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Soccer Academy of America, Inc.

1631 Whitcomb, Des Plaines, 60081. IL. USA Tel: 1-312-823-2166 & Fax: 1-208-575-5453

Dr. Victor Stanculescu Fondator

1. Fotbalul: Stiinta, Arta & Business 1. Dragoste P-tru Fotbalului 2. Credinta in Tine & God 3. Speranta de Maine

Victor@SoccerAcademy 3. Personalitatea Antrenori, Jucatori & Staff 1.Genetica 2.Profesionala 3.Sociala


2. Performanta in Football: Conceptul de Joc Conceptul de pregatire Conceptul de recuperare

Bulletin 435 - 05-01-2013



Do you really know WHO YOU ARE, AS FOOTBALL COACH? Lets find together, in another Coaches without Frontiers, professional dialogue!
Motto: From the Football Theory of Practice: 1st of May 2013
1. 2. 3. If you know to put a football team in the field and play, you can have a job in the local football clubs; If you know, why you are losing or winning, you can have a job on the national level of performance; But, if you know whats the Concept of performance: How to Play, Train and Recover, you can be a professional-coach, in any part of the world.

CHAPTER 1: Introduction: Whats the Football game for 21st Century?

1.1. FIFA becomes the 2nd United Nations in Football, with 208 National Associations Members 1.2. Football is a social-sport educational phenomenon, a new way of life for millions of people around the world; 1.3. Football it: 1.3.1. International in his Concept of Performance, 1.3.2. National-in his Form of Manifestations and 1.3.3. Individual-in Practical Implementation. 1.4. Football is 1.4.1. SCIENCE made by the coaches; 1.4. 2. Football is an ART- made by the super-stars football players and Football: 1.4.3. Is a BUSINESS made by the performances of Coaches + Players: National Teams & Clubs?

CHAPTER 2: Whats football for Professional Football Coaches without Frontiers?

2.1. We are an International Football Educational Forum, promoting The 3-D-World Football Concept of Performance: 2.1.1. How to play,


2.1.2 How to train to win and 2.1.3. How to recover to train and play to win. 2.2. We are promoting, the new 3-D-major factors of winning in performance football: 2.2.1. The New Football Coach Personality; 2.2.2. The Super-Stars-Football-Players & 2.3.3. New Concept of Football.

2.3. We are very much interested and involved in promoting the more gifted COACHES: 2.3.1. Mental Intelligence (IQ) and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) = together given to the gifted coaches SUPER-STAR PLAYERS, COACHES, REFEREES, MANAGERS/ADMINISTRATORS; 2.3.2. Physical Capacities: Anaerobes + Aerobe = given to the super PLAYERS, MIX FOOTBALL ENDURANCE, whats the performance factors; 2.3.3. Intelligence + Talent for football and Capacities = forming together the SUPERIOR PLAYING SUPERIOR FOOTBALL the INTELIGENCE OF GAMESKILLS AND STRATEGIES, solutions to achieve the international performances.

CHAPTER 3: What is the importance the subject for the author? 3.1. This year 2013 will be 60 years since 1953, when I was starting as Physical Education & Sport Institute, in Bucharest, for specialization in coaching football. 60years: 1. I was learning to know, to be a BETTER professional, knowing that the best life satisfactions are the professional knowledge and professional performances; 2. I was studying-to understand whats happened insight of the football phenomenon
performances; Why the coaches, players, teams are successfully? 3. I have a permanent professional curiosity to know-in time-what are the factors to win the supremacy in world football;

CHAPTER 4: Every 4 years, FIFA - World Cup, ESTABLISH THE New world order for the 208 National Football Associations: 4.1. The last 20 year, 5 world cups winners has been the LATIN FAMILY FOOTBALL: 1994: Brazil; 1998:
France; 2002-Again Brazil; 2006-Italy and 2010-Spain! Page

4.2. The differences between the LATIN and ANGLO-SAXON football Concepts, are simple:

- The Priorities of the LATIN FOOTBALL CONCEPT are: 1st Priority: Football- is SCIENCE- made by coach; 2ndPriority: Football is ART - made by the super-star-players skills and game strategies; and 3rd Priority Football is Business, as result of the first 2 categories. - The Priorities of the ANGLO-SAXON CONCEPT: 1stPriority: BUSINESS-under any circumstances; 2nd Priority: Players - Mental & Physical Power to fight and win, and 3rd Priority: The last factor is the Coach and his football game science!

