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History 387: Modern Iraq Fall 2008 Outline 5: The Rashid Ali Coup (1940-1941) I.

The Coup: Brief Overview II. The Army in Politics (Review) A. The army interventions of 1935, 1937 1. Al-Ikha/Yasin al-Hashimi cabinet of March 1935 2. The Coup against Sidqi (August 1937) B. The officers of the Golden Square 1. The men: Salah ad-Din Sabbagh, Kamil Shabib, Mahmud Salman, and Fahmi Said 2. Their role: 3 Character and ideology Dr. S. Bakhash

6. Sabbagh as the undisputed leader

III. The Schools and Nationalist Ideology: Role of Sati al-Husri A. The Role of Sati al-Husri B. Militarism in the schools

III. The Palestine Issue A. The Arab Revolt B. The role of Mufti of Jerusalem in Iraq IV. Death of Ghazi and its consequences


German activities and propaganda

Outline 5: The Rashid Ali Coup --

VI. The Cabinet Crises and the War A. Nuri as prime minister 1. Nuris balancing policies 2. Relations with the Golden Square officers; his Palestine policy 3. Relations with the British: cooperation in British war effort B. VII. Resignation: reasons for (March 1940)

The Rashid Ali Government and the British

A. RA: Man and Cabinet 1. The Man. 2. Cabinet 3. Policy a. had been staunchly anti-treaty b. Now tried balance twixt Brits and GS officers c. Also shaped by course of war B. Course of the War and its impact C. Iraqi overtures to Germans/Italians 1. Secret negotiations twixt Shawkat, Germans and Italians 2. Some military supplies 3. But pro-Axis officers misread situation: a) Hitler preoccupied in Germany b) getting military supplies to Iraq very difficult D. Rashid Alis Government of national defense 1. Initial measures 2. Military confrontation with the British

Outline 5: The Rashid Ali Coup --

3. Flight of Rashid Ali, colleagues 4. Armistice

E. Consequences of the Second British Occuption 1. Return of the British: military occupation; control of the economy, education, bureaucracy; realignment of Iraqs foreign policy; control, purge and reorganization of the army 2. Reinstatement of pro-Brit ruling elite: king, Abd al-Ilah, Nuri 3. Amendment of the constitution 4. Political consequences: bitterness, alienation of government from MC, population 5. The impact of wartime economic conditions

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