kappa Alpha Theta ~ ~ Zeta Tau Alpha ~ The Washburn sorority community is made up of four chapters. All of our chapters participate in a formal recruitment process that occurs within three weeks into the fall semester. All students that are potentially interested in the sorority experience are encouraged to participate in the formal recruitment process. Registration begins in May at Three chapters have chapter facilities, but you must become a member before you are able to move to into a chapter house. All chapter facilities have a live-in adult that helps support the women in their daily activities. Each chapter has their own financial obligations. If you are interested in learning more about the financial requirements and the sorority community, please contact Student Activities & Greek Life for more information.

Student Activities & Greek Life 1700 SW College Ave. Topeka, KS 66621

Phone: (785) 670-1723 Fax: (785) 670 1045 Email:

Why go Greek at Washburn?

The Washburn fraternity and sorority community fosters the development of advanced leaders. Each Greek chapter is a selfgoverning organization that allows its members to hold leadership positions that support the positive growth within the chapter. The Washburn Greek community also challenges its members to become actively involved with faculty and staff, student organizations and clubs, athletics and internship opportunities. At Washburn, 85 percent of our Greek community is involved in an organization outside of their fraternity or sorority. The development of these leadership skills is an important part of your education that helps prepare you for a successful career and personal life.


The Greek community strongly supports the value of academics and the importance of a quality education. One of the primary goals of the fraternity and sorority community is to encourage and develop high academic achievement among its members. As a result the Washburn Greek community continually achieves higher than the all campus grade point average. Each chapter in our fraternity and sorority community supports the academic development of its members through peer turoring, study and academic programming and academic advising. Academic scholarships are also available through many of our chapters.

Community Service and Philanthropy:

This a value that is truly important to the Washburn Greek community. Each fraternity or sorority at Washburn focuses on a specific philanthropy and/or community service to support either locally or nationally. The time spent helping others in need through community work, fundraising, awareness, and education allows members to personaly grow as individuals and promotes the bond within a chpater and our community. the Washburn Greek community on average raises over $10,000 and completes over 6,000 hours annually.


The principal of brotherhood and sisterhood is the foundation upon which each fraternity and sorority is built. This loyalty and friendship can help make your transition to college life a little easier, more enjoyable, and certainly more fun. The Washburn fraternity and sorority community focuses on the idea of community by working together on many of the service projects, educational programming and recruitment. Not only will you build the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood witin your own chapter, but you will build bonds of friendship with the entire Washburn Greek community.


Together with leadership and academic development, participation in the Greek community helps create a network of mentors that will help you through your college years and professional career. Using the resources of the fraternity and sorority alumni, youll find support when you are looking for that new position or applying for graduate school.

Social Activities:

Within the Washburn fraternity and sorority community you will have opportunities to learn the importance of social skills that are needed to succeed in todays global world. Throughout the year a fraternity or sorority member may participate in many sponsored social events that emphasize community service, academics or just meeting new friends. The Greek community is also involved in major university events that are open to all students like the Washburn Lecture Series, Homecoming, athletic events, Greek Week and even events sponsored through each chapter such as backyard barbeques, Sonic runs, dances and spring formals.


Each fraternity and sorority has members who participate in a variety of the Washburn Athletci teams, as well as participation in the intramurals program through the SRWC. These sponsored activities support the value of wellness, encourages healthy competition, inspires team spirit, establishes extended friendships and is fun for all involved. See what the Washburn Greek community is doing and get involved at...

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