CHAPTER Nr. 5: The international winner (The World Champions), has a better CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE: 5.1.They have a better PLAYING SYSTEM;
5.2. They are PREPARED better and 5.3. They are RECOVER faster & having a better management of energy.

Few important Scientific, Art & Strategies mutations in LATIN Performance Football Concept: 1.Playing in 3 zones of the field (Alternation of the effort being the main reason, why the LATINS ARE
PLAYING IN three zones of the field, being capable to use TIMING + PRESSING = with an exceptional management of energy/ better recovery during the game);

2. Playing with small groups of 2-3-4 with the same number in any part of the field, where the ball is

3. Using 3-Categories of Efforts: 3.1. Zone-active 1: 1-15/20m. distance from the ball); the game imposes maximum 100% effort, using
Anaerobe Alactacide and Lactacide-efforts);

Zone 2: 15/20-35/40 m distance from the ball) the game is asking 50-75% effort, according to the
direction of the ball in attack or/ad defense;

Zone 3: 35/40m. ( to the end of the field) the game is asking to the players from this zone, to use 25%
effort, being in fact the relaxation and recuperation time, for the next game zone 1 and 2, according to the ball director of attack or defense;



6.1. The preparation in PREDOMINENT INDIVIDUAL, according to the personality profile:

6.1.1. Qualities; 6.1.2. Weaknesses 6.1.3. Unprepared Qualities/Latent capacities;

6.2. The field of preparation is transformed in the LABORATORS:

6.1.1. Mental LAB 6.1.2. Physical LAB 6.1.3. Skills LAB 6.1.4. Group games combinations LAB 6.1.5. The OFFICIAL game Strategies LAB etc.. * Every Lab is leaded by very professional specialists; * The entire strategy of preparation is done according to the distance between the official games and other scientific, technical and strategic considerations;

CHAPTER Nr. 7: The CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE IS based on the RECOVERY AND MANAGEMENT OF EFFORT- Strategies: 7.1. The program of official games, are asking the entire strategic plan-program to be scientific made,
developed and implemented;

7.2. Every aspect is developed by specialists in the sciences of the football frontiers:
7.2.1. Nutrition; 7.2.2. Physiology; 7.2.3. Biochemistry; 7.2.4. Recovery programs and specialists; 7.2.5. Sport estate; 7.2.6. Health estate; 7.2.7. Social hobbies in the normal human being limits! 7.2.8. Special preparation for avoiding the injuries, etc

CHAPTER Nr. 8. COACHES, PLAYERS, TEAM STRUCTURE, are the NEW CHARACTERISTICS AND MUTATIONS OF THEIR PERSONALITIES VALUE: 8.1. There are three categories of staff, players, teams VALUE: 1-2-3 ;


8.1.1. Youth Football Coaches: 04-21 years old; 8.1.2. Club Football Coaches: 8.1.3. National Team Coaches for: Youth, Adults, Man & Woman, etc...


There is not yet specialization Programs for the National Teams Coaches;
We proposed to be taken into consideration by the FIFA, CONFEDERATIONS AND The National Football Association, this very important aspect of coaches professional Profile, Preparation and practical implementation their SPECIFIC COACHING JOB.

