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Principal, Dr. Rhodes B. Matthews, Media Specialist M. Brown, MS Practicum Student April 2, 2013 Georgia DOE 2012 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric

As part of the course requirements for practicum students in Georgia Southerns Instructional Technology Program, the media center was evaluated utilizing the attached rubric. This memo summarizes the results and creates a strategy for future improvement. Areas that were assessed include student achievement and instruction, staffing, facilities and access, and administrative support. The rubric scale rates as basic, proficient, or exemplary. Category 1 Student Achievement and Instruction Within this category, there are six subcategories including information literacy, collaborative planning, active teaching, resources, student services, and student achievement. While the media center excels in student services, there is much room for improvement in assessing student achievement. Currently, teachers are responsible for assessing student achievement. The Georgia DOE recommends that media specialists take an active role in this process as well. Overall, the media center is proficient, but with a plan of action, could be exemplary. Category 2- Staffing In this category, the media center scores exemplary. Since we are considered fully staffed, as opposed to understaffed, we exceed state rules. We have two full time media specialists and a full time media clerk. Since staff is not shared with other areas, the media center is always available to assist students, teachers, and other staff. Category 3 Facilities, Access, and Resources In three of the six subcategories, the media center scored exemplary. The media center has a flexible schedule, which provides equal access for all students and teachers. Streaming media and interactive whiteboards are used within the school. The OPAC system, Destiny, automatically incorporates MARC records and keeps an updated collection inventory. In the remaining two subcategories, the media center ranked proficient. Though the media center is fairly large, there is not a special area for students with special needs.

Category 4 Administrative Support In the subcategories concerning SMCP (system media contact person) and library media committee, the media center only ranked as basic. While we have an SMCP, in order to receive an exemplary rating, there must be strong communication within the district. Media committees are in place, but lack regular evaluation of the media centers policy. Media policy and funding subcategories ranked as proficient because policies are implemented consistently and the budget exceeds the minimum state allocations. Category 5 Staff Development The media center ranks exemplary in this category because the media specialists continuously advance professional and technological skills. Workshops on implementing Common Core Standards, state/national conferences, and planned staff development activities all help achieve an exemplary rating. Plan of Action for Future Improvement In order to address any categories that rated basic, a plan of action can be implemented for improvement. Assessment of student achievement is one subcategory that can be improved. The media specialist will begin meeting with teachers to discuss student achievement. A channel of communication will remain open; teachers will regularly report achievement so that the media specialist can assist in analyzing data for suggestions in instructional design and motivational strategies. Also, the SMCP will create a network of communication with other media specialists across the district and establish various collaborative meetings. The media committee will begin planning and evaluating the media center program at least once every nine weeks. These improvements could move the ratings from basic to proficient, or even exemplary. Although the media center ranked proficient in the subcategory of square footage, it lacks a designated area for those students with special needs. By creating an area devoted specifically to students with disabilities or special needs, the rating will move from proficient to exemplary. In order to fully address the findings of this rubric, please consider a meeting with the media center staff. *Attached: Georgia DOE Rubric

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