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April 26, 2013 Objective: To learn how to calculate concentrations of products or reactants from the equilibrium constant and

concentrations given. (Sample problem B Page 506) Preclass: see sample A Page 504 Page 523 # 33 assume all components are aqueous or gas so they all go in the Keq expression. aA + bB cC + dD Keq = [C]c [D]d/ [A]a [B]b

April 29 Equilibrium review: Preclass: Page 523 # 31 Objective: To review problems involving calculation of Keq from concentrations of reactants or products.

Homework: Page 522 # 30, 31. 32.

Objective: To be able to solve problems involving Keq Pre class: 1. What is the formula for Keq in words 2. What is the symbol for concentration 3. What do the double arrows mean in a reaction? 4. What items are not written in an equilibrium calculation.

sample B Keq = 1.8 X 10 -5 at a temp of 25 C calculate [NH4+] when [NH3] = 6.82 X 10 -3 NH3 (aq) + H2O(l) NH4+ (aq) + OH-(aq) do not include any pure liquids in the keq formula Keq = [ Products] / [ reactants] keq = [NH4][OH-]/[NH3] since NH4 and OH are produced in the same numbers [NH4+]=[ OH -] so you can substitute x2 into the equation

1.8 X 10-5 = Keq = [NH4][OH-]/[NH3]= x2/ 6.82X10-3 x2 = (1.8 X 10-5)( 6.82X10-3 ) = 1.2 X10 -7 [NH4] = square root of 1.2 X10 -7 [NH4] = 3.5 X10-4 [OH-] = 3.5 X10-4

Like sample B try # 1, 2 page 506 and 511 # 5 Page 506 # 1

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