In this year we analyzed the best International football FIFA OFFICIAL competitions; We were interested to present to the COACHES WITHOUT FRONTIERS THE RESULTS: But, we were very interested What are de main differences between the international coaches, as well as the main national football systems of preparation, perfection, nationalization, internationalization for promotion, selection for various coaches jobs? How those coaches become super-stars? What are their PERSONALITY FACTORS? What can we help the coaches to know the entire VISION OF THE FOOTBALL COACHES PERSONALITIES? etc



Tacticians: World Soccer Top 9 Coaches of the Last Decade


(How many of those giants football coaches do you recognized? What are their main qualities? Please, make another professional exercise, and make a profile of the FOOTBALL GAMES YOU REMEMEBER WERE THOSE COACHES NATIONAL TEAMS OF CLUB TEAMS?

CHAPTER 10: We ANALIZED THE BEST FOOTBALL COACHES OF THE LAST 20 YEAR, OF THE NATIONAL TEAM winners of the world cup: 2010 20062002 1998 1994 World Cup: Spain; World Cup: Italy: World Cup: Brazil: World Cup: France NT: World Cup: Brazil:

The question for the professional coaches?

1. Can you remember the super-star coaches who were the World Cup for the last 5 World Cups? 2. Please, write down the coaches and this is the first cooperation in building your own PERSONALITY PROFILE as super-star coach. 3. Of course, you know them, and what we are suggesting you, to compose/create a separate GLOBAL PERSONALITIES PROFILE, another important professional training super-coaches! 4. Dont be disappointed! You are now, NOT IN THIS GROUP! But, Why not? After finishing this study, you will understand that there are not impossible, but there are mandatory conditions to become a super-star coach, as there are super-conditions to become super-star Players, or referees. 5. PLEASE, TAKE NOTE: There is not super-star PLAYER, without a super-star Coach. 6. But, ALSO, TAKE NOTE: Remember: THERE IS NOT A SUPER STAR COACH, WITHOUT SUPERSTARS PLAYERS AND WITHOUT A SUPER-CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE! 7. GOOD LUCK!

CHAPTER 11: IN THE SAME TIME, WE SELECTED FEW SUCCESSFUL FOOTBALL CLUB COACHES, making the global personality Club Coaches Profile:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Manchester Unites; Barcelona: Real Madrid: Manchester City: Chelsea: Bayer Munchen: Dortmund: 8. Juventus Torino: 9. You can go ahead selecting other coaches, as you want, need and can do it! We have to ask you to participate to our study, open lesson from the world of football. Please, try to COMPOSE A GLOBAL PERSONALITY PROFILE, from all those coaches/AND THEIR TEAMS


VALUE! This is another professional exercise, you identity the main qualities, you can identify with them! GOOD LUCK!

CHAPTER No. 12: THROUGH THE ACTUAL INTERNATIONAL FIFA - Laws of the game: most of the games are spoiled just because there are many difficulties: (the competitions are not won by the best football teams-clubs or national team, just because:
1. The referees are the only the amateurs in the world of professional football; 2. They are well prepared - BUT incapable to See, Judge, Evaluate properly/correct and Call in the right time! BECAUSE THE AMATERU REFEREES CONCEPT OF REFEREEING THE BIG GAME (FIFA Competitions) IS NOT POSSIBLE-SCIENTIFICALLY TO BE DONE! 3. On the other hand, FIFA is covering the Referees, anything happened in the field, during the game, is considering by FIFA TABOO correct (even if they are incorrect, and the result is remaining the official field result?) We presented the new proposal to be made for the next world cup, but? But they are many interests and still are difficult to change the LAWS OF THE GAME. 4. HERE THERE ARE ONLY FEW LAWS OF THE GAME TO BE IMPLEMENTED AND THE

4.1. The most important is to REPLAYING the strange game situations IN THE STADIUM TV; 4.2. To play 70 minutes-the effective playing time! 4.3. To substitute 18 players/game; 4.4. Violent fault 15-minutes out of the game without substitution for the red card! etc

The Association of Coaches without Frontiers, Professional Dialogue, has been and it is interested to fin the most significant football coaches profile , This is the result: Step 1: We composed a personality coaches profile in 10 major factors; Step 2: We established for each of the 10 main factors (using the 3-Dimensional Football System), another 3-important aspects: 10 X 3 = 30 factors, obtaining the 2nd Coaches Profile. Step 3: Finally, for each of the 30 aspects we get insight of each aspect, establishing another 3 characteristics, obtaining Profile Nr. 3 of the professional Coaches Profile, in 90 factors:

The practical Implementation:

In the first Profile, we incorporated all three in one (3in1): Profile 1= 10 factors, Profile 2 = 30 factors and Profile 3 = 90 factors of COACHES PERSONALITY PROFILE:

Enjoy and remember, nobody knows everything in life, or/and football life! We learn together from the game of the games, FOOTBALL!


