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The required role of personnel in the courts

Magistrates- magistrates court Listen to the evidence that is given and pick out the important parts. Decide on the case- after this then they would decide on whether they would be guilty or not and give out the correct sentence length Pass sentence (limited powers) If they find that the penalty is greater than their powers the case is then referred to the crown court Jury- Crown court Listen to the evidence produced in court Then decide if accused guilty or not beyond reasonable doubts Judges Criminal magistrates court e.g. district judge. Some role as magistrates (some powers) (Criminal) crown court Listen to evidence- pass as submersible Ensure legal rule are followed Advice to jury on terms of law Pass sentence if they jury final the accused sentence

(Civil cases)- Country court/ high court Listen to evidence/ argument Decide case in favour of one of the parties Justify his/her findings based on parts of law

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