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Evolution History Comparison In order to verify the path the evolutionary structural optimization method implemented here follows

a comparison study will be carried out alongside an existing programme which utilises the same method. The comparison programme is called EvolveIt and the study will be carried out by looking at a standard problem that will be solved using both the implemented code and the existing programme and then comparing the evolution paths that the two take. Hopefully the implemented code method will follow the same path as the standard programme and therefore the authenticity of its results can be achieved. The standard problem that shall be solved is a short cantilever beam as shown below. The standard problem that shall be solved is a short cantilever beam, fully fixed at the left, with a point load at the bottom right hand corner. The beam shall have the dimensions 16m x 10m and shall be discretized into 48x30 elements (1440 in total). The point load shall be EvolveIt- 800mm x 500mm Box, discritized into 48x30 mesh, -10N load at the bottom right hand corner and fully fixed at the left hand side. Stop after 5% volume removed

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