TOTAL VISION: Coaches 3-in 1: Personality Profiles in 10, 30 & 90 Football Games Factors:
No. Cap: 1. 1.1. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.2.3. 1.3. 1.3.1. 1.3.2. 1.3.3. 10 MAIN PERSONALITY FOOTBALL COACHES PROFILE: In 3 Profiles: 1=10 factors; 2: 30 factors & 3: 90 factors. Football Coaches Personality expressed in 3-Dimensionals: Mark Observations

HEALTH: Mental, Physical & Football Game Skills: Mental Physical Football Game Skills EDUCATION: Pyramid of Education & Continuing Education First Education = From Parents Home; Second Education = School Education de la Scoala Third Education = Professional & Social Football Education PERSONALITY: Intelligence, Temperament & Character: Genetic Intelligence (IQ) vs. Emotional Intelligence (EI) = Star! Temperament vs. Attitude + Performance Motivation Character & Temperament Vs. Positive Attitude!

Cap: 2. 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.3. 2.3.1. 2.3.2. 2.3.3.

COACHS PERSONALITY = Genetic Code + Education + professionalization through Interdisciplinary of sciences. Scientific Preparation: MENTAL: Psychology, Sociology, Pedagogy; PHYSICAL: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Nutrition, SKILURI: Knowledge + Interdisciplinary = Creativity Art Skills and Creation of Games Strategies: Native skills Intelligence & individual games creativity! Emotional Intelligence + timing in creating game skills Game Skills value for Attack, Defense & Set Plays. Players Football Business Value: Age X Talent X Energy: National Performance Concept: Latin, Anglo-Saxon, Mix? Professional Health & International market Value? Professional Experience and Value for professional football.




3. 3.1. 3.1.1. 3.1.2. 3.1.3. 3.2. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 2.2.3. 3.3. 3.3.1. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. The 3-Dimnesional Primary Educations Value: Primary Education Value? High School Educational Value? High School Education Value? PROFESSIONAL COACHS SPECIFIC EDUCATION: College 1-2-3-4 years Physical Education, Management, etc. National Coaching Football School part time, or full time? Post-University Education: Master + Ph.D. + Other Schools? COACHS PROFESSIONAL PYRAMID SPECIALIZATION: Youth Coach: kids: 4-11; Juniors:12-16 & Youth 17-21 years Professional Club Coach - category: 3 -2 -1 (Professionals) National Team Coach: Juniors, Youth, Adults, Woman& Man

3-D-Youth Pyramid 3-Professional Class All categories of N.T.

Cap: 4. 4.1. 4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.1.3.


COACHES WITHOUT FRONTIERS SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM FOR PROFESSIONALIZATION: Compensation of the general Professional and General Culture and Performance professionalization Program. Leader Coach & Coach - Players partnership relationships a new intellectual creative principle of performance; Strategy of performance Program, outside the field and in the field The art of avoiding the conflicts; Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary & Motivation Program, Optimum creative solution for victory: Multi-Disciplinary: Psychology + Sociology + Pedagogy Interdisciplinary/factorial: Psychology + Physiology Psychology + Playing in attack using: Pass+ Dribbling+ Shooting + using skills for playing in defense: 1 vs. 1 challenges, Interception + tackling, as well as for playing the Set Plays. Changing attitude: 1. negative-in-positive; 2: Negative-inpositive; 3. Positive + Positive = in Winner! Program: national & international superprofessionalization: * The Concept of performance must be the CREATION: Science + Art-skills & Business=to get professional winning solutions: * Perfect interrelationship between: sciences + individual skills

This is a program for Continuing Education Super-coach value is a master of relationships Win-Win principle: fair judgment, talk & act!

