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MAy 2, 2013 Objective: To review finding concentrations when given Keq for reactions at equilibrium.

To learn how to calculate Ksp.

Pre class: Read page 507 about the solubility product constant. Answer these questions. 1. Why is the word insoluble an inexact term when applied to real solutions? 2. Describe the dynamic equilibrium that occurs in a saturated solution. 3. Why is the concentration of any undissolved substance not included in the equilibrium expression? 4. Why do Ksp values depend on temperature?

Pre class: Read page 507 about the solubility product constant. Answer these questions. 1. Why is the work insoluble an inexact term when applied to real solutions? 2. Describe the dynamic equilibrium that occurs in a saturated solution. 3. Why is the concentration of any undissolved substance not included in the equilibrium expression? 4. Why do Ksp values depend on temperature?

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