4.2. 4.2.1. 4.2.2.


4.3. 4.3.1. 4.3.2.




= to compose Business Winning Strategies. * We are supporting a MIXTURE OF PERFORMANCE CONCEPT: 1. Anglo-Saxon + 2.Latin = for form 3: MIXT specific

Cap: 5. 5.1. 5.1.1. 5.1.2. 5.1.3. 5.2. 5.2.1. 5.2.2. 5.2.3.

WORLD CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE = A MIXT CREATION: Latin Creative Skills + Physical Capacities Anglo-Saxon! IMITATION = the way of life, accepting what good for us! PLAY IN 3 ZONES X 3 groups of 2-3 players X 3 efforts Main elements: Timing X Pressing X Effort alternation= perfect management of 3games/week, season(s) Playing mixt effort in 3 Zones X Mental support X Oxygen EVERYTHING we are doing = To Select Optimum Decision: Knowledge + Patterns + Timing + 3 zones + 3-4 players + 3 Efforts + Pressing/Timing and Mental Responsibility for ball Creativity is an intelligent concept, creating new solutions: using skills + fair play, small groups and pressing + timing! The Creativity is learning using the 3-D-System: by dividing any other skills, combination of game in three main parts. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IS THE POWER TO CONTROL your own Mental & Physical Stress by special Training: To know your own personality, qualities, weaknesses and latent unprepared qualities, the power of creation solutions. The Art of manipulation is done through a scientific CODE OF Communication between coach, the teams, and the world. Creativity is a need training to dominate the stress and to transform NEGATIV IN POSITIVE and POSITIV IN WINNER!

This is the wining world cup formula. Play by principles+ yours qualities! Learning 3D = system Important pro-tool-tip

5.3. 5.3.1.

5.3.2. 5.3.3.

To know and recognize & decide Train +Control The coach must do what need for team This is a mental faculty to be positive!

Cap: 6. 6.1. 6.1.1. 6.1.2. 6.1.3.

THE COACHES ARE THE ARHITECTS OF THE WINNING GAMES CONCEPT: HOW TO PLAY, TRAIN AND RECOVER. The World Cup Champion is the leader of the world for orientation of the world football for the next 4 years! National program for RE-EVOLUTION: done by all National Mater-Plan-Program=20-ani (5-World Cup new generations) National Program for NATIONAL REVOLUTION PROGRAM: done by every federation, in 4 years Plan for all competitions. National Program to be implemented by all coaches/teams: NATIONAL PERFORMANCE CONCEPT: for next world cup! EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMES FOR PREPARATION, PERFECTION, NATIONALIZATION & Internationalization:




6.2.1. 6.2.2. 6.2.3. 6.3. 6.3.1. 6.3.2. 6.3.3.

National Pyramid of Education: 3-D X 3 Period = 9 Steps. Professional Perfection=adjustment to champions concept Internationalization=passing over the perfections limits. THE ERFORMANCE IS DONE BY THE 3-D- TEAMWORK: TEAMWORK-1: Leadership, Management & Administration TEAMWORK-2: Technic/Artistic: Play, Train & Recovery; TEAMWORK-3: Scientific/Medical & Researchers!

Cap: 7. 7.1. 7.1.1. 7.1.2.

3-D-MAIN FACTORS TO PASS OVER THE LIMITES OF WORLD PERFORMANCES: Staff + Players + Factors; MODIFICATION OF THE GENETIC CODE: for COACHES, PLAYERS, STAFF, REFEREES, THROUGH SCIENTIFIC PROCESS. YOUTH MASTER COACH: Coaches to become specialists in 4 professions: Coaching, Management, Trainer & Referee. CLUB MASTER-PROFESSIONAL COACH: specialized in 6 professions: Coach + Psychology, Physiology, Fitness, Nutrition, Game Strategies. NATIONAL TEAMS COACHES: specialized in 6 ACTIVITIES: Selection +forming team; 1.Game Strategies; 2.Sport Estate; 3.Management of Energy; 4. Sport estate, 5. Manipulation, et PERFORMANCE CONCEPT MODIFICATIONS: PLAYING, TRAINING & RECOVERY/ADJUSTING TO THE 21st CENTRUY 4-11: DEPENDENT PERIOD OF PRE-PUBERTY: NATURAL
ADJUSTMENT to the life, school, and life and by playing football.

Our Program: Coach, Manager. Trainer & Referee Our Program: Using
Interdisciplinary of minimum 6 sciences


Our Program: Using The composition of 6 sciences of football

7.2. 7.2.1. 7.2.2. 7.2.3.

12-16: PROFESIONALIZATION period of INDEPENDENT adjusting to the life, MATURATION passing to the adult life. 16-21: INTERNATIONALIZATION period of POST-PUBERTYINTERDEPENDENT WITH international football requirements. MODIFICATION OF THE PRACTICAL FOOTBALL COD OF PERFORMANCES: TO BE OR NOT TO BE A PROFESSIONAL! PLAYING NEW SYSTEM: Play in 3 Zones X 3-4/Players/Zones X management of energy in 3/Zones of Effort! TRAINING NEW SYSTEM: Using Scientific LABS: 1. MENTAL 2. FITNESS; 3: Skills; 3 Game STRATEGIES + special STRATEGIES RECOVERY NEW System: 1. Nutrition+2.Sleep; 3.New training Compensation Profile; 4. Supplements + champions life, etc...

7.3. 7.3.1. 7.3.2. 7.3.3.





Cap: 8.

SOS-FIFA, Confederations & Federations: Football is changing through: Leaders, Coaches, Staff to made Players.

8.1.1. 8.1.2 8.1.3.

Becomes 2-a United Nations in Football! Superb idea! We need to balance the ANGLO-SAXONA vs. LATIN Concept, to adjust the concept to the World: coaches +players+ teams. Without Intellectual Educated Professional Coaches it will be very difficult to obtain world performances. Modernization of the CONFEDERATIONS & NATIONAL Football Federations, from all points of view: Balance between leadership and technical & scientific staff. FIFA: 3-D Education: national+ international + Colleges, etc. MAIN EDUCATION FACTOR FOR EVERYONE = WORLD CUP AND THE CHAMPIONS CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE! MOREN FOOTBALL COACHES SPEIALIZED IN SCIENCE OF FOOTBALL FRONTIERS + SPECIFIC TO THE GAMESTRATEGIES No coach without 2 stages of EDUCATION: 3-dimensional
General Education + 3-D-Professional Education + Competitions

And without the champions profile!

8.2. 8.2.1. 8.2.2. 8.2.3.

We start from Official

Game to team-value + age

8.3. 8.3.1. 8.3.2. 8.3.3.

Coach is Architect =
Genetic Cod + Education
Coach without sciences Can be good, but never ever very good or exceptional!

Science starts in football when using numbers /science! Research, study, observation, writing, verifying + performing. Review performance standards by cumulating: 1.GENETIC CODE, 2.EDUCATION CODE & 3.FOOTBALL CONCEPT CODE.

Cap: 9. 9.1. 9.1.1. 9.1.2. 9.1.3.

3-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEM = a new principle, method and program to make everything close to the sciences: WE HAVE FACTORS CONNECTED WITH THE COACHES PERSONALITY PROFILE (dependent personality factors): Coaches personality factors value; Professional Class: 1-2-3 The 3-D-Teamwork:Technical+Managerial+Scientific/medical The Super-stars and stars of the team and teams national and international performance value! ALSO THERE ARE INDEPENDENT FACTORS, WHICH ARE DIRECT & INDIRECT OPPONENTS BY THE COACHES: The Opponent teams coaches value (Performance Concept); The 3-TEAMWORK VALUE (and their specialists value); The 3-Dimenstional value of the team: Superstars + Stars+? UNEXPECTED GAMES FACTORS, WHICH ARE THE STATEGY OF STRATEGIES FOR ANY PROFESSIONAL COACH: Unexpected raining, wind, snow, before or during the game; Received a goal on the first 5 min. or last 5 min. to the end? Injuries, red cards, supporters throwing things in field, etc..? DEPENDEND Factors! All Factors Value

9.2. 9.2.1. 9.2.2. 9.2.3. 9.3. 9.3.1. 9.3.2. 9.3.3.

Opponents value



Cap: 10.

FOOTBALL IS BETWEEN: the 2 Centuries: 20 and 21-st, between

Concepts, Cultures, Traditions, and new Motivation generations.

10.1. EVERY COACH HAS A PERFORMANCE CONCEPT: 10.1.1. How the team is playing: There is not Playing systems as: 4-42, or/and 4-3-3. There are formations changing permanently.

But they are Principles, Strategies, etc

10.1.2. How the coach is preparing the team/players/games? How many LABS are using? How many specialists? Programs? Etc. 10.1.3. How the team is RECOVERY? Fabrication of the energy, storage, management of using for life, training and games. 10.2. HOW WE ARE MAKING THE NEW PLAYES FOR THE TEAM? 10.2.1. We maintaining the same team + few players SUPER-STARS? 10.2.2. We need to play in 3-Zones,3 Groups of 3-4 playersX3Efforts 10.2.3. Timing, Pressing and Oxygenation are the 3-D of the world cup winners! How do you want to use them? Yes-No? 10.3. THE TEAM IS PLAYING IN VARIOUSE GAME SITUATIONS: 10.3.1. How the team is playing when the score is: 0-0? 10.3.2. How the team is playing when the score is leaded by the opponent and we are in the second half & the time is flying? 10.3.3. How the team is playing when the score is 1-0, by own team? What are the strategy-of-strategies to use to win? TOTAL GENERAL POINTSFOR COACHS PERSONALITY FINAL NOTE: Implementation Profile:

The new science of energy management!

Stability is the key!

The 2010 World Cup Winner 3-D formula!

What are the strategies?

Mental + Game Strategies=come back Strategies to win mentally + strategies!

1. We started from the idea to discover the most important aspects of the COACHES SUCCESSFUL PERSONALITIES, CONCEPT AND IMPLEMENTATION in the official competitions; 2. We have already 3 profile: On 10, 30 and 90 factors; 3. This material can be used as THE 2nd TECHNICAL SCIENTIFIC & BUSINESS opinion; 3.1. The profile can be used as a professional EDUCATIONAL TOOL; 3.2. A practical guide for successful performance coaches; 3.3. Whats important for a professional coach to know, in order to plan-programing the Individual HOMEWORK CONTINUING EDUCATION FACTORS; 3.4. A professional Football Test for professional football coaches; 3.5. A 90-120 minutes professional examination test for professional coaches; 4. This is a model of COMPENSATORY PRINCIPLE OF CONTINUNG PREPARATION FOR THE PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL COACHES. 5. We want to suggest to anyone interested to compose HIS OWN Professional Personality Football Profile including the aspect of your professional FOOTBALL COACHING CONCEPT AND ASPECTE OF WORLD THEORY OF PRACTICE; 6. This exercise will convince you that you are a PROFESSIONAL and you need to solve the practical aspects in the Training Educational Simulator Laboratory, COMPOSED, DEVELOPED AND PERFECTED BY YOUSELF!



7. For any question, or sending us yours own composition professional profile, please, use the email address: 8. In the same time, please, keep following Dr. Victor Stanculescu PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL ELECTRONIC LIBRARY- free of charge! WITH THIS MATERIAL WE HAVE ONLY 31 PAPERS AND WE ARE CONTINUING INTENSIVELLY! 9. Thank you for cooperation!

Dr. Victor Stanculescu FIFA Instructor, Chicago: 27-04-2013



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